Blessed Regina Protmann Catholic School Inc.

Sitio Libanan, Mt. View, Mariveles, Bataan

“ Sogie Bill ”

Position Paper

English for Academics and Professional Purposes

“Charlen e De Rueda ”

“12 -STEM”

Ms. Aira Li za E. Alcarde, L.P.T

Subject Teacher


I. Thesis/ Claim

Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity or Expression Bill of Rights (SOGIE BILL)

House Bill no 4982



No. 00949, presented by Bataan Rep.

Geraldine Roman, Akbayan Party -List Rep. Tomas

Villarin, and several others.

It is proposed to avoid differ ent monetary and open settlement related demonstrations of

victimization individuals dependent on their sexual direction, sex character or articulation.

I am in with SOGIE BILL .

My stand in regards with this bill is true and correct because I believe tha t SOGIE bill is good

and it is an act the will help and protect lesbian, gay, bisexual , tran sgender, queer people to

improve their socialization with community by being considered as simple person living as

one of the LGBTQ this act is a hope and a stepping stone to them and for more laws to come

in our country that would help and provide for our LGBTQ family.

Because I believed discrimination will not be a problem as long as we are protected by human ’s

law and most especially Gods guidance and love .


II. Reason

Reason for SOGIE BILL

Because it may incorporate securities for gatherings dependent on sex, age, race, ethnicity,

nationality, handicap, psychological sickness or capacity, sexual direction, sex, sex

personality/articulation, sex attributes, strict, statement of faith, or individual political feelings.

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SOGIE Equality Bill is giving the LGBT an equivalent treatment as a person that they are made

by our god as well, poise, and regard, regard for what their identity is and regard wha t they need

in their life.

The SOGIE Equality Bill shields the LGBT from prejudicial acts, for example,

– Denial of access to open administrations

– Including SOGIE as a criteria for employing or expulsion of laborers

– Refusing confirmation or removi ng understudies in schools dependent on SOGIE

– Imposing disciplinary activities that are harsher than standard because of the understudy’s SOGIE

– Refusing or renouncing accreditation of associations dependent on the SOGIE of individuals

– Denying acce ss to wellbeing administrations

– Denying the application for expert licenses and comparable reports

– Denying access to foundations, offices, and administrations open to the overall population

– Forcing an individual to attempt any therapeutic or menta l assessment to decide or adjust one’s


– Harassment submitted by people engaged with law implementation

– Publishing data expected to “”out”” or uncover the SOGIE of an individual without assent

– Engaging in open discourse which expects to disgrace or mocking LGBT people

– Subjecting people to provocation propelled by the guilty parties inclination against the annoyed

party’s SOGIE, which may come as any medium, including broadcast communication s and online


– Subjecting any individual to sex profiling

– Preventing a youngster under parental authority from communicating one’s SOGIE by exacting

or taking steps to dispense real or physical mischief or by causing mental or passionate torment.


III. Support

We as a whole realize that there are numerous individuals today in our general public

who is constantly segregate the LGBT, but is it OK for you to have this sort of law in

your nation? Do you feel that everybody will have equivalent treatment?

Indeed, even some catholic chiefs have communicated their help and furthermore some

nearby big names are extremely vocal for their help about it.

Yet, then again there are additionally numerous individuals, even surely understood

characters who are strai ghtforwardly LGBT, who don’t think the bill is important by

any stretch of the imagination. One of this is Jake Zyrus. Another is Senator Tito Sotto

and ultimately The Philippine National Police who is vocal about not concurring the


A few people ha ve said that there isn’t generally a requirement for a SOGIE Bill, since

there are numerous individuals from the LGBTQIA people group who are

acknowledged and fruitful in various businesses. Yet, as indicated by Atty. Mendoza,

“”There are additionally indiv iduals who live their lives denied of fundamental rights,

for example, the privilege to work, the privilege to training, the privilege to access to

wellbeing administrations, offices, and foundations, and others, essentially in view of

their sexual directi on and sex personality or articulation. Segregation has been a reality

in the lives of LGBTIQAs. While some probably won’t have been victimized, or

probably won’t have felt defamed, it doesn’t discredit the lived encounters of other

people who have. “Basic ally , on the grounds that you haven’t encountered it or seen it

occurring, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur by any means! Perhaps you ought to ask

the distinctive LGBTQIA individuals you know whether they’ve at any point

encountered any segregation. What ‘s more, remember, separation has occurred — and

still occurs ! — To cisgender ladies, as well.

