Haagen Dazs Case Study

Topics: Company

Haagen-Dazs has been successful for over half of the century. What are the sources for these successes is always challenging marketers of Haagen-Dazs itself and the competitors as well. Preparing good marketing strategies is always the policy craved deeply into marketers teams. Having an overview of the current market situation of ice cream industry and Haagen-Dazs profile will provide some new insights for the future development of the company.

Along with that, market segmentation, target, and positioning determined by Haagen-Dazs are worth dwelling deeply into.

Before getting any further steps, considering carefully the external and internal factors that influence the operating of Haagen-Dazs is necessary in coming up with impressive tactics. Succeed or failure in creating values for customers in order to capture back values in return depends mostly on the marketing mix that Haagen-Dazs employing into its strategies. Product, price, place, and promotion strategies are all helping Haagen-Dazs differentiating with other competitors.

Maintaining the uniqueness of its business is directly relating to the survival of Haagen-Dazs in a competitively strained market.

Thus, looking into its weaknesses and threats to find out new ways of doing things is critical than ever. Haagen-Dazs needs to target more segments, changing its marketing programs to fit with the new segments will never be redundant. It should also think of gaining control over those loopholes threatening its reputation and ethically consolidating its commitment to customers as a back wall for new launching.

II. CURRENT MARKET SITUATION 1. INDUSTRY Global sales of ice cream reached 13 billion liters in 2002, an increase of 3% over the previous year.

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This was a significant improvement over 2001, when sales expanded by 1. 8%. This trend continues extending to the future. Growth has been driven by rising levels of disposable income, which allowed consumers to purchase non-essential foods on a more frequent basis. Demand for ice cream is also becoming less seasonal, with the product increasingly serving as a snack throughout the year.

Continued product innovation was also critical in boosting demand, underpinned by increased levels of advertising expenditure from the major international players. As the result, more and more companies try to get into the ice cream competitions around the world. Recently, Unilever announced its ever ambitious investment in ice cream category. Unilever today unveiled plans to shake up the ice cream market and strengthen its global leadership by boosting its US$ 6. 6 billion global ice cream business.

One of the biggest changes in ice cream industry that challenges most of the companies is the change in consumer buying behavior. Bulk ice cream used to dominate the market with 70% share, while the rest are frozen novelties. Today, the share has been reversed to 30% and 70%, in favor of frozen novelties. However, this trend seems to be favorable by some ice cream franchising companies that inherently dominate in offering frozen novelties such as Baskin Robbins-31 Flavors. Despite these changes, ice cream has still been considered as a lucrative industry. Sales and revenues grow increasingly years over years.

The competition in winning the market share becomes one of the most important strategies for both existing companies and new comers. 2. COMPETITOR AND MARKET SHARE There is no doubt that Haagen-Dazs’ biggest competitor is Ben & Jerry’s. These two companies are very similar but yet also very different. Both of them had control the global super-premium ice cream market. They had about 42% of the market, with the remaining 15% being divided up between a numbers of smaller firms that compete on either a local or national basis. How Haagen-Dazs compete with their competitor?

In general, Haagen-Dazs are trying to create and add more values to their products offered to consumers. They clearly state that their brand stand for premium ice cream which is thicker, creamier and pricier than their competitor. At the meantime, they introduce their new product with a major advertising effort. On the other hand, Baskin Robbins is also a challenge to Haagen-Dazs. In reality, Baskin Robbins does not compete directly with Haagen-Dazs because Baskin Robbins mainly targets at different market as well as manufactures premium ice cream, not super premium ice cream.

However, with strong marketing strategies, Baskin Robbins may distract the affluent young adult market Haagen-Dazs pursuing. Many adults, especially adults with children, are increasingly attracted by what Baskin Robbins is following. Based on 2002 statistic, Baskin Robbins alone took over 45% of U. S market for premium ice cream. Similar to Baskin Robbins, Dreyers is claiming up in the market share for premium ice cream, and threatening Haagen-Dazs by distorting the affluent adult market.

Dreyers strongly believes that Ice Cream with half the fat and a third fewer calories than full-fat premium it offering would take the ice cream world by storm. III. COMPANY PROFILE In 1920s, Reuben Mattus, a young entrepreneur with a passion for quality and a vision for creating the finest ice cream, worked in his mother’s ice cream business selling fruit ice and ice cream pops from a horse drawn wagon in the bustling streets of the Bronx, New York. To produce the finest ice cream available, he insisted on using only the finest, purest ingredients.

