Modernism and Social Changes

Topics: Social Change

The year 1900 lead to an new era that changed the form that reality was perceived and portrayed. Years later a revolutionary new period would come to be studied as Modernism. Modernism is concerned to be one of the most changing times. It was concerned one of the most changing times because it was refining the way people viewed life, art, politics, and science. Modernism would also be forever remembered as a time when artists and the intelligent revolted against every conceivable believed that was widely trusted by the establishment, whether in the arts, science, medicine, philosophy, etc.

By the time the 1900’s came the world was a bustling place it was being transformed by all of the new inventions discoveries, technological, and achievements. Some of the stuff that were being invented or being planned at the time were electricity, combustion engine, incandescent light bulb, automobile, the airplane, radio, X-Rays, fertilizers etc. These inventions revolutionized the world in two different ways. In one way, they created an optimistic quality of a widely paradise, of new technology that was suppose to reshape man into moral perfection.

By moral perfection, I mean technology became the new religious cult that held the key to a new utopian dream that would transform the very nature of mankind.

The second way was, the new technology accelerated the pace through which humans experienced life on a day to day basis. For example, the new innovations that were in the field of transportation and communication had been released and helped quickened the daily life of humans.

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In the past people’s lives have been controlled by the lack of mechanical resources that were not available, but now a person can extend the field of daily activities through the new releasing power of a machine. People felt rush of power of the scientific and technological innovation and a overriding rush emanating of the thought that he could invincible.

The modernism period began with World War Two with all the chaos and people getting hurt. A lot was going on like, traditional ways of viewing and the interacting with people. Many people started experimenting and individualism became righteous, but in the past it was genuinely discouraged. Modernism motion began in one sense through a cultural outbreak. The first of these outbreak was when the Great War ravaged Europe from 1914 through 1918, that war is known as World War One. At the time, what was the war to “End All Wars” was being looked with horror. Many people could not imagine what the future look like.

The Modernism movement refers to the reforming of art, architecture, music, literature during the late 19th century and early 20th century. The people’s late reaction to the Modernism gave a rise to the Postmodernist movement in the arts and in philosophy. What I am trying to say is the Modernism movement is not the answer to another movement. The Modernist movement helped the Postmodernism start.

Some of the things the Modernism caused was social change, education and culture, and education and social change, and education and culture. Social change is referring to an adaption of social order of a society. It could also refer to the concept of social progress or socio cultural development of the philosophical idea that society moves on by rational or progress means. It may mean a typical change in the socio-economic system, for example a shift away from feudalism and approaching capitalism. According, to its definition it can also mean social revolution, in other words the socialist revolution presented in Marxism, or to other social movements, for example, women’s suffrage or the civil rights movements. Social change can be operated by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces. In other words, social change could include changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviors or social relations.

The role of education is an instrument of social change, and social development is extensively recognized today. Social change is usually when human need change, Modernism was changing people. Modernism began precisely because the old ways were not satisfying their needs, the social system would help change that. Education initiated social changes by bringing out a change in the opinion and attitude of man. It brings change in the pattern of social relationships and by that it may cause social changes. Earlier in educations meant social control than a tool of social change. Modern educational establishments do not place much importance in transmitting a way of life to students. The original way of education was meant for a society that was not affected by ant change. Today’s education goes toward imparting knowledge. Education can also be associated with religion.

Education surrounds teaching and learning to having specific skills and also something less perceptible but instead have more profoundness. Which impacts knowledge good judgment and wisdom. Durkheim looks at education as socialization for the younger generation. It is an ongoing effort impose a child’s ways of seeing, feeling and acting which he is not able t council. One of the education fundamentals is to impart culture from generation to generation. Education helps culture grow. Another way cultures are passed down to child is by their family. Their family passes down things that they have learned from their home country. Culture refers to a set of beliefs, skills, art, literature, philosophy, religion, music, etc,and all this must be learned. There is many ways their heritage can be learned, for example, social skills and values are learned in school thanks to teachers and students. Some other things school teach is cooperation, team spirit, obedience, discipline, etc. Most of the things children know comes from school.

The major contributors to modernism are Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Nietzsche, and saussure. Einstein, helped develop new things in science. Einstein was most known for his theory of relativity, which helped revolutionize our understanding of space, time, gravity and the universe. Sigmund Freud was a austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, and a movement that helped popularize the theory that conscious motives control behavior. He also became interested in hypnotism and how it could help the mentally ill. Nietzsche was a german philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. His writings on true morality, language, aesthetics, cultural theory, history nihilism, power, consciousness,have exerted an enormous influence on western philosophy and intellectual history. Ferdinand de Saussure was a swiss linguist, and semiotician.the ideas he had helped set a foundation for many important developments in both linguistics and semiology in the 2oth century.

Some of the major authors during the Modernism period are Franz Kafka, T.S Eliot, Hilda Doolittke, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Willam Faulker, Ernest Hemingway, and Ezra Pound. But the most popular writer was T.S Eliot. He was born in Louis, Missouri, on september 26, 1888. He went to school in Smith Academy is St. Louis, then he went to Milton Academy in Massachusetts, his family, which was were his parents were originally from New England. As soon as the century was it turning point, Eliot began to print his peoms and short stories, and that would lead him to the rest of his life.

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Modernism and Social Changes. (2022, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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