I Have A Dream Speech Analysis

Martin Luther King Jr., a most prominent 20th century civil-rights activist in America, in his speech “I have a Dream” (1963) argues for the treatment of Negroes and the rights from which they have been excluded. He supports his argument by calling America out on their betrayal, then assuring that this is not a statement made to be ignored, and finally by illustrating a new world of hope for future generations. King’s purpose is to inspire his audience so that they stand up for the black man and fight with him so equal rights will be given to all people.

The author writes in a factual but motivating tone for any citizens who have not fully considered the prospect of equality.

Essay Example on I Have A Dream Speech Analysis

The author’s diction clearly highlights the inequality and mistreatment of blacks in society. “One hundred years later, the Negro still [not being] free” came as motivation to write his speech, and he points out that, although some may think that “the Negro needed to blow off steam,” they will not back down from the matter, but instead “still have a dream” which they will hold on to.

He draws from experience of constant condescending looks towards him throughout his life, knowing how much of a problem the idea of inequality had become within America. King aims to cease racism in America by illustrating people’s constant evasion of the idea of equality. As many tried to ignore his ideas, he assures them that those hearing his speech will not “wallow in the valley of despair, but instead go home “knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

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” King instills many ideas and images of all people on even footing, with judgment coming only from one’s character. He talks of a great change all across America, and new meaning to words of freedom. His speech creates a spark of hope for equality in the United States of America, which, over the next decade, will work to provide equal rights to all people.

The author’s detail easi…

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I Have A Dream Speech Analysis. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-i-have-a-dream-speech-analysis/

I Have A Dream Speech Analysis
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