The family business grew and prospered throughout the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, and by 1961 Mr. Mattus decided to form a new company dedicated to his ice cream vision. He called his new brand Haagen-Dazs, to convey an aura of the old-world traditions and craftsmanship to which he remained dedicated. The Haagen-Dazs brand spread rapidly during this period. By 1973, Haagen-Dazs products were enjoyed by discerning customers throughout the United States. Then in 1976, Mr. Mattus’ daughter Doris opened the first Haagen-Dazs shop.

It was an immediate success, and its popularity led to a rapid expansion of Haagen-Dazs shops across the country. In 1983 Mr. Mattus agreed to sell Haagen-Dazs to The Pillsbury Company, which remained committed to the tradition of superior quality and innovation on which Haagen-Dazs was founded. Since then, it has become a global phenomenon, available in 54 countries. Ice Cream lovers the world over now recognize the unique Haagen-Dazs logo as synonymous with the ultimate super-premium ice cream. In 1989, Pillsbury became a member brand under the control of General Mills Co, Ltd.

The missions and visions of Haagen-Dazs have still remained with it until now. Haagen-Dazs was also recorded as the first to introduce the world to ice cream bars for a grown up palate, with the introduction of the Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar line in 1986. Other super premium innovations followed, with Frozen Yogurt in 1991, Sorbet in 1993, and the Italian inspired Haagen-Dazs Gelato line in 2000. In 2005, Haagen-Dazs franchised its license to Nestle group to sell Haagen-Dazs ice cream in North America. However, the market outside of North America still maintain with Pillsbury. 1. MISSION

The philosophy of Haagen-Dazs is “to find the purest and finest ingredients and craft them into the best ice cream, sorbet, and frozen yogurt. Haagen-Dazs mission is to provide every customer with high quality dessert eating experience. ” 2. SEGMENTATION Haagen-Dazs based on three main segmentations to target their market. These segments consist of demographic, socio-cultural and psychographic. First, we look at demographic segmentation. Haagen-Dazs splits the market into groups based on income. They focus on consumers who have higher income to spend on luxuries such as their super-premium ice cream.

They also separate the market based on age and aimed on the adults. Even though they do not segregate flavors by gender, they do tend to give marks for romantic and sensuous image of ice cream. Besides, they highlight the indulgence and pleasure related to sex. The second one is the socio-cultural segmentation. Different cultures and nationalities have different needs, especially in foods. European people have preferences in alcohol drinking; Japanese people are famous for their tea arts. On the other hand, Islamic countries are negatively sensitive with luscious images while Westerners express their enthusiastic for romantic.

Observing carefully the socio-cultural can really give Haagen-Dazs a good tool in catching their target markets. The third one would be the psychographic segmentation. In psychographic segmentation, Haagen-Dazs divide buyers into group based on lifestyle and have their eyes on those buyers who take pleasure in the lavishness and indulgence linked with the brand. Haagen-Dazs had established an ambience behind its cafes which uses furniture that is comfortable and in deep shades of browns, burgundy and red to add a feeling of insulate and familiarity. 3. TARGET

Decide not to completely follow these segmentations; Haagen-Dazs has narrowed down its business to carter to two main target markets. The first segment is affluent, pleasure seeking adults who are generally brand conscious, innovators and trend followers. Second is the market of health conscious, young adults who are interested in desserts but prefer natural ingredients and low fat substitutes. By identifying only two target segments and focusing on a small but profitable segment of the market, Haagen-Dazs is practicing a niche market strategy. 4. POSITIONING

Haagen-Dazs positioning is mostly based on its product and service differentiations. They uphold their high quality and luxurious ice cream by using special selected ingredient. They also ensured that fresh cream is used for a rich creamy flavor and there is no excess air. While most of other companies test their product quality only within their manufacturing processes, Haagen-Dazs seriously bring it a step further to ensure that quality tests take place at every stage of production by visiting and testing ingredients suppliers, checking manufacturing processes and equipment daily, tasting ice cream in-store.

There is clearly strong evidence to its product quality and that value will be perceived later as a testified commitment in the market. In addition, Haagen-Dazs associates its brand with luxurious tastes by using best ingredients from around the world and ensuring fresh cream is used for a rich creamy flavor, fresh skimmed milk for body and texture and fresh egg yolk for delicate flavors. As a matter of high quality product differentiation, they advertise that their ice cream is ALL ICE CREAM. Haagen-Dazs positioning is also based on image differentiation.

