Nappy changing: Practitioners should change babys nappies regularly to

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Nappy changing: Practitioners should change baby’s nappies regularly to avoid nappy rash, nappies should be changed quickly as possible after a baby have been soiled. Nappy changing is important and practitioners have to make sure that baby’s feels secure and happy while being changed. The role of an Early Years Practitioner during nappy changing is essential, the Early Years Practitioner during nappy changes helps to prevent spread bacteria and viruses as well as that it helps to prevent children from getting skin infections, babies and toddlers or children who are left in nappies that are soiled or wet for a long period might start to develop skin irritations such as nappy rash.

Nappy rash in severe cases can be painful and may cause the baby, toddler or child distress. Creams should be provided by parents if their child happens to develop. Early Years Practitioners should always wash their hands before and after changing nappies, the surface use must be cleaned before and after nappy changing, during nappy changing practitioners should wear disposable aprons and gloves.

Practitioners should never leave babies, toddlers or children alone on a high surface because of the risk of falling from a high height.

Referenc:Tassoni, P,Early Years Education and cares, Hodder Education, London, 2014.

-Toilet training

The role of an Early Years Practitioner during toilet training is to show the children where the toilet or potty is and to let the children use the potty or toilet independently, it is also important to not constantly remind children to go as they themselves might not pick up when their bladder is full and this can result in more accidents.

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The practitioner should also stay calm and to not make the child feel like they have done wrong if they have an accident this can make them nervous to tell an adult when the have had an accident and possibly cause more accidents. Practitioners and parents should work together to agree whether the child is ready to be toilet trained and to discuss each day how the process is going.

Reference: Tassoni, P ,Early years education and cares, Hodder Education, London ,2014.

-Washing and bath time

The role of an early year’s practitioner will first talk to parents and to make sure getting all the information, both for the child and the parents. Parents and adults must communicate how their child likes to be bathed, whether they are bathed in the morning or in the evening. It is important to find out what bath-time products the parents use and to also find out what their routine is, if you are new in a child’s life they might become unsettled therefore it is extremely important to keep that routine going on. The role of the adult is to also keep the child safe from scalding themselves, from falling and in the worse-case from drowning. There are ways to prevent these accidents from happening such as checking the temperature of the water before allowing children to enter the bathroom. Children can drown in very in small amounts of water, two inches of water that is six centimetres. Therefore, it is important to keep children supervised when they are around water. Children can fall and hurt themselves by slipping on water, therefore it is important to keep on top of water spills and to ensure that all water is cleared up before allowing children to walk into the bathroom.

-Care of skin, teeth and hair

Teeth care means as an early year’s practitioner to make sure children are brushing their teeth twice a day. Making sure they are using appropriate age toothbrush and toothpaste.

For children’s skin as a practitioner I should get information from the parents. For example, if a child has a sensitive skin, which shampoo, lotion the parent prefers.

Head lice are very common in children since children spend a lot of time close to each other therefore it is easy for the lice to transfer from one head to another. Signs of a head lice infestation include: Itchiness of the scalp o Scabs or blood on the scalp where it’s been bitten. Seeing the head louse or lice moving around in the hair, White bits in the hair that do not move if they are attempted to be removed these are the empty eggs that are called ‘nits’. Adults too can also catch head lice, it is important to check own hair and treat as the adult become infested. It is important to report a child with head lice as soon as practitioner spot the signs and must inform parents and if parents don’t know practitioner can give advice on treating head lice.



As an early years practitioner I need to encourage children to try new foods such as making the meals look fun by making the meals into smiley faces or making them look bright and colourable. Praising a lot as they attempt to try the food by themselves, even if it’s trying one bite of something give a child lots of praise to ensure that they know they are doing well and therefore don’t feel pressure when trying new foods and this helps them get a positive experience out of trying new things. To make the food not look too full on the plate as a practitioner can cut food into small pieces. The role of the practitioner is important during meal times as he/she is there to also supervise the children, to look out for reactions to food or choking.

Reference: Meggit,C Early years education and cares,Hodder Education,London,2015.

Describe benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to individual physical care routines.

To promote the health and wellbeing of children it is important to work together with families to ensure that if children have any allergies or intolerances the settings are kept informed with any changes to a child’s condition, allergies are there for life with children but some children can grow out of intolerances or mild reactions to food, there can also be religious or cultural reasons as to why some children might be allowed certain foods and some parents might preferences for what they want their children to eat or drink. It is important to correspond with the families so you ensure as the adult that their child is properly looked after. Partnerships are key to a successful experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education and reach expected levels of development. This responsibility usually falls to the key person to ensure an effective relationship is built and to share information at the beginning and end of the day and also at various other points such as meetings to discuss development. There are many reasons why parent partnerships are so important for the child and it is for this reason that Ofsted will often require evidence that parent partnerships are taking place. They will also gather evidence on this by speaking to parents at the beginning of the day on drop off or the end of the day on collection.

Reference: Tassoni,P Early years educator,Hodder education,2014.London

As an appendix to the information pack identify situations in which non-routine physical care is required.

Children sometimes require additional non-routine physical care, this might be because children are ill therefore parents might ask practitioners who are trained to give medicines to their children during the day, some children may require their noses to be wiped if they have colds and then will need to be taught on how to dispose of the tissue properly and to also teach them to wash their hands after sneezing and blowing noses. Other situations might involve applying creams for skin conditions such as Emollient cream for eczema during the winter time. Some children may be in nappies past the age of three due to medical conditions that means they might not have control over their bladder or bowel, therefore further cleaning will be required when changing someone who’s older than three.

Reference: Tassoni,P Early years educator.level 3,Hodder education,2014,London.

