In Love With Holly Hill by Alexandra Pilz

Topics: Love

The following sample essay is about the novel In Love with Holly Hill by Alexandra Piltz. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down.

Only a few days is Emily in Holly Hill, a small village in the rolling hills of Dartmoor, spend, then they must climb their plane back to Munich. Or should stay here in southwest England, their decision simply throw overboard? What makes them hesitate, Matt, with whom she falls in love and she recently kissed.

Would have liked it a clear sign of him, but he seems so strange and distant, rather than seek more and more of it its close …

Moreover, it is quite Holly Hill in turmoil. Two new residents have arrived, you want to record with a welcome party in the village community. The feast is commemorated by a wonderful staging under apple trees that Emily to the Tea Party from “Alice in Wonderland”. All villagers are gathered at a long wooden table: Pub-owner Adam; Pastor Harry; the old Martha May bearing the corner shop; the creative and enthusiastic Joe, (not to everyone’s delight) costumes not only his girlfriend Silly, but all residents with its idiosyncratic garments; Emily’s grandmother Rose; Josh and – for Emily the most important person – his brother Matt …

At the head perched Cullum, the New.

With his top hat and catlike piercing green eyes, the young man exerts a strange fascination for Emily from, “Cheshire Cat, and mad hatter at the same time.” His sister Chloe – immaculate, delicately translucent, vulnerable-looking skin, cold sparkling eyes as her brother – revealed at the first encounter with Emily an unpleasant character.

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“Whatever their waitresses nowadays learns … Serve apparently is not among them,” she wrinkles her condescending nose.

That the arrogant Chloe and Matt joins anything, Emily immediately feel. But before the mutual dislike – it’s jealousy? – can break open, the outer events come. A storm breaks out, the ground shakes, the whole village turns like a top … As the place slowly comes to rest, flickers on the street lamps gas light, instead of running on safe cobblestone, you sink on muddy paths in November Matsch and a carriage drives up. Holly Hill has fallen back in the year 1811, and its residents are in for a great adventure …

What’s the deal with this strange little town about? Here a particular community lives of people with extraordinary abilities together. They are so-called time travelers who “neither aged nor besiegbar seemed”. Once even Emily’s mother Esther was one of them. But in the eighties she left her home to marry an ordinary man with no mystical properties. When their daughter Emily was four years old, his parents were killed in a car accident, and since then the mother’s father, who lives in Munich cares lovingly for the little girl.

Full details of the family backgrounds and miraculous way in which the protagonist Emily landed in Holly Hill, you can learn when you read “Back to Holly Hill,” the successful first volume (in February 2013 appeared) youth book series penned by the visionary gifted author Alexandra fungus. The essentials for understanding one suspects, of course also in the course of the second volume are easily enough its allusions to “Love in Holly Hill” to a enjoy a self-contained novel’s action.

The lovable villagers, on the one hand people like you and I, on the other hand, idealized magical, fanning out, the mystery of the carriage and its unknown charioteer, the horrific strangulation marks wears around her neck, to fathom. At the same time leaves Alexandra mushroom dip in times of Jane Austen where they experience life on a fine estate their fans in the (romanticized) English past. Emily is here to a small servant and must be subordinated to the narrow and rigid rules of class society.

“That’s Holly Hill” offers its readers (female, from twelve to fourteen years) a beautifully descriptive and catchy narrative language style which is ideal for identification and to dream. The success of the series is based on the same five more safe ingredients that are cooked to perfection, the author and combined. A Krimiplot generated voltage; the delicate, always works in the background holding love story between Matt and Emily for romance; the trend-setting personnel from loud youths between about fifteen and seventeen years allows us to feel a bit dated; the fantasy world of the time-traveling adventurer and the references to “Alice in Wonderland” Open fairytale dimensions; the historicizing caught the whole thing in a distant past that is no better than can be presented but neat filtered our,

Although the design tailored for adults and is transparent. The reading experience for young readers is impressive and sustainable, and there remain a lot of unanswered questions to imagine how anything could go. The epilogue indicates a direction: fairy, Emily’s friend from Munich, playing cards and their characters is re-stir. It continues with Holly Hill.

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In Love With Holly Hill by Alexandra Pilz
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