Christina Rossetti Poetry

What is ‘A Birthday’ about?
New life and love; connotations of godly love as well love between man and woman.

What does the form/structure in ‘A Birthday’ show?
The 2 stanzas of 8 equal line length shows unchanging love.
The iambic tetrameter (heartbeat meter) shows the words are like her heartbeat, meaning the words are heartfelt and true- she feels this love with her whole heart.

What does the anaphora of ‘my heart is like’ show in ‘A Birthday’ ?
The anaphora shows overwhelming love and connotes joy in the speaker.

The simile also emphasises her childlike innocence as she struggles to recognise what her heart is actually feeling.

‘silver, gold, silk’
This quote is from which poem and what does this quote connote?
‘A Birthday’
The quote emphasises that the speaker’s love is majestic, precious and important.

What themes are in ‘A Birthday’?
Human/earthly love
Godly/heavenly love

What is ‘Echo’ about?
Echo is a lyrical poem about unrequited love; the persona of the poem in lamenting on her past lover.

What do the 3 different stanzas represent in ‘Echo’?
3 stanzas represent different emotions:
1) The first stanza is a wistful, longing plea.
2) The second stanza shows how she dreams of going to heaven with her loved one – this dream is “bitter sweet”.
3) The third stanza draws on the idea of life and death; when she is awake she feels dead but she feels she can be with her loved one in her dreams.

The anaphora of ‘come to me’ is from which poem and what does it represent?
The anaphora is emphasising the forceful and demanding tone; this repetition is echo-like.

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The imperative tone reflects her desperation.

‘yet come to me’ is from which poem and what does it represent?
The addition of ‘yet’ in the last stanza shows a much less forceful tone, which shows almost the acceptance of her loss. There is a melancholy atmosphere in the last stanza.

What themes are in ‘Echo’?
Romantic love
Maternal love

What is ‘From The Antique’ about?
This poem represents women as a whole; women, in the 19th Century, meant nothing and, once married, became the property of men. This poem emphasises the “Antique” or old fashioned views society had and how Rossetti wanted progression.

What is the form/structure in ‘From The Antique’?
The repetitive stanza length shows cyclical nature of a woman’s life. The spondee of “Doubly blank” changes the tone to bitter and forceful.

What is the context of ‘From The Antique’?
Until 1870, when women married, they became the property of their husbands and gave up all their possessions as the man now owned it all. This meant that women legally lost their status when they married, meaning they had no authority or possessions.

What is ‘Goblin Market’ about?
Laura and Lizzie encounter goblins who tempt them into buying exotic fruits, Laura eats fruit and falls sick, Lizzie takes responsibility and visits goblins who abuse her. Lizzie saves her Sister from the edge of death.

‘buy from us with a golden curl’; which poem is this from and what does it connote?
‘Goblin Market’
This quote connotes that Laura is ‘selling’ herself to the goblins. Her giving away her “precious golden” curls represents the Goblins taking away her innocence. This has sexual connotations as lovers often gave a lock of hair; this is suggesting that the Goblins are taking her virginity.

‘like a lily in a flood’
Which poem is this quote from and what does it connote?
‘Goblin Market’
This quote emphasises that Lizzie is a symbol of hope and a figure that resists temptation. Lilies have connotations of both life and death as they are used at weddings and funerals; by comparing her to a lily, her purity is emphasised.

‘lizzie cover’d up her eyes’
Which poem is this quote from and what does it show?
‘Goblin Market’
This quote shows how Lizzie struggles with temptation as she does not trust her eyes yet she shows her strength as she resists the desire to look.

What is the context of Goblin Market?
Women were seen as more susceptible to falling to temptation; if women gave into temptation, they were seen as ‘Fallen Women’ who had ‘fallen into sexual sin. Rossetti worked throughout her life with ‘Fallen Women’; Rossetti’s attitude towards these women is reflected in Lizzie’s attitude to Laura.

What are the themes in Goblin Market?
Earthly/divine love

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Christina Rossetti Poetry. (2018, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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