Allan Yashinski is currently a Temporary Assistant Professor


He received his B.S. in Mathematics with highest honors from the Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA in 2007. Coursework is fulfilling the Computer Science major in the Bachelor of Arts degree program also has been completed. Later he received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Pennsylvania State University in 2013, where his adviser was Nigel Higson.

Mr. Yashinski is a co-organizer of the weekly Noncommutative Geometry Seminar at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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He also was a co-organizer of the Student Noncommutative Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar at Pennsylvania State University.

Allan Yashinski participated in a panel of instructors who discussed the preparedness of students after their first two semesters of calculus at the Teaching Seminar, Life after Math 141. He served as a teaching assistant to Prof. Anton Petrunin for the Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters program at Pennsylvania State University, a unique mathematics program for advanced undergraduates from across the country.

Allan Yashinski has a number of awards and honors, such as The President’s Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement at Bucknell University, The Bucknell Prize in Computer Science at Bucknell University, Phi Beta Kappa at Bucknell University chapter, and Pi Mu Epsilon Society Prize, Bucknell University, that is awarded to the member of the graduating class whose work in mathematics has been outstanding.

He was also awarded University Graduate Fellowship and Department of Mathematics Graduate Assistant Teaching Award at Pennsylvania State University. Mr. Yashinski was also nominated for the Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award at Pennsylvania State University, and Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Professor Allan Yashinski has wide scientific interests. His researchers are focused on noncommutative geometry, deformations of algebras, cyclic cohomology, K-theory, index theory, and operator algebras. He is also working in the area of the behavior of cyclic cohomology and K-theory under deformations of algebras.

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Allan Yashinski is currently a Temporary Assistant Professor. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Allan Yashinski is currently a Temporary Assistant Professor
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