Effects of Water Solutions in Plant Growth

Topics: Plants

Plants are affected by different substances that come into contact with them. These effects may be good or bad. There are certain substances such as fertilizers, which have a positive effect on the growth of certain plants, more specifically peachy (Brassier ARPA variety cheesiness). Peachy is commonly used in cooking in Filipino households. It requires little attention as it is a very hardy plant. It is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and fiber as well, Which are all good for our bodies.

They grow best in cold seasons.

The group selected this study so that they can test the effects of certain mixtures or substances such as water and salt, water and sugar, water and powdered milk, against the effects of water only. The group wanted to find out if these substances would benefit or cause damage to the plants. Statement of Problem “Can varying solutions enhance the growth of peachy? ” Hypothesis

The problem under study is whether different kinds of solutions (such as water and salt, water and sugar, water and milk) will affect the growth of plants.

Their objectives are: To determine which solution will benefit peachy plants. k To make a homemade, effective fertilizer instead of buying expensive ones Significance of the Study Since agriculture is one of the main sources of income for the people in the country, the researchers would want to determine if water mixtures would affect the growth of plants.

Their study about the different mixtures, such as water with sugar, water with salt, water with oil and water with soap affecting the growth of plants is significant because this study will educate the people of the things that they do not want to water their plants With.

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If this study is successful, the searchers will be able to inform the people on how they can make their plants grow faster and the substances that would harm them. Through this experiment, we might be able to find ways of increasing the growth of the plants found in our garden. Scope and Limitations The researchers will try to determine whether different substances (water with salt, sugar, powdered milk or water only) will affect the growth of the plants. They will be allotting 2 months for us to see if the water mixtures namely water with salt, sugar, and powdered milk can affect the growth of plants.

The plants in Arial 1 will be receiving enough sunlight while trial 2 will not he receiving enough sunlight, watered equally and have a control set up so that we can compare the results after the time allotted for the experiment, They will not be spending as much because most tooth products they will be using are Dunn at home. They will be having a PH. SOC budget to buy materials that we will need but couldn’t find them at our houses. The independent variable will include the plants we used in testing, water with the mixtures. The dependent variable will be the result of dealing with or experimenting the independent/experimental variable.

In this case, it will be the amount of sugar, salt, and powdered milk that they will mix with the water to see if these will affect the Peachy plant we will be using for our experiment Their controlled variable Will consist Of the peachy plant and water. CHAPTER II Review Of Related Literature Tap Water on Plants Tap water is good for plants that need water with chlorine in it, spring water is good for carnivorous plants in order for them to grow, and bottled water is good for plants like cactuses that need mineral water to grow. Sugar on Plants Plants require three essentials, light, water and nutrients to thrive and produce optimum yield.

Plants naturally produce sugars, such as glucose and sucrose. These sugars are needed to produce energy, promote growth and aide in the processes of respiration and transpiration. Sugar can also be introduced to a plant through watering to enhance growth and production. Sugar, in moderation, is not harmful to plants. Fifth amount Figaro in the soil becomes too high, this promotes a higher incidence of fungi and bacteria. A typical fungus that thrives on sugar is yeast. In a study at University of Southern California, three groups of bean plants were watered with different degrees f sugar water (C g, 25 g and 50 g solutions).

The group of plants which had been watered with the 50 g sugar/water solution was not only the largest and strongest Of the plants, they were also the healthiest and highest yielding plants. Effect of Salt Concentration on Plant Growth Many western farmers believe that soil alkali is more detrimental to crop growth during the hot weather than during the cooler seasons of the year. Other agricultural workers have noted that damage to crops due to alkali (soil salinity) is more serious in the hot interior valleys than along the coast where the climate is more moderated.

It is not definitely known whether or not soil salinity concentrations are comparable between different seasons of the year or between respective areas. Yet, information on this question is pertinent to the development of management practices which would aid in ameliorating soil salinity conditions at different seasons of the year and under different climatic conditions, The results obtained in this study show that* most crops are injured by salt to a greater extent in warm than cool climates.

The Effect of Water Impurities on Plant Growth The purpose this experiment was to determine the effect of water impurities n the growth of plants. Each plant was put near a big window that let in a lot of sun. Two different stems from each plant were marked with bag ties. The heights of the two stems from each plant were measured. The plants were watered with 157. 6 millimeters of the solution. Each plant was watered on Thursday and Sunday. The first solution contained six millimeters of Colors bleach and 1516 millimeters of water.

The second solution contained 6 grams of sugar and 157. 6 millimeters of water. The third solution contained 6 grams of salt and 157. 6 millimeters of water, On Friday and Monday the height of the stems of each plant were measured, ND the height was recorded. There was also a plant that was watered just with water, for the control setup. This experiment ran for four weeks. The data was analyzed to determine which plant grew the most over that period Of four weeks. The conclusions of this experiment are that the plant watered with sugar grew the most.

