Life in the Tobacco Plantation and the House of Burgess

Topics: America

I was born in a noble family on the evening of April 14th, 1792; according to my mother, I decided to announce my entrance into the world on the rainiest day of the yeah The rain was pouring so hard, she claimed that she was afraid that the storms might bust the windows right open and sweep me right out from her arms Nonetheless, I was born to Joshua and Lulu Palmer, in the first floor master bedroom of the Raymond Palmer Plantation, The Raymond Palmer Plantation is a family treasure; my honorable grandfather settled in the Grove Community of Southeastern James City County, Virginia when he was just 18 years old.

The plantation is set up 1500 acres of fine, Virginia soil that is nourished by the North Shore James River, Tobacco once was the plantation’s specialty crop, although nowadays, grain, corn, and cotton has taken precedence.

Unfortunately, the crops are not as productive as they were in my grandfather‘s day and I often worry about what it will provide for my son, Amon, when he takes over the plantation However, after I inherited the plantation after my father’s death, it remains a noble and virtuous place that provides great comfort for my family.

I first began managing the plantation after my father’s death in 1816 with my first wife, Ella, Ella was a starting beauty who could sing like better than a heaven-sent angel. Ella birthed my first son, Amon and my second son, Benjamin. Ella passed away in childbirth during the delivery of our daughter, Rufinai, I lamented Ella’s passing greatly, but soon met my second wife, Charlotte, during a trip to James City while I was serving for the House of Burgess.

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Charlotte has given me a son, Bennet, and a lovely daughter, Fidela, whom are a great addition to my children from Ellal Together, we are a happy family who remains loyal to the union and Thomas Jefferson’s righteous valuesr Fortunately, my plantation allows me to engage in the life of the mind, which I so genuinely enjoy I deeply admire the great work of Thomas Jefferson and spend many hours reading about his politics. Never had I seen a day prouder than the days I got to meet the great Mr. Iesserson; I do not recall my first encounter with Mr. Jefferson, as I was very young, but my father has told me the many details My second encounter with Mrt Jefferson occurred at Monticello, where my father and I pleasurably had a great talk with him, over my first cup of wine (grown by the good man himself!)

I deeply admire Mr, Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, which has inspired me both as an American and Viginia patriot. I believe that a revival of Jeffersonian values in the public realm would be beneficial for all. Nohow is there a place or time for abolition or the “proslavery” ideal of John C Calhoun! Both views are recklessly dangerous to the well-being of the United States of American and should not be considered in any means! I reckon that after a resolutions are made concerning slavery and the constitution (resolutions that honor the teachings of Mr. Jefferson, clearly), America will be in a better place that God will bless.

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Life in the Tobacco Plantation and the House of Burgess. (2022, Nov 20). Retrieved from

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