Publication Islamic Philosophy of Education.

The philosophy of Islamic education is driving at the ethics and perceptions basic education in Islam, it is scrutinizing and evaluating, reviewing and decomposing of the present educational frame and endeavors to create new thoughts continuously. The Islamic education aims is to reform human life. This Islamic thought of life is based on an important notion as individual, society and the world. According to Hassan Langgulung (1979), the center of Islamic Philosophy are the believe in Allah, the believe in God’s devotees, the believe in divine revelation that had been gave to the prophets, the believe that human has a strength within the growth of ethics and religiousness, the believe is that everyone accountable for his deed, the belief in next world.

Based on these sides, a steadiness and complete individual is able to be shaped over the gratitude towards Islamic Philosophy of Education.


Every elements of Islamic Philosophy of Education are completely concentrated, as this philosophy strains towards the correlation of knowledge, belief and practice.

Based how philosophy was defining from the characteristic of philosophy, the realm of philosophy is deeply looking towards the fact, value, knowledge and God. For instance, the aspect of cleanliness is very important in Islam. Many people give their point of view concerning to the element that cleanness has been stress in Islam, as it is closely related to Muslim belief as well as human wellness. . This is similar with the principle of realism that believe the medium of knowledge has a worth of truth if it is able to be practiced within the daily life of human.

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By looking at metaphysic, the believe of Islam focus on the sides between human, human and with environment; and human and God. Islamic philosophy of education helps us to know Allah and the way we should behave in each of the relation. Example, based on the moralities that backing the opinions Islamic towards nature. Natures are not for human, it belong to Allah. We are prohibited to abuse the sources of nature since nature has been made by Allah to strengthen our life. From this believe we can understand that philosophy of education stress on the relation between man and his nature.


Axiology can be defined as a behavior that comprise of complete manners in human life. The aims of education are to advance the strength of human’s intellect, physical, emotion and spiritual toward the level of faultlessness. The application of value has being concentrated by Islamic Philosophy of education, which the side of ethics and moral cannot be separated from education and the thought of Islamic. It is similar with the branches of axiology that believe education is the dominion that deliver with values. The respected characteristic of human can be found presence of two inclinations, which is the center on worldly concerns and the sense of selfishness, and also the conflict between right and wrong.

However, both factors can be vetoed if people believe on Allah, by following His command and stay away from He forbidden. If we do about what the aspect that has been emphasized by the Islamic Philosophy of Education such as make the Prophet Muhammad as the role model in their life, the universal peacefulness will be able to be achieved. This values has been applied in the Islamic Education in order to be accomplished by each individual and awarded from generation to generation, and creating the strength society in leading this world as khalifah. The system of moral and manner in Islam relates with the system of belief, religious worship, muamalat, and others. It has the connection with the purpose of the creation of nature.

The Islamic Philosophy of Education and Holistic Learning Holistic is one of the characteristic of philosophy which means inclusiveness and completeness. This term is significant in education as it consist of the part of intellect, emotion, spiritual, and physical. Islam not limits the followers from learning the other fields of education. The enlightenment concerning the holistic philosophy of Islamic education becomes extensive. Moreover, the education in Islam came the effort to grow the active individual, which is individual that understand on his creation, status, trustworthiness, and his responsibility as the slave of Allah; has the asset of thoughtful, vision and able to look something in the right perspective; conscious and delicate towards every deed, as you will be judged, until every choices are made based on right and implemented through the right path.


The Islamic Philosophy of Education is a holistic medium of education, which contain the comprehensive parts of knowledge. Based on the Holistic Philosophy, human is said as the part of nature. The notion of solidity which comprises the facets of emotion, spiritual, intuition and imagination of individual is also center in the Islamic Philosophy of Education. As of the piece of curriculum, the subject of Islamic Education that has been useful from the Islamic Philosophy of Education is comprehensive and integrative. The variety of aspects are taught through this subject, including the process of practical in order to let the learner to think and solve each trouble based on Quran.

Thus, through the enactment of Islamic Philosophy of Education indoors the kingdom of education, the holistic and comprehensive learning from each part of life is able to be accomplished. The teaching of Islamic Education as the method to implement in the Islamic Philosophy of Education. This philosophy has stress on the awareness that each part is alongside interrelated. Implement Islamic Philosophy of Education among the students become the effective way as it able to produce a balanced individual in term of their physical, emotion, spiritual, and intellect. As a result, it would be very important for Muslims to see the sights further the nature of higher human abilities and recommend ways in which they can be awaked and nurtured in a genuinely Islamic educational process.


  1. Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilal. The Evolution of Fiqh. Riyidh: INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC, 2006.
  2. Team, Islamic Research. The Four Juristic Schools. 2017.

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