Another conclusion is that the control (the plant watered With water) grew a little less than the plant watered with sugar. The plant watered with salt grew a little less than the control, and the plant watered With bleach grew the least amount. The reason that was discovered for why the plant watered with sugar grew the most was because when plants absorb nutrients, they turn them into some form of sugar, This plant didn’t have to do that because it was already absorbing sugar. The other substances, except water, probably just stopped the plants from growing as much.

Plant Groom Experiments The instructions below outline a protocol for conducting plant growth experiments in the laboratory. You may want to make adaptations for use in a greenhouse or outdoors. Purpose: To determine the effect of compost on plant germination and growth. Materials: pots, compost, soil, seeds, light source (sunlight or artificial light) Procedure The first step is to design your own experiment. There are many possibilities–a few ideas are listed here, but the variations are endless: Test various combinations of soil and compost on plant growth.

For example, you might wish to dig a soil sample from your school yard and mix it with various amounts of finished compost for planting experiments. (Natural soil is better than prepackaged potting soils for experiments such as this because the potting mixes are formulated for optimal plant growth and already contain significant amounts of compost or humus. ) C another possibility is to mix your own potting soil by sing vermiculite, sand, and compost. Creating several mixtures using the same percentages but different types of compost is a good way of comparing the influence of the various types of compost on plant growth.

For example, you could compare compost at various levels of maturity, compost created using different mixtures of organic wastes, or overoptimistic versus compost created in a thermometric system. 0 if you are interested in investigating the effects of compost tea on plant growth, you could fill the pots with a sandy soil or potting medium such as vermiculite, then use compost extracts for watering, Next, whatever type of experiment you choose, make sure that you design your experiment to include replicates of the various treatments.

For example, your design might look like the following: Treatment compost) I # Hats(with 6 plants in each) I # Plants 100% compost 1 31 18 25/75131 181 181 75/25131 181 100%soil 131 18 Third, plant your seeds, water them, and place them in a well-lit location Much type of seeds will work, but radish or lettuce is often chosen because they grow quickly. Melon seeds are sensitive to fungal diseases, and thus they provide a sensitive indicator of whether fungi have been killed through heating or curing f the compost.

Then, keep all the pots in the same setting to minimize any variation in temperature, lighting, pests, and other environmental factors. Even when the environmental conditions are kept as constant as possible, it is a good idea to randomize the grouping of plants rather than placing all the plants that are receiving the same treatment together in one group. This helps to further minimize the effect of any environmental differences. Lastly, record on a daily basis the number of seeds that have germinated, plant growth, and observations about plant health such as color, vigor, or damage due to pests and diseases.

You can decide what measurements to use as indicators of plant growth; possibilities include plant height, number and size of leaves, and dry weight of the entire plant at the end of the experiment. (For dry weight, weigh the plant after drying in a ICC oven for 24 hours,) Analysis and Interpretation 1. Graph germination rates and plant growth over time for the different treatments. Also, determine the mean number of seeds germinated and mean size or mass of the plants at the end of the experiment. Compare average germination rates, plant growth, and health for the different experimental retirements.

Based on your experiments, what was the optimal potting mix for plant germination? For plant growth? For plant health? 2. Some things may have gone wrong in your experiments. For example, you may have over- watered your plants, causing them all to die from fungal infection regardless of the treatment. Or you may have taken measurements only on plant height, and later decided that measuring the number Of leaves and length of the main stem would have given better information. These types of problems are normal and can be used as a basis for redesigning the experiment.

HOW might you hangs your experimental design if you were to carry out another set of growth experiments? 3. You may not rind any differences between the treatments. Or, you may discover that the plants grown without compost did best. If this is the case, it may be difficult to determine whether the compost had no effect, or you did something wrong. The tendency is to assume the compost really has an effect and to attribute insignificant or negative results to experimental mistakes. However, the interpretation of results should not be biased by your predictions or preconceived ideas about the way experiments will turn out.

Often unexpected results lead to important insights and questions. Maybe your compost is of poor quality, or maybe the plant species you chose grows well in poor soils. Explore all the possibilities for explaining your results with an open mind, through discussions and new experiments. 4. The conclusions and recommendations that you are able to make based on your results will depend on how and where you carried out your experiments. For example, if you used potted plants in a classroom or greenhouse, it may be difficult to extrapolate from your results to what would happen if the same plants veer grown outdoors n a garden.

However, your results may give you some ideas about what ovule happen, allowing you to make predictions or hypotheses. You could then use these predictions to design a new experiment on plant growth in a garden setting. Unlike other raw materials, the raw water supply varies significantly in quality both from one geographical region to another and from season to season. Water derived from an upland surface source, for instance, usually has a low ADS (Total Dissolved Solids) and is relatively soft, but has a high concentration of organic contamination, much of it colloidal.