This company use deep maroon & gold logo to provide strong brand recognition and image differentiation. This logo is communicated through advertising that conveys their brand’s personality which is various exotic flavors. Combining with the ambience of each Haagen-Dazs cafe shops, it is brought to the most exclusive status ice cream company in world. VI. SWOT ANALYSIS Marketing strategy plays an important role in the survival of a company. Coming up with a smart marketing strategy seems to be a vital point that push up the competitive advantage of the company in that market.

However, the microenvironment and macroenvironment factors are always putting their influences into the decision making process of marketers. Not to be an exception, Haagen-Dazs’ marketing processes are often impacted by these factors. Before dwell into the marketing mix of Haagen-Dazs, we are going to evaluate those factors that most probably affect this company’s marketing strategy by SWOT analysis. 1. STRENGTHS Developed brand with an attached history of perfection and luxury The idea of Haagen-Dazs dates back to the early 1920’s and was founded by Reuben Mattus.

It was a family business before it was sold to the Pillsbury Company in 1983. Haagen-Dazs is one of the largest international brands and it started off with only three flavors: vanilla, chocolate and coffee, and up to date its product list with more than 63 new flavors nowadays. Holding a strong brand name, Haagen-Dazs has been building a special image in the consumers’ mind. Every time, talking about Haagen-Dazs, consumers easily relate to the super premium, artful and lustful ice creams that most probably only Haagen-Dazs is taking dominance over other competitors.

In fact, Haagen-Dazs’ brand equity has been expanding over and over many different markets around the world. With a high product level and product quality, Haagen-Dazs is confident in stating their philosophy “Make it like no other. ” Strong market position Building up a strong brand also leads to a strong market position. The company markets its products in more than 100 countries outside the US. Taking up to 42 percent of global ice cream market, Haagen-Dazs becomes one of two main players in super premium ice cream market. Under the General Mills’ control, Haagen-Dazs continues to build and expand its fast-growing nternational businesses across the world to become a megabrand. Obviously, strong brand name and leading market position will help in generating more revenue in the near future. Intelligent market targeting While other ice cream manufacturers focused on children, Haagen-Dazs was the first companies focusing on “adult ice cream lovers. ” Recognizing not only children loving ice cream, but adults also love ice cream as much as any others. Quickly taking advantage, Haagen-Dazs became the first-mover into a very potential segmentation that was forgotten by other competitors.

This wise strategy has been contributing to the strengths of Haagen-Dazs for long. Use the finest ingredients to deliver product excellence Another strong aspect of Haagen-Dazs is the commitment to the quality of its products. Mr. Mattus insisted on using only the finest, purest ingredients to produce the best ice-cream; and his passion for quality soon took him to the four corners of the globe. His unique ice cream recipes included dark chocolate from Belgium and hand-picked vanilla beans from Madagascar, creating distinctive and indulgent taste experiences.

The old tradition and craftsmanship of superior quality and innovation remained committed even after Haagen-Dazs was sold to Pillsbury Company. By continuously searching for new flavors and improving the quality of its products, Haagen-Dazs really differentiate itself with the products of other companies. Especially, the mixing between ice cream and alcohol becomes the most famous and special ice cream that only Haagen-Dazs can innovate. The secret formulas for this mixing can be considered as one of the competitive advantages of Haagen-Dazs to other companies. Vastly invested in consumer research

Understanding tastes and preferences of customers is one of the key element for development its products. Before production actually begins, Haagen-Dazs unhesitating pours large amount of money for researches based on consumer-driven philosophy to understand the consumer preferences, desires and needs. As the result, more than 65 artful and unique flavors have been introduced to the market. The most recent introducing of Haagen-Dazs consists of the six Reserve Series which are believed costing millions dollars to look for uniquely new ingredients such as Lehua Honey, Lehua Blossom imparts, Amazon Chocolate, or Brazilian Acai Berry Sorbet.

