Example on Thesis On Flexible Working Hours

Topics: Economics

Flexible working hours for employees or “flextime” is the special organization of the employee’s working day where he chooses the convenient hours for his work and does not have to spend the whole day at work. Nowadays flex-time is the most adequate policy of the developed companies, because if the employee does not have the freedom of choice and he is deprived of the initiative decisions, he will not receive the job satisfaction and will probably quit from his workplace.

It is obvious that the company’s success depends on the employee’s industriousness and it is natural that every employee is productive in different hours of the day, so the employee has the right to choose the convenient working hours which would bring as much profit to the company as possible.

Another reason which should persuade employers practice the policy of flex-time is the fact that employees can have other duties and activities behind work, for example, education, health problems, family problems, etc.

There are moments in everybody’s life, which require missing a day or two of the job. Of course, not every profession is able to provide the employee with flexible time, because various institutions, like the police, fire brigades, the system of health care, official state occupation, clerks, etc have to spend the whole day at work without the right of choosing the convenient terms of work. Other occupations, related with the informal activity often provide their employees with flexible schedule of work: shop-assistants, servants, cooks, designers, teachers, etc.

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The issue on flexible working hours for employees is quite important and controversial, because on the one hand such a schedule enables people to work in the convenient hours, but on the other hand, there is a risk of the lack of the organization and reduction of the quality of work. With the help of the research proposal the student is able to suggest his own point of view about flexible working hours convincing the professor in the seriousness and urgency of the chosen topic. It is wise to select and apply the best methods of the research and demonstrate to the professor the student’s maturity and soberness and the ability to collect reliable information in the up-to-date sources.

The student is able to succeed in the process of writing and complete a worthy text if he uses a free example research proposal on flexible working hours for employees analyzed and designed by the experienced writer. The young professional has the chance to catch the reasonable manner of writing and the skills of the logical organization of the text with the help of a free sample research proposal on flexible working hours for employees found online.

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Example on Thesis On Flexible Working Hours. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-research-proposal-on-flexible-working-hours-for-employees/

Example on Thesis On Flexible Working Hours
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