The Scarlet Ibis Symbolism Essay

Topics: Books

Hurst wrote a short story with contrast of a character’s soul and body. In his story, the character Doodle was born with a sort of disability. These disabilities greatly inhibited and prevented his ability to lead a normal childhood. His brother always wanted a brother to bond and share the Joys of childhood with. In a blind quest, Doodle’s brother “trained” Doodle to overcome his disability by teaching him to walk and take part In typical boyhood activities.

Essay Example on Scarlet Ibis Symbolism

Yet with al of this emphasis on Doodle’s physical self, Hurst sneaks In a hidden plethora of emphasis on Doodle’s Inner character through Doodle’s Lies and stories, Old Woman Swamp, and Doodle’s name.

Doodle’s lies and stones are filled with his Inner soul. One of his Lies Includes people that?instead of walking?fly, and a giant peacock that loves and takes care of a boy. Hurst uses this symbolism to show Doodle’s wish to be loved and to walk Like his fellow brother.

His stories were those of a dreamer who no longer wants to be bound by restrictions imposed on him involuntarily.

His stories were those of a dreamer. He dreams of a life where he, married to his mother, and his brother, married to their father, could live in Old Woman Swamp. All would live a life of joy and happiness together. These stories represent his version of a perfect life, where no one is suffering or restricted physically or in spirit, unlike his own.

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James Hurst uses Old Woman Swamp as a place of acceptance and of love. Here Doodle and his brother spend time improving Doodle’s basic skills, without being judged or influenced by the rest of the world.

Here Doodle learned to walk, to row, to ox, and to be a normal kid. In Old Woman Swamp, other people never judge or tell Doodle what he can or can’t do. Here he can enjoy his childhood without the constant teasing and barriers set up by other people. Childlike innocence would follow Doodle everywhere in the water as Doodle swims, or in the trees as Doodle climbs them. An innocence that knew no bound that, unlike Doodle physically, could shatter any barrier. That innocence was inside of Doodle, fueling his soul, fueling the passion of being able to be a normal boy.

If only for a moment, Doodle was normal whenever he .NET to Old Woman Swamp. Doodle’s brother gave Doodle his demeaning name. No one expected much from this boy, as no one expects much from a doodle. No one thought that Doodle would get out of bed, but he did; no one thought that Doodle would walk, yet he did that, too. Doodle set out to disprove every prejudice he encountered, to break the theories of his Imprisonment, to show the world that he was still human. On the Inside Doodle has the capacity to do anything. If he sets his heart to It, he will prevail.

What his brother didn’t know was that when he named his newly born brother Doodle, he loud be giving him of the greatest gifts In life: ambition. As a result, James Hurst uses Doodle’s Lies and stories, Old Woman Swamp, and Doodle’s real name to define his true Inner character. These three elements define his soul: the beauty of it and the stark contrast with the horrible reality that makes up his life. His inner spirit wants to be free, to no longer be defined or enclosed. El longs Tort a perfect Tie winner ten ones en loves live together In maroon, where no one is bound by restrictions, and finally Joy and happiness reign supreme.

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