Religion Table: Zoroastrianism, Judaism


Founder, Key Figures, Historical Development, Cosmogony, Myths

Zarathustra is a significant sacred symbol in current Iran and neighboring regions. Zarathustra’s philosophies established the basis of a religious society now called Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism largely overshadowed Persia ’til the mid-7th century CE.

In the religion called Zoroastrianism, it is believed that there is one God. Zoroaster is not worshipped, however in his philosophies a person can be closer to God. A person should trail the route of reality and virtue.

Ahura Mazda is known as, the Word of Wisdom. Zoroastrianism is thought to be started by a prophet named Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism was held to be created sometime about 3500 years ago.

In Judaism, it is believed that God was first discovered when he showed himself to a Hebrew man named Abraham. Abraham later became celebrated as the creator of Judaism. In Judaism, it is believed that God created a distinct pledge with Abraham. In the pledge, it is believed and said that his children were chosen individuals who would make an abundant nation-state.

In Judaism, it is understood that the north is the home of all malevolent spirits. It is said that when God created the world, he stopped before he got to the farthest north corner. The farthest north corner is known to hold demons, tremors, and evil spirits.

Basic Beliefs:

God, Afterlife, Humanity, Evil, scripture/sacred writings, authority, other unique beliefs or points of view.

In Zoroastrianism, it is alleged that God is revered as the highest of all.

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Zoroastrians imagine that all God made is clean and must be observed with adoration and esteem. Zoroastrians believe that nature should be respected and preserved. Zoroastrians are strongly against pollution of the air, land, and water. Zoroastrians are known to be the first pro-environmental religion.

In the religion Zoroastrianism, it is said that Ahura Mazda has a rival called Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu is the creator of mortality and all that is wicked on the earth. Ahura Mazda, is in Heaven, while Angra Mainyu lives in the pits of Hell. When someone dies it is held that they go to either Heaven or Hell. This varies on their actions during their life.

In Judaism, it is understood that there is one God. Jews believe that God created the world. It is believed that every single person can have a personal, one-on-one relationship with God.

Jews also believe that God works daily and affects the things that people do regularly.

In Judaism, followers believe in life after death. It is believed that there is a world that people go to when they pass away. The is an underworld named Sheol. Heaven is not known to be a gated community, it is open. Moral people, faithful people, all have a place in heaven. It is held that a person’s actions, during their life, affect where they go when they die. In Judaism, there is no hell.


Annual Festivals, Regular Meetings, Rites of Passage, Ethical Codes, Expectations of Individual Piety.

Zoroastrians are known to be jubilant and full of celebrations. Celebrations are a vital part of Zoroastrian beliefs. Celebrations are tied and interconnected with the seasons in this religion. Some celebrations have evolved and become a part of Islamic Iranian culture.

Noruz, the Iranian New Year, was a Zoroastrian celebration that became part of Islamic Iranian culture. The calendar is divided into twelve months and every day of the month is named after Ahura Mazda.

In Judaism, Rosh Hashanah is called the Jewish New Year. Jewish people believe that God decides what will happen in the following year. The services for this celebration emphasize God’s supremacy. This is additionally God’s timeframe for judgment. Jewish people believe that God equalizes a person’s good actions from the previous year in contradiction to their bad deeds. This is an opportunity for him to decide their destiny appropriately. In the first ten days of Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Days of Awe, Jewish people are expected to repent for their sins. Jewish people have until Yom Kippur to repent.

On Yom Kippur, it is believed that God will make his final choice on who will live, decease, flourish, and not be successful during the following year. At this time, God closes his decisions in a book called the Book of Life.

Sacred Spaces: Geographical Locations, Special Places, Typical worship locations.

Zoroastrians believe that basic elements are clean and that fire signifies God’s knowledge. Zoroastrians put less importance on ceremonial adoration, in its place centering on the ethics of ‘Good Words, Good Thoughts, and Good Deeds’.

Zoroastrian followers can decide if they want to pray and how they want to pray. Zoroastrians usually will pray numerous times a day. During prayer, some will wear something called a kusti. A kusti is a cord that has three knots in it, it is meant to be a reminder of the saying, ‘Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds’.

Common worship is placed around regular season festivals. In a ceremony known as Navjote, a child is first accepted into the Zoroastrian community.

It is thought that Jewish people are to pray three times daily. First in the morning, then in the afternoon, and lastly in the evening. A prayer book, known as the siddur, has special services set down for this. It is thought that praying regularly allows an individual to improve their relationship with God.

It is thought that the more that you pray, the better you get. In Judaism, there are three diverse kinds of prayer, and Jewish individuals utilize all of the types. The three various devotional prayers are with the themes of thanksgiving, praise, and that ask for items. Jewish people believe that God will help a person when they pray.


  1. Molloy, M. (2018). Experiencing the World’s Religions. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
  2. Baines, Wesley. ‘8 Fascinating Jewish Myths.’ Beliefnet. Beliefnet, Inc. And/or Its Licensors, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2019.
  3. ‘Religion: Judaism.’ BBC. BBC, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2019.
  4. ‘Religion: Zoroastrianism.’ BBC. BBC, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2019.

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