Rhino Populations Decimated by Poaching and Human Activity.

Topics: PoachingRhino


According to Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (1997) rhinos were once found throughout Africa but as a result of human activities including poaching and hunting, populations across Africa have plummeted to the brink of extinction. A great concern arises for rhinos dying due to unsafe ways to poach their horns instead of using a safe manner. This essay will illustrate how rhino poaching can be curbed in a cost-benefit approach and using synthetic horns as an alternative. This will be argued by preventing unsafe ways to poach rhino horns by curbing rhino poaching.

Curbing Rhino Poaching

The fast growth of rhino poaching grew to an increase in unlawful demand and black-market value for rhino horns especially in the south east Asia, Vietnam and China.

According to (Ferreira, S. et al:2014) five ways was incorporated on how to curb rhino poaching:

  1. Direct disincentives to poaching through increased local law enforcement (the status quo): this approach lowers the obtainability of rhino poaching by strong anti-poaching programmes causing poaches to feel deject and to bring the risk in of being detained.

  2. Increased international awareness (demand reduction): lower the petition for rhino horns and to bring about a reduction in supply causing rhino horns to decrease in value and the decease in the motivation to poach.
  3. Provision of live rhinos to consumer states to breed for horn: allows rhinos to be globally traded, causing a larger and certain supply of horns and the value to decrease, bringing discouragement to poach. It also brings doubt to the accomplishment of management goals.

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  4. Restricted trade in rhino horn: guides the storing of rhino horns. Brings restricted positive influences in the global demand-supply and restricts the value of rhino horns and poaching to decrease.
  5. Unrestricted trade in rhino horn: Gives access to international trade in rhino poaching and brings all factors of rhino horns in the market. This hoping for the value of horns to decrease and to prevent poaching.

Synthetic Horns

According to Michael t’ Sas-Rolfes (2016: 38-45) synthetic horns is known to be indistinguishable from the rhinos’ real horn, to the point where it contains infused rhino DNA. Theoretically, there are two strategies which one may use the synthetic horn: it can be a good substitute product which can be sold willingly to customers or it could be unknowingly presented in an unlawful supply network to interrupt the existing market. With the introduction of the synthetic horns into the market one could possibly shift the need for the genuine rhino horns because the costs to produce it is less. A benefit of the sales of synthetic horns might expose information of the request made in the market, which could cause interferences in the future. A shortcoming of this matter is that it fails to report any miscarried financial needs of the rhino landowners, except if they support rhino maintenance and contribute a reasonable share.

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Rhino Populations Decimated by Poaching and Human Activity.. (2022, Mar 08). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/rhino-poaching/

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