Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding

This sample paper on Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below.



This survey was conducted to measure the cognition and pattern sing biomedical waste direction among staff nurses working in JIPMER infirmary, Puducherry the sum of 300 staff nurses were participated and the cognition and pattern assessed by utilizing structured questionnaire. The survey consequence shows that the mean cognition mark among the survey participants was 20.

5 out of 25. 70.7 % of staff nurses had first-class cognition, and 29 % had mean to good cognition in biomedical waste direction.

Questionnaire On Biomedical Waste Management

Knowledge approximately Biomedical waste and its direction

The survey consequences show about 99 % of staff nurses had known approximately Biomedical waste and 88.3 % of them know about the aims of Biomedical waste direction in infirmary. A survey carried out by the wellness attention supplier in third attention infirmary in Rajkot showed similar consequences about 95 % of survey topics were cognizant of biomedical waste direction.

Knowledge of bio jeopardy symbol

Bio jeopardy symbol is critical in biomedical waste direction. These survey consequences show that 92.3 % of staff nurse right identified the bio jeopardy symbol. Chudasama et Al ( 2013 ) , Vishal et Al ( 2013 ) , Mathew et Al ( 2011 ) , showed that 82 % to 87 % of their survey participants severally were identified the bio jeopardy symbol right. The consequence of this survey is somewhat higher than these surveies. This survey includes merely staff nurse, these surveies done on all type of wellness attention supplier including sanitation and housekeeping workers, may be due to this fluctuation occurred.

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Knowledge of hazard of infection transmittal:

The hazard of infection transmittal from a biomedical waste is high when it was non handled decently. Around 90 % of survey, topics had knowledge on the hazard of disease transmittal to hepatitis B, C, HIV etc. , from biomedical waste. A KAP survey on staff nurses of the private infirmary of Udupi metropolis showed that 77.5 % had cognition of the hazard of disease transmittal which is relatively less than this survey consequences. Similarly, other surveies knowledge on the hazard of disease transmittal varies from 84- 92 % .

Knowledge of composing of biomedical waste:

The survey consequence shows around 52 % of survey capable had cognition on the right composing of the biomedical waste. Merely 15 % of waste was generated in the infirmary were infective, if nurses understand this construct so segregation of the waste is critical event in biomedical waste direction.

Knowledge of topographic point of segregation of biomedical waste

Segregation of waste is a important minute in whole biomedical waste direction. The major part of biomedical waste direction is segregation of waste at the topographic point of beginning. In this survey, merely 66 % of survey topics were cognizant that topographic point of segregation is place beginning of the waste. Knowledge on this point is relatively less than other spheres.

Knowledge of colour cryptography of biomedical waste direction

Color coded bin and screens are of import tools in biomedical waste direction. Knowledge of these colour codification aid in segregation and intervention of the biomedical waste decently. There are four types of colourss coded bins and screens in BMW. These are ruddy, bluish, xanthous, and black colourss. A Red colour bin for blood contamination. About 95 % of survey participants had cognition of this colour coding system used in biomedical waste direction. The similar consequence are seen in Vanesh Mathur et Al. ( 2011 ) , Savan Sara Mathew et Al. ( 2011 ) , approximately 93 % of these survey participants had cognition of colour cryptography. But the consequence of Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) show merely 85 % of survey participants had cognition of colour coding which relatively less than this survey.

Knowledge of methods of biomedical waste direction and disposal

The consequence of our survey showed that 75 % of survey topics were cognizant of the methods of BMW and its disposal. A similar consequence was seen in a survey conducted in third attention infirmary Bhopal Vishal et Al. ( 2013 ) around 75 % of the staff nurses had knowledge on methods of disposal. Another cross sectional survey done in third attention learning infirmary in Ludhiana showed that cognition of the method of biomedical waste disposal was 100 % among staff nurses and on comparison staff nurse had more cognition in this sphere than other wellness attention suppliers.

