chp 7 quiz questions

After presenting groups of research participants words like thread, eye, pin, syringe, sewing, sharp, and thimble, a memory researcher asks the participants whether they remember seeing the word needle. The fact that many participants do is an example of
permastore.memory illusion.


déjà vu.

memory illusion
A key theme that has emerged from the memory research literature is that
all explicit and implicit memories are stored in the hippocampus.memory illusions are evidence of serious memory problems such as Alzheimer’s disease or amnesia.

the passage of time has little or no effect on the accuracy of our memories.

we actively reconstruct our memories using the cues and information available to us.

we actively reconstruct our memories….
You watch LeShon wave his 4th of July sparkler as he runs. As you watch the light, you notice a circle of light rather than just a single point of light. This effect demonstrates the functioning of your
echoic memory.flashbulb memory.

iconic memory.

short-term memory.

iconic memory
After you finish reading this sentence, the information will remain in your ________ as you consider each of the answers below.
photographic memoryshort-term memory

sensory memory

long-term memory

short-term memory
Kira is jogging down the street listening to her portable music player. Abruptly, her batteries die and the music stops. Which of the following accounts for her ability to still “hear” the last part of the song that was playing?
Eidetic imageryShort-term memory

Echoic memory

Iconic memory

echoic memory
While driving her children, Adriana’s car broke down.

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She called her husband on the cell phone for the number of a towing company. If the children’s behavior prevents her from repeating the number to herself, most likely Adriana will need to dial the phone number within the next __________ or she will forget the number.
15 secondsminute

2 seconds

45 seconds

15 seconds
Shanna has a quiz covering research methods for both her biology and psychology classes. As she studies, she is continually getting information confused between the classes. The resulting memory loss is explained by
retrieval failure.serial position effects.



Which of the following best illustrates retroactive interference?
Susie struggles to learn how to play the violin, after playing the guitar for many years.Chet struggles to learn the names of the new players he added to his fantasy baseball roster.

Coach Todd calls one of her old softball players the name of one of her new players.

Professor Jones struggles to learn the names of his new students after teaching for many years prior.

coach todd calls one of her old softball players the name of her new players
In high school, Deanna took three years of Spanish. Upon enrolling in college ten years later, she registered for a remedial French course. When required to speak in French during class discussion with her teacher and classmates, Deanna frequently responds with Spanish words instead of French words. This is one example of

proactive interference.

retroactive interference.

proactive interference
The Magic Number of short-term memory is
fifteen plus or minus plus or minus two.

nine plus or minus two.

seven plus or minus three.

seven plus or minus two
Liv has just seen a commercial advertising a fancy kind of make-up that she would like to buy. She does not have a pen or a piece of paper to write down the telephone number, so she repeats to herself over and over again while she runs into the kitchen to find the telephone. Liv is currently using the process of ________ rehearsal to keep the telephone number active in her short-term memory.



According to the research on the primacy effect, if your father read you a list of 10 items to pick up at the hardware store you would most easily recall those items
from the end of the list.from early in the list.

that are most distinctive.

in the middle of the list.

from early in the list
Which two types of memories are both considered to be part of explicit memory?
semantic and episodicreconstructive and recalled

semantic and procedural

conceptual and schematic

semantic and episodic
Jasmine needs to remember an 8-line poem for her 5th-grade English class next week. Her mother suggests that she link the first few words from each line with a different part of their home, starting with the front door. This suggestion is most similar to the memory strategy known as
the method of loci.the pegword method.

an acronym.

the keyword method.

the method of loci
Although you have never taken a class with Dr. Hua, you walk into class, sit down, open your notebook, and wait for the professor to begin his lecture. What concept is being illustrated?


Primacy effec

Who is engaging in distributed practice?
Geoff, who has been studying an hour a night over the last three weeks for his anatomy finalKris, who made flash cards last night for his psychology final today

Angela, who just read through her notes on the way to take her algebra final

Alan, who pulled an “all-nighter” to get ready for his biology final

geoff, who has been studying…
Which of the following is the best example of chunking?
Andrea creates a sentence using all of her vocabulary words.Caroline uses the first letter of each of her vocabulary words and spells out the word, “butterfly” to help her remember.

Cedric is able to remember all of the names of the kids in his class.

Katie writes down an example for each of her vocabulary words.

andrea creates a sentence using all of her vocabulary words
Evidence suggests that when the real criminal is NOT included in a “live” line-up, most witnesses
will refuse to answer and ask to leave the police station.will be accurate and inform the police that the person is NOT present.

will be inaccurate and select the person who most closely resembles the real criminal.

None of the above

will be inaccurate and select…
Although both Clive Wearing and a patient known as H.M. had severely damaged hippocampi or removed hippocampi, they both showed evidence of ________ memory.



