Greasy Lake Analysis

Topics: Books

Scaly In the first paragraph of the story the narrator describes what is means to be bad, does his voice through out the story suggest he thinks of himself as a bad guy how does the narrators description of events support or refute his idea of himself as a bad guy? Three teenagers that perceived themselves as being the bad characters Every teenage boy thinks they are as bad as the next one, doing rebellious things to boost up there confidence and uphold their images.

In the short story Greasy Lake, T.

Shortchanges Bayle talks about three teenagers that perceived themselves as being the bad characters. The narrator appears to be the ultimate rebel upon first glimpse describing his appearance, actions, and attitude as someone trying to be more than they really are, but by the end of the story the narrator has changed his bad boy image to more wholesome realizing there not as bad as they thought they were.

In the story the narrator describes what the meaning of what bad Is but throughout the Tory the voice and description of him being a bad guy changes.

The first change of the narrators voice was when he realized he had mistaken another car which he thought was a his friends car ends up fighting a man and almost raping a girl you can tell he was scared but being the bad guy he Is he had to do ha the had to do The second change of the narrators voice was when he found a dead body In the lake The third change of his voice was when he ran Into two girls who were trying to party and he turned them down.

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