I believe that homecomings is growing constantly to this day, it’s a teeter learning environment for some kids, and it pays off in the long run considering the costs. Homecomings has become better liked in America since it became legal in all states in 1993. An estimated 2. 04 million k-12 children are home educated in the United States, which is a 75% increase since 1993. Experts are predicting a huge increase in that percentage within the next 5-10 years. According to the Nation Home Education Research Institute, “about three-quarters of home-educated students who are now adults raising their own children are opting to home school” (Dry.

Crane 2013). The 75% of home-educated adults who are now homecomings their children have been very successful in life. Reasons for choosing home education include: strengthening family ties, providing more time for children’s interests and developing individualized curriculum and pursuing a home education as well. Some people would disagree that parents are not always qualified to teach all subjects, that the curriculum of homecomings is not as rich as public schooling.

However, if that were true, why is it that students schooled at home receive higher scores on the ACT than those students schooled at public school?

Not only that, Dry. Stuart Crane, founder of the National Home Education Research Institute, states that “homelessness are an unbelievable seven years ahead of public school children in reasoning skills” (Dry. Stuart Crane 2013). A study shows that home-educated students scored 30-37 percentile points higher than public school students on Standardized Achievement Tests.

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Also, homelessness earn more college credits compared to public school students. Public school students earn an average of 6 college credits, while hemlocks students earn on average 14. College credits. When it comes to enclosing I always wondered if kids who were homesteaded received better grades than kids who attended a public school. There was a new case study on whether homesteaded kids outshines public school kids on the topic of Math and Reading. According to The Blaze, “The study, which examined the test scores of 74 students ages 5-10, found that kids educated in structured home school environments actually outperformed their public school counterparts in math and reading” (Northeastern 2011).

Why Homeschooling Is Good Essay

This surprised me but however also, enlightened me to see that homecomings has an obvious beneficial outcome. You would think that students who are homesteaded would not have the real deal when it comes to a having a teacher. Homesteaded students are able to learn Just as much as kids who attend public school. According to Teens Health, “parents who home school tend to have higher levels of education than parents who do not. They already have a grasp of numerous subjects and the skills to educate themselves about teaching their kids. Even though parents who decide to hemlocks may not have all of the schooling that teachers have, they either decide to go to college to enroll in education courses r, public schools may give the parents the curriculum that is needed. The cost of college tuition seems to be rising every year. With that being said, no matter what your income is everyone needs to be saving up to send their children off to college. If you have ever thought about how much money you spend on school lunches you’d be shocked. By starting out with more than double the college credits you’re already ahead.

College is very expensive and going to school with a good handful of credits will make your college experience cheaper. By going to college with credits, you’re eliminating the cost of each credit. Not only does post-secondary education cost a ton, but also so does primary and secondary education. If you’re thinking to yourself that you send your kids to school for free, you’re wrong. Think about all you spend to send your child to school. You want to send your kids to school appropriately and attractively, however, there is less pressure to buy the latest fashion when in homecomings.

Not only are there clothes but there’s: school supplies, lunch money, field trips, school dances, prom, etc. Some think that homecomings costs more considering the fact that they’re spending money on schoolbooks and programs to pep their children academically up-to-date. However, the money they would normally be spending on school clothes is going towards their education. When I graduate college and decide to start a life I will reconsider the fact of sending my children to public school. It seems that many benefits come out of homecomings so why not try it?

If I had the choice as a kid to be not cooped up in a classroom for thirteen years of my life, I would most definitely choose the other option of being able to spend more time outside because of being homesteaded. I believe that homecomings is the right choice because it’s constantly growing, it’s a better earning environment for kids, and it pays off in the long run considering the costs. Children, who are homesteaded, are protected from distractions, and their questions are answered to the full potential.

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Homeschooling Research. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-homeschooling-research-paper/

Homeschooling Research
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