12 Angry Men - Characters/Props/Literature Terms

He is a small, petty man…formal, not overly bright

Juror #2
He is a meek, hesitant man. . .easily swayed

Juror #3
He is a very strong, very forceful. . .sadist

Juror #4
He seems to be a man of wealth and position. . .fancy suit

Juror #5
He is a naive, very frightened young man. . .

Juror #6
He is an honest, but dull-witted man. . .slow

Juror #7
He is a loud, flashy, glad-handed salesman. . .coward, bully, tickets to show

Juror #8
He is a quiet, thoughtful, gentle man.

. .truth, justice, fights against guilty verdict

Juror #9
He is a mild, gentle old man, defeated by life. . .

Juror #10
He is an angry, bitter man. . .antagonist, bigot

Juror #11
He is a refugee from Europe. . .

Juror #12
He is a slick, bright advertising man. . .snob, knows #s, %s, polls, but has no real understanding of people

run-down poor housing where the accused man lived and was raised

a person who makes judgments about people based on stereotypes

a person who enjoys seeing others in pain

hung jury
a jury who are unable to come to a unanimous decision

everyone agrees

a knife

literature meant to be acted out

a written version of a play or drama

a brief remark made by a character directly to the audience

stage directions
information in a character’s part that tells the actor/actress how to act or where to stand

tragic flaw
a fault or problem in a hero’s character that causes his downfall

list of characters

person who informs the audience of any information that is not acted out on stage

whenever a change in time or place occurs, a new one of these is needed

dramatic irony
the audience knows something a character doesn’t know

items/objects used in drama to make it seem more realistic and to show actions more accurately

accused man’s father
victim of the crime

murder weapon

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12 Angry Men - Characters/Props/Literature Terms. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-12-angry-men-characterspropsliterature-terms/

12 Angry Men - Characters/Props/Literature Terms
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