By contrast, avatar from an underground source generally has a high ADS and hardness level but a low organic content. Water impurities generally include minerals, viruses, bacteria and Other organic material. Sewer water from homes and industries contain a large variety of such water impurities. Currently, sewer water is going through some initial treatment to remove some impurities and then it is discharged in rivers and oceans. If water impurities are not harmful to the plants, part of such water can be used for irrigation and watering gardens.

Water is critical for greenhouse production because a great deal of water is required to grow roundhouse crops. Since a large amount of water is needed to produce the crop, the quality of the water is important. The term quality in this case is related to what compounds are in the water. It a large number to impurities are in the water, than the quality offbeat water would be considered poor; however, if there were few impurities in the water the quality would be considered good or excellent, One class of impurities that is extremely important is that of salts.

How does the salt content affect plants? Normally water moves to the root by a concentration gradient, and into the root by osmosis. The water content in the oil after watering is high and the water content in the roots is lower so water moves from the soil into the root. If the salt content of the water is very high the salt will compete with the roots for the water and the water may not move into the roots because the salts are holding on to the water. If the salt content Of the water gets too high, water could even be pulled out of the roots.

It is important to mention that fertilizers are also salts so Will add to the natural salt content Of the Level of Nitrogen vs.. Plant Growth PURPOSE: To determine the effects of water solutions that contains different bevels of nitrogen on bean growth. HYPOTHESIS: The plants receiving a nitrogen solution will be affected the most by growing the tallest. EXPERIMENT DESIGN The constants in this study were amount of water, amount of light, temperature, kind of bean, size and type of container and the location of the plants.

The manipulated variable is the amount to nitrogen in the solution. The responding variable was the bean height in centimeters (using a ruler) and the weight of the green matter in grams. The materials used in the experiment were 20 clear containers, 2 holding containers, 20 bean seeds, 3 jugs of distilled water, I ruler centimeters), 1 bag of nitrogen fertilizer 21-0-0, 1 scale, 1 permanent marker (black), sticks on labels and S mall_ beakers. PROCEDURES 1). Gather materials then fill 20 clear containers about 2/3 full of Pearl Light. 2).

Plant a bean seed in each container about halfway down and using a distilled water jug (make sure there are holes in the cap) water the beans in each container so the top is moist, but there’s no water visible on the bottom. 3). Water the beans each day until 14 seeds germinate. The other 6 are back-ups. 4).

After 14 seeds have germinated, separate them into seven groups of 2 each ND label 2 the containers with 112% nitrogen. 5). Repeat step #4 with the other containers, except label each group Of two 2%, 4%, and ICC%. 6). Pour 200 ml of distilled water into each of the seven beakers 7). SE a balance scale to weigh the nitrogen from the bag. Add the nitrogen to the scale until it balances at O. Set the scale to 1 gram for 112%, 2 grams for 1%, 4 grams for 2%, 8 grams for 4%, 12 grams for 6%, and 20 grams for 10%. 8).

Pour the nitrogen into the beaker labeled 112% nitrogen. 12). Repeat steps 7 and 8 five more times, except set the scale so that it will balance for the different levels of nitrogen. Shake each notation vigorously until the nitrogen dissolves. 13). Using a 1 ounce measuring cup, fill it with the 112% nitrogen solution about 213 of an ounce full 14).

Pour the solution into one of the containers labeled 112% 15). Repeat step #14 with the other solutions. Have one beaker contain just distilled water. That is the water for the “Control Group. ” 16). Let the containers sit on a windowsill or under a grow light. 17). Water the beans every other day during a two-week growing period. If you need to make more of one of the nitrogen solutions, follow steps 18). After the two weeks are up, carefully remove the plants from the earl Light but measure the plants before taking them out. 19).

Record the height (in centimeters) and the weight (in grams) of the plants RESULTS The original purpose of this experiment was to determine if the level of nitrogen would affect plants growth. CONCLUSION It is therefore concluded that the plants receiving a 4% nitrogen solution mould grow the best. The usefulness of my findings will benefit farmers so they know not to overdose their bean plants With nitrogen. Chapter Ill Methodology Materials * Peachy seeds 4 pots * Tap water * White sugar * Salt (Dizzied) Powdered milk (Birch Tree) Methods

The researchers used 8 peachy plants, placed in labeled pots (namely A, B, C, and D) each to be watered with 150 ml of water, The researchers did 2 Set AAAS the control group. It was watered with 150 ml to water. Set trials. B was watered with So of white sugar mixed with ISO ml of water. * Set C was watered with egg of salt mixed with 150 ml of water. Set D was watered with SOB of powdered milk and I SC ml of water. During the experiment period, the researchers watered their peachy plants once a day with equal amounts of water and their respective The time of the watering of the plants was at 5:30 PM.

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Effects of Water Solutions in Plant Growth. (2018, May 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-effects-of-water-solutions-in-plant-growth-3/

Effects of Water Solutions in Plant Growth
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