Street That Runs Through Times Square

Why I believe horse-drawn carriages are unethical and outdated Good Afternoon class, my name is Kristofer Madu. Today, my sole purpose in talking to you today is to advocate for freedom. A few months ago I took a trip to New York City. I was enamored by the big, flashing lights in the big apple; the city that never sleeps. I remember I was taking a photo in Times Square when I heard it… “Clippity Cloppity Clippity Clop.” I turned around to the sight of a majestic steed, making its way through Broadway and Seventh St.

which runs through Times Square, right around where the ball drops every year. It trotted through the street, saddled and bound to a wagon of at least 600 pounds in weight inside the wagon sat a loudly inebriated couple, and at its front, a horse carriage driver with a whip in hand.

I rarely encounter horse-drawn carriages on the triangular route between my dorm, my classes, and Brody which occupies 99% of my life nowadays, but upon seeing this I thought to myself… “How is this still allowed?” Synthesizing a compelling argument drawn from PETA Kids’ “8 Reasons Why Horse-Drawn Carriages Are Just Plain Wrong.

” This talk will seek to prove the obsolescence and injustice associated with horse-drawn carriages on 3 primary grounds: The continuation of the Horse-drawn carriage tradition forces horses into environments for which they are not suited. Furthermore, these horses are also exposed to harsh pollutants for which their bodies are not suited lastly, the horses are exposed to extreme temperatures and dangerous conditions which can prove fatal environments horses are evolutionarily sensitive to loud, sudden, or unexpected noises.

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Doesn’t sound to me like a city street would be the best place for them. As per the official VPHS51 Horse Drawn Carriage Operator’s Training Manual drivers are cautioned that horses are naturally alarmed by Brightly colored traffic lines Manhole covers Potholes Motorcycles Ambulance and police sirens, barking dogs, and noisy crowds. In early 2014, two passengers in Dallas Texas were killed after being thrown off of a carriage by a horse who was spooked by a car horn. This example simply underscores an obvious danger associated with this obsolete and outdated tradition Pollution Humans are free. We are free to get up and go inside, leaving behind all the noise, pollution, toxic fumes et cetera associated with popular metropolitan areas. A horse in bondage does not have that same freedom plus, it is even more vulnerable than we are carriage horse is forced day in and day out to work long, 8-12 hour shifts, trodding paved roads in urban areas.

They are thus forced to work breathe in exhaust fumes for which their lungs are not suited, which can quickly lead to several potentially fatal equine respiratory issues, including but not limited to: EHV-1, EHV-5, and Reactive airway disease (heaves). Do we subject these animals to this risk for what gain? At what cost? This is not ethical this is not moral this is wrong extreme temperatures. For many carriage operators, carriage operation is their sole livelihood. For this reason, they adopt the mantra rain sleet or shine, we ride. This mantra, however, doesn’t quite give the horse pulling the carriage much choice in the matter. Every year, a number of horses die from being exposed to extreme temperatures and weather while pulling carriages. This includes freezing cold and sweltering heat to which a number have succumbed to equine heat stroke or equine shock can you pull 1000 pounds in 100 degrees? Feel free to let me know after this talk.

The Other Side Granted, there are two sides to every story. In my research on the topic, I also found multiple opposing viewpoints which argue for the continuation of the practice for two main reasons. Tradition: The Horse-Drawn Carriage has been prototypical of American culture for centuries. Why should we erase our history? Jobs: The erasure of the carriage industry will destroy thousands of jobs in the country, and create unemployment. I lambaste these viewpoints unequivocally, and I assert that these views are complete and utter logical fallacies. This is a logical fallacy called ad antiquated, which is ”a type of logical fallacy in which something is accepted as true or better because it’s the ‘way it’s always been done.’ In the horse-drawn carriage situation, I think it is time we look into ourselves and ask ourselves. As a nation, what do we value more: our ethics and our morality, or the money in our pockets? If every unethical practice this country has historically embraced was maintained because it created jobs, our country would look a lot different today. So ask yourself, what do you value.

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Street That Runs Through Times Square. (2023, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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