Success: Beyond Wealth - Achieving Life Goals

Success is often defined as becoming rich and or famous,but if this were true there wouldn’t be many successful people. I think that success is crucially tied along with accomplishing goals, Therefore, I can reach success when I achieve my goals, I can reach success more than one time for, anything can be a goal. Goals can either be short term or long term goals. Once I reach a goal I will be successful. For example, one short term goal that I have recently set for myself is to save two hundred and fifty dollars to pay a traffic ticket.

My goal is to save the two hundred and fifty dollars by sometime next month because I want to pay it as soon as I can. From past experience I have learned not to procrastinate with government issuest My plan is to save half of my tip money ( I‘m a waitress) from this point until I have the two hundred and fifty dollars.

IfI have given the issue enough thought I should have the money no later than by the end of next month Once I achieve this goal, I will be successful, I also have long term goals. For example, one of my long term goals is to get a Bachelor of Art in Liberal Studies.

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This is a goal that will take much time to accomplish,but I will achieve this goal. My plan is to follow the CSULB curriculum guide which satisfies all of the required courses that I need to take in order to get my Bachelor ofAn in Liberal Studies. Unfortunately, I can’t say how long it is going to take me to achieve this goal because I don‘t know if I’ll pass every class that I take the first time that I take it. But as I go through school, Ican set each class as a goal so that I can pass the class the first time. Despite the time it will take me to get my Bachelor ann in Liberal Studies, once I reach this goal I will be successful. I have many other goals, for goals can be anything I want to accomplish I can setup a goal to achieve by the end of this day, month or year. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to meet a goal or how for away I set it, The key to success is simply to reach my goal.

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Success: Beyond Wealth - Achieving Life Goals. (2022, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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