Elizabethan, Cavalier, and Metaphysical Poetry

Elizabeth poetry style
highly polished, technically perfect

Famous Elizabethan poets
Sidney, Raleigh, Spenser, Queen Elizabeth

Popular poetry in Elizabethan court

idealized farm life

Nature in relation to Elizabethan poetry
beautiful canvas that inspired poets

Ben Johnson’s lyric style
had craftsmanship of classical forms rather than being extravagant and romantic

“Followers of Ben”
Herrick, Lovelace, Suckling

Cavalier poetry
witty, whimsical, lighthearted

themes of Cavalier poetry
love, war, chivalry, loyalty to throne

carpe diem
“sieze the day,” the philosophy of the Cavaliers

central figure of the metaphysical movement
John Donne

Characterize poems of Donne and his followers
dealt with death, physical love, religion, in logical way; explored complexities and contradictions of life

when metaphysical poetry began

metaphysical definitions (2)
of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible; abstract or theoretical reasoning

techniques metaphysical poets use
intellect, logic

characteristics of metaphysical poetry
devotional, mystical, intellectual, unconventional imagery, philosophical, a bit irreverent

major metaphysical poets other than John Donne
Marvell, Herbert, Crashaw, and Vaughan

major criticism of metaphysical poetry
used simply to show off intelligence of poet

century T.S. Elliot restored metaphysical poetry’s popularity
20th century

metaphysical conceit
extended metaphor comparing very dissimilar things

how metaphysical conceit is used
to bolster the argument in the poem

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Elizabethan, Cavalier, and Metaphysical Poetry. (2018, Jan 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-elizabethan-cavalier-and-metaphysical-poetry/

Elizabethan, Cavalier, and Metaphysical Poetry
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