Mozart and the Transformation of Opera Buffa

How did Mozart transform the genre of opera buffa? Opera buffa, or comic opera, arose as a musical genre in Eighteenth-century Italy. There is debate over whether opera buffa was derived directly from the interval entertainment between acts of Opera Seria, known as intermezzi, or whether it is an entirely individual genre that arose around the same time.1 What is clear is that opera seria, serious opera, was in desperate need of reformation as it was no longer providing the impetus to entertain its audiences.

While soprano and tenor singers dominated opera seria, opera buffa exploited a full range of voices resulting in well-balanced ensembles.

Although musically and dramatically simple in nature, these ensembles drove the plot forwards in an alternative fashion to traditional recitative. Another distinctive convention of opera buffa is the ‘Buffo’ bass: a comic character, usually working or middle class but with pretensions, characterised by solid coloratura or patter-writing. The Finale also differs from that of an opera seria; replacing recitatives with a chain of arias and ensembles.

The result is a continuation of music which is exploited to great effect by Mozart.  Mozart and the Transformation of Opera Buffa Mozart and the Transformation of Opera Buffa Mozart and the Transformation of.

Opera Buffa When considering how Mozart transformed the genre of opera buffa, it is important to look at trends developing in other forms of Eighteenth-century theatre. While Mozart seems to draw away from operatic convention, we can draw parallels between his opera buffe and spoken comedy: Lessing, Diderot and Goldoni were realising that dramatic problems could be solved by a more accurate reflection of reality.

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As a passionate theatre goer, Mozart would have known the works of these playwrights and been exposed to a humbler theatre, nothing like Italian comic opera of the time.3 It comes as no surprise then, that Mozart distinguishes himself from fellow composers of opera buffe through his sophisticated portrayal of the complex human character. With an ability that is almos…

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Mozart and the Transformation of Opera Buffa. (2019, Oct 09). Retrieved from

Mozart and the Transformation of Opera Buffa
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