Viscosity Of Water Lab Report

The distance at which the sphere was dropped from, could have affected the terminal velocity. By doing a reverse engineering calculation using the equation given in the lab sheet for Castro oil (0. 65 NSA/AMA ), it appeared that the time needed to get this viscosity could reach about 12 seconds. This was quite impossible in our experiment to be obtained. Accordingly, one possible justification for this problem could have been the liquid unknown type, which we assumed to be Castro.

Essay Example on Virtual Lab Report

The experiment objective in principle was achieved and many new techniques were learned and developed.

Finished completely. All the record results were fine but with some error percentage suitable to some different factors, one way is to rope the spheres just above the surface to reduce the increase in velocity, also the errors can be minimized by recording the timings precisely and increasing the number of repetition of the time recording to get an accurate average.

Even though doing these methods to reduce the error percentage there will still be some minor errors.

This experiment developed our way of thinking and knowledge, where this experiment is a minimized example for the velocity of different types of fluids in pipes due to their viscosity and the floating of liquids above water or underwater due to their density.


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Viscosity Of Water Lab Report. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

Viscosity Of Water Lab Report
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