Carl Rogers 6 Core Conditions Explained

Carl Rogers. Core Conditions

Essay Example on Rogers Core Conditions


In this essay I will explore Carl Rogers core conditions and how these effect the personality change in a client using the Person Centred Approach.
For clients beginning therapy the most important fact initially is the entry of a new person (the therapist) into their psychological environment. It is the building of this relationship between therapist and client, which will facilitate change in the client. This relationship is at the forefront of the therapeutic process.

For this to occur it is necessary that these 6 conditions to exist.
1. That two persons are in psychological contact.
2. That the first person, whom we shall term the client, is in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious.
3. That the second person, whom we shall term the therapist, is congruent in the relationship.
4. That the therapist is experiencing unconditional positive regard toward the client.
5. That the therapist is experiencing an empathic understanding of the client?s internal frame of reference.

6. That the client perceives, at least to a minimal degree, Conditions 4 and 5, the unconditional positive regard of the therapist for him, and the empathic understanding of the therapist. Kirschenbaum and Henderson 1990:221.

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Carl Rogers 6 Core Conditions Explained
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