Isolation as an Effect of Social Media Addiction

Social media can be taken as the answer to many of the world’s problems and solutions. With its wellgoodelopment, it has truly become a medium which contains various information; also, thatae range of influence. Some particular groups of people may see social media as the greatest invention that helps them become more connected with each other. Since one ffeatureis it doesn’t have that many boundaries or boarbordersween changing and sharing the messages or what. “Social media is becoming more than just a part of their world, it’s becoming their world” (McCann).

And about its potential risk of influence, especially among the teenagers, this kind of medium is just what they run all about their day; even most of their life, which may cause some serious effects on themselves. In the following paragraphs, there’ll be concerns of about use of social media, for exampling gradually separated from the real world, feeling more isolated than before, and starting to have the bbasis of their identity, which is also mainly related to the reason of isolation

First, many said that this will-develop medium does truly help people be connected wite than before.

However, the world should notice one serious thing that social media has caused is people just gradually become unable to disconnect, especially teenagers. And also one important point here is the people that they tend to connect wiwithhe social media are usually ones they don’t know in their real life. What it’s doing to people is making them unconsciously separated from the real world.

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Because the so media provides them access that they can almost be with their “friends” all the time rather than waiting until the next day and meeting with each other like before. Moreover, with the rise of smartphones, such as the Phones people even don’t have to wait to arr at home. They can now interact through that convenient medium on their way home with the help of smartphones. Nowadays most of those popular social media platforms, for example, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat are just right there on their phones. People now can just take out their phones anywhere and head to their favorite social media websites by simply clicking on the screen and then immediately start to interact with each other for the rest of the day. The serious thing that this trend may cause is making people isolated in the real world because the so-called connection is probably built on the internet rather than the one in the real world relationship.

Also, many may argue that the interaction between people on social media does help the sharing or exchanging of information better than before.

Unfortunately, what silently influences people, and again, especially the teenagers, are the power of “should”. The point here is that word, should, basically becomes the one, or it can be seen as the standard that most people, the teenagers see seem to have no choice but still constantly and firmly follow. One of the best examples of this phenomenon was the time between February 2013 when Li An won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects and Best Photography Award. During the ceremony, R&H, the famous U.S. special effects company then, simultaneously announced the news about its closure. At that time, controversies were accusing Li and other film directors of exploiting special effects companies. But in fact, there were also lots of people who may not have noticed this issue of their times. During the Oscars, there were hundreds of special effects people gathering outside the venue to protest against Li An. Their main appeal is because the Hollywood film industry hopes that the price of special effects can be cheaper, but the demands are conversely and constantly rising; then causing difficulties to R&H, and even shifting some pressure to that personnel. And of course, there may be many factors involved in this incident. Therefore, whoever makes a sense of reason is not what I want to discuss today. I would like to talk about the latter part. That is, at that time, because of this kind of protest, many people on FB launched an activity which is mainly about replacing the profile picture with a whole piece of green. The meaning of this activity is if there is no film effect, the film will turn into a green screen. After the summary of that story, the point here is that in, that situation, most of the people from the special effects industry supported this protest. And even the ones who are not engaged in special effects but do art design, 3D animation or games supported this movement. Things they were mainly discussing were all related to the obstacles the R&H or some other similar fields may have. Under such circumstances, it is natural for people from a similar field to have a kind of thoughts that the issue they are discussing now is just that common and normal. But if a person doesn’t have this awareness, that person may just see the world’s concerns by simply browsing the posts fronacebook wall. In this case, it’s easy to use our perspective to think about how are others other’s going on. This may create the following conflicts and separations; also, alienation and isolation from the people that don’t belong to the same group. And again, this kind of situation on social media can easily cause unnecessary hostility between people with different ideas.

Last, many encourage the various messages and information from the social media does truly help people have a more diverse life than before. InTheres a potential risk of this trend and thought. And that’s the thing called identity crisis; again, this phenomenon especially harms the teenagers who are easily influenced by the trend. Identity crisis, the paragraph above makes it clear that teenagers today that are extremely engaged in social media may be having a serious identity crisis. Of course, not all of them are, but many turn out to be not themselves on social media.

“Social media encourages the false images of how everything should be in a perfect world” (Reno, NV). Since there are lots of reasons and factors for this phenomenon, for example, the misunderstanding of the “likes” or “reposting” of the post or pictures of profile photos, bodies, cars, houses, and clothes, things that may lower oneself-esteem and lead to confusing or depression; even more, suicides. This situation just silently goes on and repeats every day. With time passing by, those young kids are used to the way that social media works. Once they want to get rid of it, they just can’t. Or, once they don’t follow the trend the world encourages now, they may tend to be confused about who they truly are. Because that may be the reason which makes themselves bere different with from, in this case, they just can’t get the “likes” or “reposting”, those two may mainly be where their confidence comes from.

Especially to those who are addicted to the ways social media potentially encourages. Once they don’t get enough “likes” or “reposting”, they may start to feel isolated from the whole world.

In conclusion, social media may be seen to be so perfect and filled with various information that people may improve by its convenience or diversity. “But it does have its benefits, like keeping in touch with friends and family members separated by large distances. Maybe it’s not necessary to give it up entirely. Perhaps cutting down, or adjusting our attitude toward it, is enough. Or maybe that’s just the type of wishful thinking and rationalization that keeps a person coming back for more” (Walton).

However, People should still be aware of its potential risk and influence rather than being unconsciously isolated.

Works Cited

  1. McCann, Austin. “Negative Impact of Social Media on Teens” Austin McCann. n.d. Web. 23 May 2018. social-media-on-teens/>
  2. Reno, NV, Rozlyn M..”Social Media Argumentative Essay” TEENINK. 2 June 2014 Web. 23 May 2018.  <
  3. Media Argumentative-Essay/> Walton, Alice G. “Social Media May Make You Feel Socially Isolated: Study” Forbes. 6 Mar. 2017 Web. 23 May 2018. <>

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Isolation as an Effect of Social Media Addiction. (2022, Jun 19). Retrieved from

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