Used creativity and innovativeness to support brand identity Up to now, Haagen-Dazs offers a rotating range of products from ice cream to sorbet, frozen yogurt and frozen snacks in more than 65 flavors. Haagen-Dazs also markets flavors using pieces of cookies and candies. Besides that, Haagen-Dazs have introduced limited promotion for the “Reserve Series” as an exclusive line available in limited quantities in order to get attraction of ice cream lovers on these flavors as well as to prove the product level and quality attached to its brand. Strong advertising campaigns

Haagen-Dazs brand was first advertised on national television in 1981. Most print ads for Haagen-Dazs in the 1980s showed images of delicious-looking ice creams. In 1989 after General Mills (GMP) took over Haagen-Dazs Company Inc. , Haagen-Dazs brand came to symbolize desire, pleasure, and indulgence. GMP engaged the services of Bartle Bogle Hegarty to launch an ad campaign. All through the early 1990s, Haagen-Dazs ads used the same theme and structure, with only minor variations in presentation depending on the country. The print ads were placed in publications like People, Vanity Fair, Esquire, EGG, Interview, etc.

The campaign also included ads on radio and outdoor media, and in-store promotions. Consumers could easily identify Haagen-Dazs through its unique design and its advertisement. 2. WEAKNESSES In spite of its strengths, Haagen-Dazs still confront with some drawbacks that are deterrent to the ambition of reaching the first position of super premium ice cream producer in the world. These weaknesses are going to be discussed respectively as follow. Regarded as high Costly The first weakness is the high prices of Haagen-Dazs’ product. Although he world is moving to a general economic trend of higher earnings, more disposable income and leisure time, they need to understand that it’s not just the affluent or upper class people eating their ice-creams but also those of the lower and upper middle-income segments desiring for tasting the uniqueness of its ice creams. Setting the price too high seems to ignore this huge segmentation. And it also means that Haagen-Dazs accepts to be kicked out and only to become a watcher looking competitors sharing the “big pie”. Focus on a narrow range of market segment

As mentioned above, Haagen-Dazs is only focusing on affluent adult segment. This market target might be attractive at first, but it’s gradually losing the competitiveness. In fact, when there are more and more companies jumping into the adult segment, Haagen-Dazs will not be the sole player in this segment any more. At that time, Haagen-Dazs must share its market with many prospective competitors who may possess better marketing strategies, or innovations. Sexual image used in advertisement and no updated advertisement campaign Haagen-Dazs ice cream main theme is more for the adult.

The same ads content repeatedly used and sooner customers will fail to take notice of it; consequently, it may lose the appeal of its position in the consumer perception. The biggest problem here is some Haagen-Dazs advertisements are unsuitable in some cultures or civilizations. Especially, it may have adverse effects when using these advertisements in Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc. Costly Distribution The fact that Haagen-Dazs ice creams need to be kept at a temperature substantially lower than most of other ice creams in order to keep its intended firmness is making it more expensive for storage and distribution.

Moreover, to keep its commitment to provide the products with finest ingredients, Haagen-Dazs has to exploit materials in many far-distant places and transport back to its plants in different areas. The result is that it takes a great deal of money for Haagen-Dazs to move ingredients and materials around. Off course, the cost production and the prices of final products must be unexpectedly high. 3. OPPORTUNITIES Market for ice cream products getting larger Ice Cream lovers in the world over recognize the unique Haagen-Dazs logo as synonymous with the ultimate super-premium ice cream.

In the early of its stages, Haagen-Dazs was only available at gourmet shops in New York City, but soon distribution expanded throughout the east coast of the United States since people who tasted the distinctive ice-cream transmit the good taste all around through their mouth. Soon, the opening of their first shop led to a rapid expansion of Haagen-Dazs shops across the country. However, since The Pillsbury Company bought Haagen-Dazs; it has become a global phenomenon that available in more than 60 countries and even owning over 1,000 outlets around the world.

The success of Haagen-Dazs was created by their persistence in remain the quality and using only the finest natural ingredients. As an example of the acceptance of abroad on U. S. ’s product, Japan represents the second largest ice cream market in the world, with annual sales of about $4. 5 Billion. By the way, Haagen-Dazs capturing 50% of the market in Japan following by others six Japanese super premium ice cream products. However, that is only the beginning of the game. Many other highly potential markets are still untapped waiting for Haagen-Dazs’ actions.

Chinese market is the next target Haagen-Dazs should focus on expending its brand name. Malaysia still has many place for Haagen-Dazs while Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand are untapped by ice cream industry. Targets low fat demand These days, people are more emphasize on their own health. As the increasing of health consciousness, people tend to live in a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercise regularly. On the same time, diet seems to be a trend in the society, not specific for only woman but the male nowadays do take care of their body figure.