It is a request that is profoundly required for our general public today. An authority and

a superb stage for the LGBT’s privileges as a relationship as well as.

“”The manner in which individuals treat you, is an announcement about who they are as

a person. It’s anything but an announcement about you.””

“”Be the change and the expectation for the future, the desire for our kids and grandkids!

Dread nothing and go your way for opportunity, equity and tranquility on earth.””

Anita Kanitz


“”The world is a risky spot to live, not due to the individuals who are underhanded, but

since of the individuals who don’t take care of business.””

? Albert Einstein

“”Envision every one of the individuals living in harmony. You may state I’m a

visionary, yet I’m not alone. I trust some time or another you’ll go along with us, and

the world will be as one.””

– John Lennon

As I would like to think as a student this bil l has its upsides and downsides. Its still a

long procedure to banter by the officials. I can say that this bill needs the balance in the

general public. They need humankind to win not segregation and harassment’s.

Particularly in schools where numerous ch ildren and teenagers experience harassing in

light of the fact that how they act and the manner in which they appear or communicated

their selves in the general public. As they said there are still a few people who don’t

bolster this bill since they don’t generally comprehend its motivation


IV. Counterargument/ Opposing point of view

We needn’t bother with an Anti -Discrimination or SOGIE Equality law since Filipinos are innately

tolerating of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders . Our general public is inherently tolerant

of LGBTs. Confirmation of this would be the numerous Filipino LGBTs who are fruitful in their

separate fields: business, exchange, media, training, design, human services, law, I.T., science and

innovation, expre ssions, the big time and even governmental issues. The appointment of the fair

agent of the main locale of Bataan, Rep. Geraldine B. Roman, is one more approval. The

Philippines has additionally reliably been perceived as one of the gay -accommodating natio ns on

the planet and one of the gay -friendliest in Asia. In numerous families and families everywhere

throughout the nation, LGBTs are acknowledged and adored, with many filling in as essential

providers and parental figures. As a LGBT, I never experienced segregation growing up, regardless

of whether in school or at work. I can say that I am the place I am presently a direct result of

diligent work, discipline, undeniable knowledge and petitions.

These proposed bills, when established into law, might be util ized as instruments to smother or

abuse our opportunity of religion and opportunity to experience our confidence. Enable me to

expand by offering these conversation starters: What will happen to a theological college or

religious community that will mainta in Church laws by rejecting admission to a transgender who

needs to examine and turn into a minister or cloister adherent? What will befall areas and Catholic

colleges that won’t permit or perceive LGBT associations with regards to their order to maintain

Church regulations? What will happen to “”all young men”” or “”all young ladies”” Catholic schools

that won’t acknowledge transgender youngsters as understudies since this would conflict with the

instruction they educate? What will befall Catholic and Christia n workplaces or organizations like

book shops, travel offices, radio stations, broadcasting companies or strict associations that won’t

procure LGBT representatives since it damages their religious convictions? What will befall a

Muslim school (madrasah) t hat vows acquiescence to the Quran and hadith and won’t enlist

transgender understudies who want to be an imam? What will befall a Jewish school that won’t

acknowledge LGBT understudies applying to be a rabbi since Orthodox Judaism forbids it? What

will ha ppen to houses of worship of different groups that won’t utilize LGBTs as ministers in

consistence with their scriptural convictions? In these potential situations, the proposed bills might

be utilized to make legitimate move against houses of worship, mos ques, sanctuaries, strict

networks and religious associations bringing about fines of up to 500,000 pesos or detainment of

as long as 6 years. Advocates of the bill have constantly stated that guaranteeing non -segregation

for LGBTs based on their sexual di rection and sex character won’t reduce or infringe on the


privileges of others. In any case, the reformatory arrangements of the proposed law state generally.

Most likely, we can’t expect the devotees of the incredible strict customs of the world to change

their teachings to suit a law that will damage their major right to unreservedly rehearse the very

religion that they maintain. Compelling composed religion to save or alter its precepts is as

ridiculous as constraining LGBTs to change their sexual direct ion and sex character.

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PANGIT-SI-CHARLENE. (2019, Nov 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/pangit-si-charlene-best-essay/

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