Seema Kapoor View on Love Inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou Speech

In “Best Kind of Love Is the Love That Sets You Free,” by SeemaKapoor, she writes about her feeling after she watched a video of Dr.Maya Angelou speech. Dr. Angelo described her views on love and the thread it creates between people as they connect to something bigger than themselves. And it changed Author views on love. She writes about her understanding of love in a wrong way, and how true loves can connect people to each other naturally. She finds out in order to have a true love we should love ourselves, and then find someone to love us, in the way that we are.

Love is the foundation, the connecting and the common denominator that frees us, allows us to think about what brings us together naturally rather than what keeps us uncomfortably stuck. We have to love someone that makes us feel that we know him or her for a long time, and feel comfortable, and be our self with them.

Also, the first step to love someone is to love our self.

According to the article, love is something that holds people together despite their instincts to let go. The author says that, it is not the glue that holds a mother to her rebellious daughter or a husbandconnection to his wife. It’s not a magic potion that when ingested creates heart-shaped eyeball and racing pulses, that is lust and an ever fleeting feeling that can change as often as the season. To love someone is an experience that allows all parties involved to feel a sense of “I am home”.

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To have someone to hold their hand to their chest, breathe a sigh of relief and feel like they have just entered a safe place that was built to accept and sigh of relief and feel like they have just entered a safe place that was built to accept and the sounds of their favorite music is what we think love is. And it isn’t glamorous or something that tangible, its felt, likes a comfortable, old chair that’s been there all along, waiting for use to notice.

On the flip side, we have the ego, which wants to capture, hold and lock. When we are with someone and we feel like we are losing them, the ego jumps in to try to ‘save’ the situation, spare our heart the ache and urges us to hold on for dear life. Our knuckles turn white, our knees start to buckle, we are filled with desperation and feel like if we do certain things or turn into another person, we will somehow keep something that is clearly not meant for us.

To fight for something we believe in is different from this egotistical and self-harming behavior. Fighting a battle is painful and not easy but we fight because it frees us to do so, to pick up the sword and fight against a lower version of ourselves and come out the other side stronger and in a better place is a war worth fighting. But hanging on to someone or something because we have lost ourselves and are hoping that other thing can bring back our definition is a battle already lost no matter how tight our grip.

The author used pathos, ethos and logos to describe what she thinks love means. She describe her pathos; the emotional or motivational appeals, by crying and feel bad for herself and it was show in this part of article “Today, I’ve taken the day of to not go out or do anything except myself. Nourish the person I’ve neglected for so long, give myself the attention and love that I have been hungry for thus far”. Also, she describes logos and supporting her article in this sentence, “Love is the foundation, the connection and the common denominator that frees us, allows us to think about what brings us together naturally rather than what keeps us uncomfortably stuck. However, her ethos was clear how she convinces the reads on this part of article “I start to reconstruct what love is and what it needs to feel like and I finally make the choice to free myself”.

Some people believe, the best kind of love is the one you find while soul searching; the kind that takes time to be discovered and nurtured properly. It’s the kind of love that fuels you day in and out, but is still just right. It’s the kind that makes you love yourself more each day. It’s the kind of love that, Seem Kapor, the author of article feels right, after she watched Dr.Anegelo speech and changed her mind about love.

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Seema Kapoor View on Love Inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou Speech. (2023, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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