Innovative Use Of Technology In Education

Promoting innovation in the learning environment is not at all easy. For example Fullan (2011) argues that, although in some countries laptops and video projectors are replacing blackboards and chalk, the majority of students continue to experience their traditional role as “consumers of information” rather than problem resolvers, producers of information and innovators. However, other problems do arise such as an increase in the centrality of the teacher and a reduction in collaborative interaction amongst students (Jones and Tanner, 2002 cited in Maor, 2003).

It can also be argued that accelerated paces in lessons can be observed to the detriment of the quality of cognitive interaction between teachers and pupils.

The potential for innovation generated by technology does however require organizational, institutional and pedagogical changes. Prior to benefit from the use of technologies in the education sector, it is imperative to consider the following:

  • School level: organisation of learning environments, presence and leadership on the part of the rector, peer-support etc.
  • Technological level: devices (computers, tablets, video-projectors, software, etc.


  • Teacher level: competence in using technology, training background in using technology, methods of teaching and class management, aims in using technology, etc.
  • Student level: competence and frequency in using technology, gender, social economic status or family background, psycho-social constructs like motivation or self-efficacy, etc.

In addition, a major disadvantage of the use of innovative technologies in teaching and learning is that it is costly. It is also important to consider cost implications for the implementation of technology in the education sector. Having the appropriate technology is not enough.

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It is equally important to have the necessary budget to maintain the hardware and software and additional manpower to maintain these equipment and to regularly update them. Countries or institutions who lack the necessary resources can find it difficult to use innovative technologies in their educational sector. Hence it can be argued that lack of budget might not put all institutions on the same level playing field.

For example, in the Mauritian context, a minority of students are lagging behind due to lack of technological equipment such as computers, laptops, smart phones, internet problems and their low level of education to cope with technology. It is also a fact that some educators have not been trained on how to use technology to dispense courses. By way of an example, representative of educators have severely criticized the Ministry of Education for the lack of planning and consultation with relevant stakeholders prior to the implementation of eLearning recently. A lack of logistic and resources were noted. Some mistakes were noted while the programs were broadcasted live which undermine the quality of the course provided.


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Innovative Use Of Technology In Education. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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