Deming And Juran Spirala Jurana

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Juran and Deming W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran pursued their efforts and devoted their lives to helping organizations improve the quality of their products and services. Their impact is now worldwide and their accomplishments eminent. Deming and Juran’s amazing lives paralleled each other in many ways. As youths, both experienced hard times. However, they both overcame their humble beginnings, graduated from college, and embarked on their careers.

Both Juran and Deming started off by working at Western Electric’s Hawthorne plant in Chicago, where they were influenced by the work of Walter Shewhart, a pioneer in statistical method.

When World War II began, both men were active in the federal government’s wartime efforts. Employing his mathematician and statistician skills, Deming joined the Census Bureau and taught statistical methods to engineers and managers. Juran made marks by helping redesign critical supply processes in the Lend-Lease Administration.

After the war, Deming and Juran’s work attained worldwide recognition, and both received an invitation to work in Japan from the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers.

Deming taught Japanese engineers and top management statistical methods and how to view production as a system that included suppliers and consumers. Juran delivered lectures in Japan about managing for quality. The teachings of Deming and Juran were greatly appreciated by the Japanese: both men were presented medals by the Emperor of Japan as high awards for their assistance.

Back on the home front, these pioneers’ careers continued on parallel courses. Both developed well-received videotapes.

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Both founded institutes to help others continue to learn from their work. W. Edwards Deming, at 91, he continues to teach and consult Deming holds a Ph. D. in physics, but is a statistician by experience. He is an best known for leading Japanese businesses on the course that has made them leaders in quality and productivity throughout the world. In recognition of Deming, the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers established the Deming Prize.

Joseph Juran has worked devotedly to establish his own institute, which provides education, training, and consulting in how to manage for quality. Juran holds degrees in electrical engineering and law. He is also well known in Japan for his contributions to the practice of total quality control. Deming does not define quality in a single phrase. He asserts that the customer can only define the quality of any product or service. Juran defines quality as fitness for use. He stresses a balance between product features and products free from deficiencies.

Juran’s definition of quality reflects his strong orientation to meeting customer’s expectations. Deming considers that being within specifications is just the first step to continuous process improvement. He advocates reducing process variation on a continuing basis to improve quality. Deming also opposes the use of numerical goals and quotas to manage work. Deming takes a systems and leadership approach to quality. Concepts associated with his approach include: A. The System of Profound Knowledge B. The Plan–Do–Check–Act Cycle C. “Prevention by Process Improvement”

D. The Chain Reaction for Quality Improvement E. Common Cause and Special Cause Variation F. The 14 Points; and G. The Deadly and Dreadful Diseases. Juran addresses quality–related goals and company–wide objectives, but more important to him is the deployment of goals throughout the organization. Strategic goals need to be deployed to all divisions and sections of the organization, and more specific goals need to be deployed to people so that they know what to do. Juran proposes a strategic and structured approach to achieve quality including: A.

The Spiral of Progress in Quality B. The Breakthrough Sequence C. The Project–by–Project Approach D. The Juran Trilogy, and E. The principle of the Vital Few and Trivial Many. The two experts distinguish clearly between internal and external customers, and all support the practice of involving the suppliers in the quality effort. It is impossible to achieve quality when products or services provided by suppliers are inferior. These approaches also require the use of measurement and problem–solving techniques, but the emphasis on their use varies.

Juran explained that measurement has to focus on the cost of quality. They use the reduction in cost as an indicator to meet customer requirements. Deming put more weight to the unknown costs (e. g. Impact from loosing a customer). He explained that measuring and meeting customer needs and expectations are major to implementing quality improvements. He emphasis more on quantitative methods and statistical methods rather than did his counterparts. Juran thought that Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ) is the sum of all costs that would disappear if there were no quality problems.

Quality improvement does not come free. On the other hand Deming expressed that companies should look at the total cost of product or service provided by others , and not just the purchase price. Accepting the lowest bid does not guarantee the lowest total cost. Deming focused on product improvement and service conformance by reducing uncertainty and manufacturing processes however Juran focused on frequency as a controlling factor : Plan , Do , Study , Act . If we observe Juran’s and Deming’s philosophy in suppliers roles .

Deming favors the practice of working with a single supplier, where feasible, to reduce variability of incoming materials. To maintain long–term contracts, suppliers will be more likely to improve their own processes to provide better products or services. Juran recognize some of the advantages of single suppliers, but they take a more conservative view and simply advocate reducing the number of suppliers. Crosby and Juran consider it important to have different suppliers for the same product when the product is a critical one. The difference lies mainly in perspective.

Deming’s perspective is customer-driven, Juran’s is more engineering-driven. In the end we can say that Deming was a philosopher who desired to provide a new way to view the world. Juran was a practitioner who desired to teach people better management practices. Because of their different approaches, Deming’s work tends to appeal to theoretical-minded individuals, whereas Juran’s tends to appeal to the practical-minded.

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Deming And Juran Spirala Jurana
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