Therefore, you can find out the products all around the market are all about Light, Low Calorie, Low Fat, No Fat, Fat Free, No Sugar, Sugar free, and Zero Calorie. For Haagen-Dazs, they came out with almost fourteen flavors of light ice-cream with only half the fat. Besides that, they also have the special taste of frozen yogurt with all the goodness of yogurt, naturally a good source of calcium with live and active culture. More than that, Haagen-Dazs produce all their ice-cream with natural ingredients that their ice-cream always make consumers feel comfortable in color and tasted cool and refreshing.

Yet it seems not enough for Haagen-Dazs to win their competitors in this running. There are still many spaces for Haagen-Dazs to expand their emperor in these low fat or healthy frozen desserts. The behavior of eating outside is increasing Nowadays people are more likely to increase life standard influence by their higher education and environment. Due to the income’s increasing, people tend to spend more to achieve a better standard of living. Besides, they are more able or willing to spend the amount for satisfying their own needs and wants.

Moreover, as we can see these days many people rather spend their leisure times and weekends at shopping mall than stay at home. As a habit, people would stop by to purchase some dessert as a finger licking. Then, the rising number of young people who demand in fast food and ice cream do effect the situation. Moreover, shopping wasn’t still a purpose of buying things but to away from the busy life and enjoy a plentiful meal or to taste a simple kind of happiness by melting a scoop of refreshing ice-cream in mouth. Preparing well for this trend, Haagen-Dazs are holding the key to open the door of a bigger room. Rising demands for cereals

Cereal stands for breakfast food which made of wheat, maize, rye, etc. In the market, we can find that many of the brand has started to add in the cereals into their product because the rise of health consciousness. Due to the demand for cereals, company could have take the chance and to come out with several Multicultural environment People are always mentioning about “global village” or whole nation this days. The term means that due to the speed of electric communication all the human society started to implode, and we have gone back to the village way of life. We all start to know each other and communicate in an nstantaneous way. Then, people from different countries, cultures, races, religion and so on will be gather and started to treat each other as their own nation. As the people more familiar with the others cultures, they would slowly influence by each other and as a result they would accept each other to create a peaceful lifestyle and take everyone as their own family members. Therefore, acceptance of cultural can help them to accept each other lifestyle and mainly food as well. Wisely, looking at multicultural environment as opportunities will be a strategic way to cope up with the globalization.

Nestle and Haagen-Dazs in US joint venture Two of the world’s biggest names in the ice cream sector, Nestle of Switzerland and Haagen-Dazs, a unit of the US-based Pillsbury Company have joined forces in the massive US market. The companies said that Nestle USA’s novelty ice cream operations and Haagen-Dazs’ frozen dessert business would form the back bone of a new 50/50 joint venture with combined sales of around US$600m. Both partners otter complementary products, Haagen-Dazs’ strong position in the super premium category combine well with Nestle’s novelty products.

Together, they will be better able to grow their respective businesses in the world’s biggest ice cream market, commented Peter Brabeck, chief executive of Nestle. The Swiss group will bring its expertise in frozen dessert technology to the venture, while sales will be boosted by Haagen-Dazs’ direct store delivery. The venture will lead to cost reductions though operational and distribution efficiencies. The deal is still subject to approval by the Federal Trade Commission, and will include Nestle’s production facilities in California and Maryland and Haagen-Dazs’ site in California.

The latter’s chain of shops in the US and its international ice cream operations are no included in the venture. 4. THREATS Customers may displace US products with products from Asian countries How does consumer used to think about U. S. products? Of course, high quality, durable, good condition as well. However, for most of them such as Asian, they treated U. S. product as a shopping goods or luxury goods because of its selling price. If we compare the price of several U. S. imported product to some Asia made product, obviously there is a big different etween both of the price. In Asian countries which own a big population, they could easily hire labors even though the company only pays such cheap wages. Therefore, it’s easy for them to reduce the producing cost but also to producing more. More than that, the high taxes that been charged on U. S. products during the export process do cause why people can’t afford to purchase them. Diseases such as mad cow may threat the market of the ice cream industry. To make ice-cream, we will need few key ingredients such as milk, cream, egg yolk, and sugar.

Therefore, mad cow disease will directly bring the ice-cream industry such difficulty because without any of the ingredient, especially milk, the ice-cream wouldn’t be produced. According to the research, the human equivalent of Mad Cow Disease causes memory loss, emotional instability including inappropriate outbursts, an unsteady gait, progressing to marked weakness, severe rapidly progressive dementia and death, often within a year of the onset of symptoms. As people noticed that how serious will the disease affect them, they will start avoiding the product made by milk or any product which related to cow as well.

