Person Who Cannot Choose, He Is Not Free

Topics: Choices

The ruling political powers in Syria since the Independence Day in 1947 deprived Syrian women the most basic rights and privileges. In the year 2011, the Syrian uprising was considered a major changing point in their history as it took a few steps forward towards Syrian women’s independence. Huge changes in living conditions, demands, roles, ruling powers, and policies started to take place then and are still affecting the Syrian women’s lives in light of the ongoing struggle of gender roles in Syria.

In article 16(1) mentions that from now on there should be equal right in the marriage and if there is a divorce then equal shared custody of the kid, “mandating equal rights and responsibilities during marriage and upon its dissolution with regard to guardianship” (2 Habib). `However, these women are nowhere close to being independent because men in Syria have legal power over women as reflected in different types of human rights violations against women. It still states in Article 15(4), “regarding freedom of movement and choice of residence” (2 Habib).

Women in Syria by law, are physically unable to do the same things men do every day in their society.

Men can travel without approval and adult men are free to contract their own marriages. men are given jobs outside the home since it is the women’s job to be a housewife so traditional women do not get educated as many years as men. Syrian women are not independent because they have restraints and limits that will not let them make individual choices for themselves.

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Independence means freedom from restraints that limit individual decisions and a person who is unable to make individual decisions cannot be free.

Edna Pontellier from the feminist movement novel the Awakening written by Kate Chopin is an independent character. Enda is independent because the 19th-century views of women and general social conventions that oppose her in the novel do not stop her from making her own choices. Despite the dependence that Edna feels forced to have with her community, she realizes her independence to freely make unconventional choices. Mrs. Pontellier chooses to be late to luncheons which frustrate Madame Lebrun “She will be late to luncheon again. She never starts to get ready for luncheon until the very last minute” (Chopin 22). Edna’s behavior is not considered acceptable to most members of the Creole society, and yet she has the liberty to defy these social norms.

Edna did not host for the women she was supposed to see one day when she arrives back home after vacation. She was out and they left their cards which shocked Mr. Pontellier. He replied, “I’m not making any fuss over it. But it’s just such seeming trifles that we’ve got to take seriously” (Chopin 51). Mrs. Pontellier did not take hosting gatherings with friends seriously. This was an independent choice that she made that although frowned upon, could not impact Mrs. Pontellier’s freedom. Edna indulges in her love of art, even though mothers are supposed to in 19th century Creole society dedicate their lives solely to their husband and children. When Edna pays a visit to Mademoiselle Reisz and says she is becoming an artist, she replies; “Ah! An artist! You have pretensions, madame” (Chopin 63). Edna choosing to be an artist demonstrates to the individualism of the choices she is making for herself. Edna is self-identifying herself as an artist. Edna Pontellier is an independent character because independence means freedom from restraints that limit individual decisions.

In contrast to the ruling political powers in Syria that oppressed women and resulted in no independence. Edna Pontellier is independent because she has the ability to make her own choices. The restraints that Mr. Pontellier tries to enforce for Mrs. Pontellier’s marriage oppose her awakening but do not stop her from making her own choices which is the essence of her independence. Women in Syria since the Independence Day in 1947 deprived Syrian women the most basic rights and privileges. These women are nowhere close to being independent because men in Syria have the legal power to control women’s choices. Edna Pontellier makes choices like taking a walk while her husband is out.

Women in Syria have to be accompanied by a man to go out. Enda chooses to visit Mademoiselle Reisz without telling her husband. Syrian women must tell their husband and have to approve of visiting friends. Enda has the ability to learn by spending the day reading educational novels. In traditional Syrian homes, women do not have a choice in their education. Even in their free time, they must do what the husband tells them to do. “Even if the women and the man work the same amount of hours every day, the women are required to do all the housework” (4 Habib). It still states in Article 15(4), “regarding freedom of movement and choice of residence” (2 Habib). Women in Syria by law, are physically unable to do the same things men do every day in their society. Men can travel without approval and adult men are free to contract their own marriages. men are given jobs outside the home since it is the women’s job to be a housewife so traditional women do not get educated as many years as men.

Syrian women are not independent because they have restraints and limits that will not let them make individual choices for themselves. Independence means freedom from restraints that limit individual decisions and a person who is unable to make individual decisions cannot be free.

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Person Who Cannot Choose, He Is Not Free. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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