Kindertotenlied by Bernard Minier Review

Topics: Police

The booming music from the neighboring property had made the old man carefully. The four story of single young women’s shelter was completely enlightened. When he looked over, to go to the unusual circumstances on the ground, he discovered a young man who stared with a deranged look on the water level of the pool … Then he alerted the police.

Claire Diemar, 32 , was assassinated, cruel staged her death. They have been tied up in contorted body position, wrapped like a cocoon, and drowned in her bathtub.

From her mouth a torch light. Who should have done so little – and why? The young professor at the elite University of Marsac was universally loved and respected. Was it her student Hugo squatting outside apathetic by the pool? His gaze is fixed on the plastic dolls that drive in front of him in the water, his eyes motionless in the sky.

He will soon be chief commander Martin Servaz have to deal with by the criminal investigation department Toulouse with these issues.

But for now, the forty-one look with his investigative team to the World Cup match Uruguay-France. However, he just sits his colleagues sake in the bar in front of the TV screen; He just acts as if he were present, because football does not interest him. In reality his thoughts hang an unsolved case of who has never left him.

Julian Alois Hirtmann was a respected attorney in Geneva, until he was arrested in 2004. He had killed his wife and her lover, but in the course of the investigation it could be detected as forty other murders to kidnapping and torture more.

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Now the forty-five’s been eighteen months on the run.

Before Hirtmann completely dissolved in air, Martin Servaz had visited him in December 2008. Psychiatry, secluded in the mountains, was monitored as a maximum security prison. To his chagrin turned Servaz then found that links him to this psychopath on the other side of the law a passion: They both love the music of Gustav Mahler, the composer of the “Death of Children” (settings of poems by Friedrich Rückert)


Martin Servaz is still responsible for the case Hirtmann; he has to him as soon as possible to find and take into custody before he leaves his hunting instincts free rein and can satisfy his perverse inclinations again.

The murder case in Marsac reached Servaz on the phone. Marianne, an ex-girlfriend from college days, says a despairing voice that the police had arrested her only son Hugo on suspicion of murder; she asks Servaz to come to Marsac to help to prove Hugo’s innocence.

Twenty years Servaz had heard nothing more from Marianne. At that time she ended their relationship abruptly and for incomprehensible reasons for him. Later she married another and gave birth to her son Hugo.

Bald Martin Servaz is involved in many ways directly into the case Diemar. His eighteen-year-old daughter Margot, intelligent, restrained and also student in Marsac, Hugo knows personally, but stands as Punkerin its trendy clique away.

Servaz first time questioned the suspect, the young man can not remember anything, except that he was with his buddies in an in-pub, which he left late at night alone. Had they inspired him with drugs

The crime scene is Hugo’s fingerprints all over Madame Diemars house?; he must often have been their guest. On the stereo the empty CD case is the “Death of Children” – the hung Hirtmann at night, when he committed the double murder. Drives possibly the volatile mass murderer, a brutal game with the Commissioner? Then you have the fear for his daughter’s life. His colleagues monitor them from now on around the clock. Follow

But Servaz still has other clues. Madame Diemar preferred male acquaintances without obligations and also had with Hugo a relationship. perhaps killed her and laid a false trail to Hirtmann for deflecting a jealous rival?

Just as opaque, how Commissioner Servaz ‘develop investigation, Bernard Minier designed his thriller. Constantly changes the perspective, a by-plot follows the next. Some present interesting characters who remain in their individual extravaganza in memory, such as the lesbian criminal police officer Irene Ziegler that one disciplinary action not be prosecuted for a “go it alone” but has ranked sidelined at the district court for small claims. Other episodes shy with cruelty, others constructed act, are simply boring or peripheral, such as the complex story of the migrants Drissa you want to hack on behalf of a private detective in Servaz ‘computer. Much we know about the private lives of the protagonists, even about the past of the Commissioner, who carries around since childhood traumatic burden, which has its love and bonding capability virtually destroyed. That Marianne, his great love, could not live with him and the ghosts of his past, is not surprising.

To the end, the author does not solve the riddle of his atmospherically dense, dark thrillers completely. The ultimate motive of the wounded souls of children who are left alone in their struggle for survival of adults believe only materially and psychologically, but also worked out not sent, and long it is hard to imagine. Hirtmann however, is the Pandora, the rumbling all the time in her box and over waft their mind as threat to the continuation of the novel.

“Kindertotenlied” is in fact the second in a unfinished series of 1960-born French author Bernard Minier. Both his debut “ice cream” Bernard Minier: “Glacé” at

Perhaps, after conclusion of the series all the other stored tracks and secrets make sense. Perhaps it is even wiser if they have read before the second the first part. In any case, remain the prologue and four inserted in the course of action interludes for no apparent or revealed substantive context for me. Because an unknown sadist keeps for years a woman in a dark cellar captive to get them out as needed as Liebesdienerin from their prison and abuse. In the last race fall name, one speculates, but the sparse hints are not enough to imagine a solution that could satisfy logically and chronologically. In addition, clouding my reading experience – in addition to the tangled story lines and the to many mentally damaged or running out of line characters for my taste – that the typo is omnipresent


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