Political problem and regulations Political problem do cause problem to their country production. If both of the country couldn’t deal with each other or they maybe start a war, it may affect the economical and trade relations break as well. For example, USA actions in Middle East and Iraq may affect the relationship between Arab countries and USA. Besides, violent politically related acts in Middle East and gulf region could gave bad image about this region and may affect trading between countries.

Besides, the regulations set out by different governments or organizations make it difficult to be conformity in managing and producing processes. Specially, following the regulations related to sanitary and healthy product practices from authority organizations such as Foods and Drugs Administration of U. S (FDA) may divert company from innovating activities. Growing Ice Cream Outlet Threats It is believed that one can find out there are different kinds of premium ice-cream brand when he or she walks on a street or inside a hopping centre, for example, Tipperary Organic, Maud’s, Mars & Nestle Tubs. This has shown the market now has over saturation of Premium ice creams; and the next aiming of premium ice cream producers may be super premium ice cream. More than that, Haagen-Dazs was threatened by other brands from different way. For example, Ben & Jerry has taken the lead of coming out with a creative idea that they set up Cinema Stand, there’s a brand new Australian Homemade Ice Cream cafe in Liffey Street, Maud’s Ice Cream Mall Stands and more.

Furthermore, the economic have faced a small depression these days, therefore the demand for convenience products are actually increasing by day to day while shopping and luxury products may be affected in some ways. Moreover, there’s also growing demand for private labels. Losing control through mass franchising Haagen-Dazs has been franchised its products to hundreds countries around the world. Following a centralized structure in the organization seems to be inappropriate for its size. Controlling the whole organization through one headquarter located in the U.

S makes it always overloaded. The problem of quality consistence in its product cannot be testified perfectly at those outlets far from the reach of headquarter. Specifically, recent warnings of sanitary problem of Haagen-Dazs ice creams in China questioned the controlling and testing processes being applied at these franchises. If Haagen-Dazs doesn’t take any action to fix this problem, the image of the company may be destroyed aggressively. V. MARKETING MIX Marketing mix plays an important role in the overall marketing strategy of a company.

Nobody can deny that a good marketing mix means a strong competitiveness of a company. In this situation, Haagen-Dazs can be considered as one of plenty successful companies employing a very tactical marketing strategy. Due to the characteristics of ice cream industry, Haagen-Dazs product is determined as a combination of physical products and services. Thus, the marketing tools being used include seven Ps that are going to be analyzed in more details below. 1. PRODUCT Haagen-Dazs offers to customers a wide range of products.

Basically, there are seven different classifications for their products. It includes ice cream, reserve, light ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt, bar, and novelties (shop specialty). Under each classification, there are many other different sub-products with various flavors. Even though it is abundant in product types, the core products that Haagen-Dazs offering to its customers are frozen desserts. In other words, what the customers are really buying is ice cream or yogurt inside of Haagen-Dazs containers.

Based on marketing concept, actual products that Haagen-Dazs offers in the markets must include many other added values such as packaging labeling, marketing, distribution, advertising efforts and many others of the company. However, the final products that Haagen-Dazs selling to each customer must be known as the augmented products which are added some kind of values consisting of delivery services, customer communication, and other kind of services at Haagen-Dazs outlets that create the feeling of indulgence and lasting pleasure.

Hence, the value created and the products strategy that being applied by Haagen-Dazs must be come along the process of developing their product from the start-up of the products until reaching the consumers’ hand. The variety in the product line shows that Haagen-Dazs is following many different segments in its target market. Off course, these segments must be convergent to the general target market, affluent adults markets. The only difference in the adult segment is the differences in taste and preferences. Therefore, by pursuing various product lines helps Haagen-Dazs reach its positioning strategy.

Comparing Haagen-Dazs and other ice cream manufacturers, Haagen-Dazs is obviously dominant in the product level. Its products are not the same with any normal ice cream, not premium ice cream also, but it is Super Premium ice cream. By promising the finest ingredients and the unique flavors in the products, Haagen-Dazs differentiates itself with other competitors. In reality, Ben & Jerry is the main rival of Haagen-Dazs in offering Super Premium Ice Cream; however, Haagen-Dazs make them more popular than the rival by the famous mixing of ice cream and high qu

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Haagen Dazs Case Study. (2019, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-essay-haagen-dazs-case-study/

Haagen Dazs Case Study
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