Task 2 (assessment criteria 3.1 and 3.2)

Children’s rest and sleep requirements change as they grow.

Respond to this scenario:

Parents whose children attend a day care setting have requested information about how their children’s rest and sleep needs may change as they grow and move on to school. The manager has asked you to produce a display which explains the rest and sleep needs of children aged:

• 6 weeks

• 7 months

• 15 months

• 2 and a half years

• 4-5 years

• 6-7 years.

6 weeks New born babies sleeps a long time. Around 6 weeks old, they will probably sleep for shorter spells during the day and longer periods at night. The baby will have more deep and less light sleep, but will probably still be awake for at least one feed at night. Sleep and rest periods spread through the 24-hour period.

7 months From four to and a half months onwards, most babies are capable of sleeping for 8 hours at night without having a feed. By 7 months, babies may have a 2 or 3 daytime sleeps, of 1.5-2 hours each.

A baby aged 7 months needs 13-14 hours of sleep and rest in a 24-hour period.

15 months At 12-24 months, babies tend to sleep dor approximatley 11 hours at night. The rest of their sleep will be in daytime naps. At around 15-18 months, many babies have just 1 longer daytime sleep, rather than 2 shorter naps.

A baby aged 15 months need 14 hours sleep in a 24 hour period.

2 and a half years This year group usually take nap once a day.Children usually get up 6 to 8 am and go to bed between 7 to 9 pm.

4 – 5 years At age 4 most children do not need a nap at day time but they need 11 to 11.5 hours sleep in a 24 hours period.

6 -7 years This age group need 10.5 to 11 hours sleep in a 24 hours period.

Refrence : Meggit,C Early years education and cares,Hodder education,London, 2015.

Create resources for the display.

The manager has also asked you to produce a leaflet for parents to explain safety precautions which minimise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Create the leaflet.

Minimise the risk of sudden infant death

• Back to sleep. Place your baby to sleep on his or her back, rather than on the stomach or side, every time you — or anyone else — put the baby to sleep for the first year of life. This isn’t necessary when your baby’s awake or able to roll over both ways without help.

Don’t assume that others will place your baby to sleep in the correct position — insist on it. Advise sitters and child care providers not to use the stomach position to calm an upset baby.

• Keep the crib as bare as possible. Use a firm mattress and avoid placing your baby on thick, fluffy padding, such as lambskin or a thick quilt. Don’t leave pillows, fluffy toys or stuffed animals in the crib. These can interfere with breathing if your baby’s face presses against them.

• Don’t overheat your baby. To keep your baby warm, try a sleep sack or other sleep clothing that doesn’t require additional covers. Don’t cover your baby’s head.

• Have your baby sleep in in your room. Ideally, your baby should sleep in your room with you, but alone in a crib, bassinet or other structure designed for infants, for at least six months, and, if possible, up to a year.

Adult beds aren’t safe for infants. A baby can become trapped and suffocate between the headboard slats, the space between the mattress and the bed frame, or the space between the mattress and the wall. A baby can also suffocate if a sleeping parent accidentally rolls over and covers the baby’s nose and mouth.

• Breast-feed your baby, if possible. Breast-feeding for at least six months lowers the risk of SIDS.

Reference: Meggit,C Early years education and cares,Hodder education.2015,London.

Task 3 (assessment criteria 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)

The immunisation programme promotes health in the early years.

The chart shows the increase in cases of measles reported in Wales from November 2012 to February 2013. Use the chart as a discussion tool to explore links between child health and immunisation. Following the discussion:

• Outline the reasons for immunisation

Immunising children provides resistance to specific diseases.The more children who are immunised the more of them would be protected so the desease may be eradicated.Immunisation consists a small part of the desease.The introduction of this to the body stimulates the immune sustem to produce antibiodied to resist the specific deseases.

• Explain the reasons why some children are not immunised

The majority of parents believe in immunisation for their children. However, here the views of a few parents who do not believe immunisation is right for their own child based on their personal beliefs. Most of the parents say that immunisations for children were important for a number of reasons. Many understood that they were not just protecting their own children and that they had a social responsibility to immunise their children to cut down the spread of potentially dangerous infectious diseases in the rest of the population. They recognised that while children who were unprotected might recover from infection without incurring any lasting problems, the risk of suffering a serious complication from one of the diseases was vastly greater that the possible risks from immunisation.

reference: Tassoni,P Early years educator,level 3,Hodder education,2014,London.

• Identify the immunisation schedule.

When to immunise Diseases protected against Vaccine given Immunisation site

Two months old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and haemophilus influenza type b

Pneumococcal disease

rotavirus Dtap/ipv/hib



rotavirus Thigh


By mouth

Three months old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and hib

Meningococcal group

C disease (menC)

rotavirus Dtap/ipv/hib


men c

rotavirus Thigh


By mouth

Four months old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and hib

Pneumococcal disease Dtap/ipv/hib


pcv (previnar 13) Thigh


Between 12 and 13 months old – within a month of the first birthday Hib/menC

Pneumococcal disease

Measles, mumps, rubella Menitorix

pcv (previnar 13)

mmr Upper arm/thigh

Upper arm/thigh

Upper arm/thigh

Two and three and four years old Influenza (from September) Flu nasal spray Nostrils

Upper arm

Three years, four months old or soon after Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio

Measles, mumps, rubella Dtap/ipv

mmr Upper arm

Upper arm

Reference: Meggit,C Early years Education and cares, Hodder education,London,2014.

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Nappy changing: Practitioners should change babys nappies regularly to. (2019, Nov 14). Retrieved from

Nappy changing: Practitioners should change babys nappies regularly to
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