Following a car accident, Jane and Joan both suffer head injuries with resulting amnesia. Joan cannot remember events that occurred before the accident, while Jane cannot remember events that occurred after the accident. Joan suffers from __________ amnesia and Jane from __________ amnesia.
proactive; retroactiveretroactive; proactive

anterograde; retrograde

retrograde; anterograde

There are various techniques available to help people improve their ability to recall material. For instance, when you remember something new by connecting it mentally to something you already know, you are using
levels of processing.elaborative rehearsal.

distributed study.

a mnemonic device.

elaborative rehearsal
Which mental phenomenon can be defined as “the retention of information over time”?



Which of the following is NOT one of the three major processes of memory?
Long termStorage



long term
We can use mnemonics to help us ________ information we want to retain in our memories.



Most people can’t accurately remember anything they experienced in their earliest years. This phenomenon is known as
retrograde amnesia.juvenile amnesia.

anterograde amnesia.

infantile amnesia.

infantile amnesia
When we aren’t sure where a memory really came from (“Did it really happen? Or was it a dream?”) we can use cues such as how vivid and detailed the memory is to determine the answer. This process is called
cryptomnesia.initial recollection.

considered recollection.

source monitoring.

source monitoring
Over time, children develop greater knowledge of their own memory abilities and limitations. The term for this is



Brains of people with Alzheimer’s contain senile plaques and ________, abnormalities that contribute to both synapse loss and the death of hippocampus and cerebral cortex cells.
amygdala cellsbeta-adrenergic receptors


neurofibrillary tangles

neurofibrillary tangles
A memory that is actually false but “feels real” and can be triggered by, for instance, looking at a list of associated words, is called a(n)
representative heuristic.memory illusion.

active reconstruction.

paradoxical memory.

memory illusion
First observed in the hippocampus of rabbits in 1966, ________ refers to how repetitive stimulation of neurons over time will gradually strengthen connections among the neurons involved.
glutamate pathwayslong-term potentiation

engram assemblies

retrospective bias

long term potentiation
What type of graph would be used to illustrate the primacy and recency effects?
Ebbinghaus curveHistogram


Serial position curve

serial position curve
A group of students were told they were being given the drug ________ before taking the SAT while another group was told they were taking a dummy pill. Their unaffected SAT scores coupled with their very different perceptions of mental functioning and alertness suggested that the placebo effect was at work.



Scientists devise ________ in order to ensure that the memories elicited in their false-memory-implantation experiments are actually false.
cryptomnesia proofsplausibility estimates

statistical estimates

existence proofs

existence proofs
A researcher named Mitchell asked participants in a laboratory study to view 100 line drawings for a few seconds. They were able to identify the drawings at better-than-chance rates ________ later.
30 daysmoments

12 months

17 years

17 years
The number of digits a person can remember is called the Magic Number. At about the age of 12, a child’s memory is usually sufficient for a Magic Number of _______ (plus or minus 2).



Studies have shown the students perform slightly better on exams if they are tested in the same room where they learned the material. This is evidence for
state-dependent learning.context-dependent learning.

encoding specificity.

retrospective bias.

context dependent learning
To demonstrate the ________ effect, Loftus and Palmer used a variety of words like hit, collided, or smashed to elicit very different estimates from study participants about the speed of vehicles involved in a traffic accident.

eyewitness testimony


Alzheimer’s disease accounts for only ________ percent of cases of dementia.
60 to 7525 to 35

50 to 60

10 to 20

50 to 60
Which of the following is more highly correlated with memory span in children?
AgeShoe size



shoe size
The remembering method that associates rhymes to a list of words in a particular order is called the
keyword method.schema method.

method of loci.

pegword method.

pegwood method
The type of sensory memory that is used for visual stimuli, such as television or movies, is called
iconic memory.super short-term memory.

reconstructed memory.

implicit memory.

iconic memory
The fact that people usually correctly remember where they were when they learned of the September 11th attacks but are less exact about what they were doing or who told them, leads researchers to believe that ________, while not completely reliable, contain “substantial kernels of accuracy.”
flashbulb memoriessource monitoring

initial recollection

recovered memories

flashbulb memories
Which of the following describes the term “schema”?
Process of getting information into our memory banksProcess of keeping information in memory

Organized knowledge structure or mental model that we’ve stored in memory

A learning aid, strategy, or device that enhances recall

organized knowledge structure…
Memory is NOT always accurate because memories tend to be
actively reconstructed.unintentionally recorded.

passively reproduced.

deliberately deceptive.

actively reconstructed
In the 1920s, Karl Lashley hoped to discover the ______, the actual physical trace of a memory in the brain. He later concluded that memories are not stored this way.
assemblypostsynaptic receptors




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