Knowledge of disease spread by biomedical waste

The survey consequence showed that around 90 % of this survey participants were cognizant that the disease can distribute from improperly managed biomedical waste. Chudasma et Al. and Mathew et Al. showed that similar consequence, 89 % and 92 % of the survey participants aware about the disease can be transmited through biomedical waste. Asadullah et Al. ( 2012 to 2013 ) carried out a survey among the staff nurses in Udupi, Karnataka ; India showed that 77 % survey participants had equal, unequal cognition on the disease transmittal.

Knowledge of needle stick hurt and station exposure prophylaxis

The survey consequence showed that cognition of needle stick hurt and station exposure prophylaxis was about 77.6 % among the survey topic. Our survey consequence showed that Out of 300 participants, 266 ( 88.6 % ) had immunized for hepatitis B. A KAP survey done in third infirmary in New Delhi ( Sharma et al. 2011 ) among wellness attention personal showed that 50.2 % of survey participants had cognition of disease transmittal by needle stick hurts. 91.1 % of survey topics are vaccinated for HBV. Sarika P Patil et Al. ( 2011 ) , the cross-sectional survey survey was conducted in Tertiary Care Government Hospital in Dhule ( Maharashtra ) , India. The consequence showed 81.7 % ( 125 ) were immunized for hepatitis B. and lockjaw severally. and among the 34 non immunized for hepatitis B.The bulk of the participants staff nurses were immunized.

Overall cognition:

Overall mean mark of cognition on biomedical waste direction was 20 ( Markss ) . Sub group analysis showed that there is no a important mean mark difference of cognition on biomedical waste direction among gender, educational position, experience and BMW preparation position. Asadullah et Al. ( 2012 to 2013 ) carried out a survey among the staff nurse in Udupi, Karnataka, India showed that important association between instruction position and mean cognition, score the difference seen between Diploma Holder and ANM. The minimal instruction degree for staff nurse is diploma hence in this have ANM, due to this we didn’t happen this difference.

The mean mark is classified as Poor Knowledge ( & A ; lt ; 40 % in the entire cognition mark ) , Average to good cognition ( 40-79 in the entire cognition mark ) , and first-class cognition ( & A ; gt ; 80 in the entire Knowledge mark ) . The survey consequence showed that 70.7 % of the staff nurses had first-class, and 29 % had good cognition on biomedical waste direction. When comparing the norm to good cognition and first-class cognition classs between gender instruction position, experience and BMW preparation position showed that important association ( 5 % ) between the cognition and gender.

Biomedical waste direction pattern

The direct observation of BMW pattern in 50 wards showed that equal figure. Of bio medical waste bins as per bio medical waste direction usher lines ( xanthous, bluish and black ) in all wards ( 100 % ) . All wards have hub cutter for acerate leafs and panpipes which all in working status and all of them utilizing personal protective steps like a mask, baseball mitts, etc. The BMW records were non maintained in any of the wards. The pattern of managing the disposal of fictile waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and acerate leafs waste and human anatomical waste were about 100 % . Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) showed that 87 % reported holding hub cutter in wards. Around 84 % of participants are utilizing personal protective steps like a mask, baseball mitts, etc. while managing BMW. Study consequence showed that 74.5 % of participants reported that there is the good care of BMW records in wards and 87 % reported holding hub cutter in wards. The pattern of managing disposal fictile waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and acerate leafs waste and human anatomical waste are 80 % , 66.8 % , 63 % and 63.1 % severally. This fluctuation occurred because in this survey research worker observed straight the wards, non the person survey participants. The Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) carried out it separately. The blood spill kit and station exposure prophylaxis kit were available in 20 % of wards entirely.

Overall the cognition of the biomedical waste direction among staff nurses in the third attention learning infirmary was good. The biomedical waste direction pattern was satisfactory except the BWM records were non maintained decently.


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Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from

Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding
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