Overcoming Adversity to Achieve Goals

Topics: Goals In Life

Goals are a way to organize my priorities academically and personally. Academically I aim to maintain an exceptional GPA, manage my time efficiently, work on networking, and work towards a successful career. Besides my professional goals, I prioritize my family and spending time with them as much as I can.

My top goal would be to maintain a 4.0 GPA during my MBA program. In order to guarantee that I can achieve this, there are certain steps that I will take. I will attend all my classes and lectures without exception.

Doing this will help me grasp the material and will ensure not to miss out on important announcements, like assignments due dates or when tests will be given. I plan to learn with the help from my professors, classmates and other resources available at the university. Two weekends per month I will have classes at the University, and I will dedicate blocks of my personal time to studying. I will always turn in my homework on time.

And while studying and doing assignments, I will be able to recognize gaps in my knowledge that could cause issues on exams and final projects and I will mitigate them well in advance. Final exams have a huge impact on the GPA, to make sure I am ready on test day, I will begin studying well in advance and will take time to prepare for my exams. I will set my goals for each course and will work hard to achieve my 4.0 GPA in each course.

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Highly successful people value their time and my goal is to do the same. I plan to make the best use of my time and be disciplined. I will wake up early and use the extra time for a great head start. I will capture the tasks and activities I must do on my daily calendar and update it regularly. I will revisit the list frequently and add new items as soon as they appear. I will check my calendar in the mornings to plan my days and manage it for success. I believe it will be highly effective to write a to-do list based off my calendar and follow it through my days. I will start by prioritizing most important tasks first and manage them well. I know that the most essential time management skill is to not get distracted when you are in the middle of something important. I will discipline myself to work on a task single-mindedly until it’s completed. Also I will stop procrastinating. It is a thief of time and an opportunity’s assassin. I will make better use of the time that I have by overcoming procrastination. I believe, if I can win each day like this, then I will win the weeks, and the months and doing this will get me closer reaching to my goals.

In this time and age, professional networking is very important. It is meeting people who work in your profession or your industry, and build relationship with them. The goal of networking is to create a professional network with likeminded professionals. Professional networks like LinkedIn has made it easier to build and maintain a successful professional network. For that, I need to continue to add new contacts to my network in order to access as many resources as possible and to maintain the network through staying in touch with my existing contacts. For new contacts, I will extend my conversation from a simple hello or a nod to some small talk whenever I will get a chance. I hope to meet 30 plus classmates at orientation. Staying in touch with my contacts should not be that hard and absolutely not complicated. I will try to add their birthdays to my calendar and make sure to wish them. Also I will share my life stories on social media so all my connections know what I am up to.

My goal is to achieve a thriving career, climbing the corporate ladder and landing in the corner office. I will work hard as success does not happen by coincidence. Good education, thoughtfully match the career choice with my natural talent and abilities, and continually work to upgrade the skills and the value of contribution to the company will eventually achieve my career goals. I have strong desire to perform well and right mindset to climb the ladder.

“Goal-setting techniques are used by successful people in all fields. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure your progress and continuously motivate yourself to progress toward the vision you have for your ideal work life. You will be able to see forward movement in what might otherwise feel like a long, pointless grind. By setting and taking action toward your goals, you will raise your self-confidence.” – Berkeley.edu

I have my own personal growth goals. I want to be engaged in continuous self-development. I have to increase my self-esteem and self-confidence to better deal will life challenges. Successful personal growth requires motivation, the desire to improve and the willingness to strive to make changes. An open mind and the desire to learn and grow are also important. I need to improve my body language which is nonverbal communication. Right body language helps connect with others, gets message across efficiently, communicate confidence and assertiveness. I want to acquire conflict resolution skills. Having the ability to resolve disagreements rationally and settle disputes amicably makes one more happier and successful. I want to become more resilient. Resilience is the ability to overcome adversity. I want to learn how to bounce back from any problem or challenge stronger and faster. I want to become more mindful. Being mindful will help me recognize the abundance and the good that is already present in my life. The important component of happiness is learning to live in the moment, which is becoming more mindful. I want to learn to make better decisions. Decisions shape up our lives, so the better I get at making decisions, the better my life will be. Attitude is the state of mind. One of the best ways to get what you want from life is constantly adopt the attitude that is most conducive to getting you what you want. I want to live the best life by setting personal goals that make me a better person.

My goal to spend as much time as possible with my family. With the busy schedules, spending time together as a family is a stretch. I will try and make it less burdensome and more pleasurable. First of all, I will make a point to spend time with my kids. I will sit down for dinner so we can have a family conversations. I have growing teenagers and I want to take the time to talk to them and assure them I am on their side. I want to know what is going-on in their lives. I would like to have chats with them over Whatsapp and step into their lives and be there for them, when they need me. Also I want to travel world with my family. Traveling the world allows families to connect in ways that aren’t possible at home. While vacations enables families to form a strong bond, children also benefit from a new experience it brings and adults gain a greater appreciation for whats around them.

Being away from the demands of fast-paced, modern-day life, an opportunity for the family to spend time enjoying each others company. Any and every activity done together is the opportunity to make life-long memories. Vacations are the best time when parents can bond with their children and siblings can spend quality time together. Traveling can give a unique insight into what the rest of the world is all about. Children absorb knowledge more effectively through experiential learning, like embracing new cultures and customes first hand, tasting new cuisines. Families traveling together have the opportunity to discuss their experiences through conversation, which reinforces a deeper learning. Traveling with family holds many benefits that will create life-long memories. From the beginning of a journey to long after arriving home, travel can be one of the most rewarding adventures a family can have together.

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Overcoming Adversity to Achieve Goals. (2022, Feb 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/overcoming-adversity-to-achieve-goals/

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