Story About the Disease With Radiation Synostosis

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My name is Daniel Sagrero. I was born with a rare arm condition called radioulnar synostosis and if someone saw someone inflicted with radioulnar synostosis, they probably wouldn’t think they play a mean game of volleyball, a game predicated on using your hands, palms and wrists. But I feel I’ve bucked that notion. I was born with radioulnar synostosis in both of my arms-bilateral, which occurs when the radius and ulna bones in the forearm shift before they fuse at the wrist.

The end result is limited use of your arm, particularly in the rotating and range of movement, for me I’m unable to turn my arms palm face up. Imagine playing volleyball with limited arm rotation, it’s not easy at first. But that hasn’t stopped me; I was diagnosed with radioulnar synostosis when I was four. I was already playing soccer by then, but soccer wasn’t enjoyable to me. So, when middle school came around I picked up volleyball in P.

E. Where I thrived more than I ever did in soccer. I play for United Club Volleyball, where I’m on the 14s team.

I’m a Libero(defensive specialist) so instead of spending my time at or above the net making big swings or bracing for a block, I can usually be found in the back row, sprawled out on the court throwing my body around with reckless abandon. I’m a dig and bump artist my coach says, keeping points alive while trying to set up the setter.

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I’m the the kid with the black and blue knees, always diving around making miracle saves. And, amazingly, I do it with limited use of both of my arms. I’ve perfected a way to position both wrists so I can make a clean pass at the ball, either setting up a teammate or getting the ball over the net. It has been something I’ve had to accept over the years, but I don’t let it stop me from doing the things I love. I’m all about the hustle plays, going after every ball, even if I don’t think I’m going to get it. Making the hustle plays creates a lot more opportunities than someone would think. Without the pass you can’t have the set, and without the set you can’t have the hit. So often, that starts with me making a key dig on a tricky serve, or a bump on a wicked spike. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge and how much it makes me work harder to be the best I can be.

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Story About the Disease With Radiation Synostosis. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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