"Last Exit" by Milo Weaver

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The following sample essay on “Last Exit by Milo Weaver” analyzes the author’s second exciting novel. Olen Steinhauer can Robert Ludlum, John Le Carré, Tom Clancy et al quite hold a candle and if he can keep his level best spy thriller soon be included in the group of renowned authors.

Olen Steinhauer has constructed a perfect spy thriller. He is particularly prickly because Steinhauer classifies him in the current world events. It is the time after 9/11. The wars in Iran and Afghanistan romp, the Chinese take on the world markets, and what was really happening in Sudan? Quite convincing, almost sympathetic is the protagonist Milo Weaver: A merciless hard training has brought him a living killing machine, but with his wife and daughter, he shows feelings, and even when he learns of the death of his believed safe little, he stows away a tear.

A fighter who wants to know the truth, and not only risks his life but also his little family.

Tourists is commonly understood people who travel the world. “Travel” is the lowest common denominator, divide the these people with a secret organization within the CIA. This operates worldwide and all pursued other types of targets, mostly criminal in nature and hardly for mankind gereichend. To more to approach the BND, that to get through dependencies favors, ten years ago, the then chief had arranged a coup Owen Mendel. will now have to the pawn sacrifice executed, Milo Weaver why a photograph slipped gets.

The interprets the past as its mission, with which it is to prove his loyalty to the Company.

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He has always been a “tourist”, but got the job temporarily terminated and reapplied months ago. Since then he has received several orders to prove themselves and to stand the test of time. Now he is to kill a pretty young girl – but he does not pack because he is finally himself father of a daughter, and he brings out the child with the help of a confidant to safety. For a long time he noticed the Opel, who always follows him; the occupants see German, but maybe there’s Drummond, the new head of “tourists”, behind it.

When the girl is still killed, Weaver is kidnapped in secret by the BND. Who was probably still watching him. Weaver quickly becomes free; Drummond knew, of course, know and had instructed his man at the BND. “Myrrh” is the dreaded recall command. The long circulating rumor that a mole was in the troupe, had been confirmed. All “tourists” are ordered back to Washington. But Weaver does not follow the call, because only he wants to know why the girl had to die. And he still has what to do in Belgrade, where they had the journalist Henry Gray thrown out the window. After surgery and a long time in a coma, he disappeared without a trace from the ground then. Milo Weaver has to find the man.

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"Last Exit" by Milo Weaver. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/last-exit-by-olen-steinhauer-my-review/

"Last Exit" by Milo Weaver
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