Hearts In Atlantis Book Review

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Essay on “Hearts in Atlantis”

I was ready for that, “Hearts in Atlantis” will be a little similar to what I used to read in the King. Plenty of warning about this was to me until a courier from the online store was carrying in my direction a little volume paperback. Good readers wrote about it in the net.

Dear friends live warned. Even the sign was me. Even in the abstract on the cover as it is written, that’s really where the miracle of miracles.

And anyway, what I read, I was very, very surprised. Surprisingly, that of the five stories, only one, the first, written in a more or less familiar and familiar manner typical of King mysticism, implicated directly in everyday reality. And then, more on the level of hints, vague instructions, and it seemed to me, as a metaphor for children’s “meeting with a miracle”, however, the worst manifestation of this miracle.

But the other four parts of the novel, overlapping with the first and between them the main characters and spanning more than forty years of their lives – the crystal-realism, the real to hurt one’s imagination, to crunch knocked the bat joints to sound flip-flop on the card table, to the smell of blood, Vietnam and the US, which in an almost realistic novel about people caught Vietnamese slaughter, can not be.

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Hearts In Atlantis Review

Yes, but not a “Vietnam syndrome,” the novel, no matter how beaten out this issue to the fore, as King would not have stuck out in front of us the horrors of war and the nightmare of its consequences for the participants. In fact, “Hearts in Atlantis.” – on the other

«Heart is very strong. Most often, they do not break. Most often they are only slightly prominayutsya “- says one of the characters of the novel. And this novel actually – about the dents on the heart. The fact that both are imprinted in them in childhood, adolescence, and then makes itself felt aching, inescapable nostalgia and light sadness over what was spent on the bottom of the memory a long time ago, which actually lives and szhivaetsya everyone growing up and becoming an adult. And write about it in the King received so well that it is necessary to read.

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Hearts In Atlantis Book Review. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-hearts-in-atlantis-book-review/

Hearts In Atlantis Book Review
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