Levittown's Film "Levitt And Sons"

A city built with 15,000 homes for a population of 60,000, it was possible to note several historical and social factors connected to the motives of the construction of this city. The apartments were only 75 square meters, but were complete, equipped with refrigerator, stove, everything a person, and a small family needs to live. The houses were neighbors, very close to each other. In addition, all the propaganda of this city was focused around these factors, and in the low cost of acquisition of the property.

A house could be built in one day when it is effectively scheduled. This enabled quick and economical production of similar or identical homes with rapid recovery of costs. These factors are because the United States was facing a major crisis. Moreover, the result was very good, the business expanded and soon it was covering for new cities, new places, and new people.

Levittown was also known as suburban, by the conglomeration of low-income families, usually made up of laborers, and people with bad remuneration.

Another historical factor that is perceptible in the documentary and the rich history of Levittown is the segregation and the racism. As we can remember the famous phrase ‘separate but equal’ what clearly is against the equality and civil rights, the Levittown community did the same thing. As well as a symbol of the American Dream, Levittown would also become a symbol of racial segregation the houses could not be used or occupied by any person other than members of the Caucasian race.

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This was the official statement by that time Only whites could live in those houses, in the early years of construction, blacks were not accepted, they were quite discriminated at that time including that kind of fact, which they could not live in the same area of whites for example.

About “the best documentary on Hippies”, the first statement in the documentary is “In 1968 almost every American knew what this were “Hippie”. Hippies are defined by the dictionary as “(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.” They used to be 60 million around 1950s and they tried to revolutionize the way americans and people should live. They became in 1960s students protestors, and political rebels. This movement that made part of the counterculture movement were worried about the American lifestyle, and what was considered important for Americans, as their clothes, hair, and the way they cared about dressing, and how they look like, as stated by Jerry Rubin in the documentary.

Constantly the Hippies were defined as bad people, and outsiders. However, the Hippies thought they were different in a positive manner, such as people lovers of the world and life, and the philosophy of does not care about what people think of their acts. It was stated in a part of the song in the documentary “we do what we want, we say what we want” so it proofs that their intentions was living without being controlled by government, society, and people’s thoughts about their behavior, and lifestyle. Hippies might have been a temporary movement, but the hippie mindset still exists in many forms, including environmental/animal rights, organic farming, New Age spirituality, fashion, music, antifascism, Occupy Wallstreet & beyond. Try as they might, mainstream media cannot get rid of the hippie by applying their stupid stereotypes or claiming Charles Manson ‘killed the ’60s’.

Theodore Roszak the author of “the making of a counter-culture” stated that Hippies tried to change people’s cultural values, persuade all the levels of conscientiousness, “open the doors of perception” as he said. In addition, “the fascination of drugs wasn’t funny games in the 1960s; it was a way to see reality differently.” And in my opinion Hippies might’ve been a temporary movement, but the hippie mindset still exists in many forms, including environmental/animal rights, organic farming, New Age spirituality, fashion, music, antifascism, Occupy Wallstreet & beyond. Try as they might, mainstream media cannot get rid of the hippie by applying their stupid stereotypes or claiming Charles Manson ‘killed the ‘

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Levittown's Film "Levitt And Sons". (2021, Dec 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/levittown-s-film-levitt-and-sons/

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