IGCSE History: World War I – Recruiting

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IGCSE History: World War I – Recruiting

Lord Kitchener’s Recruiting Campaign:

2.5 million men, all of whom were young, enlisted. Rifles and uniforms were too few.

Men were encouraged to join with their friends:

  • If you joined in a group you stayed in the same group.
  • Some men only joined because of their friends.

The new soldiers received amateur training.

  • These training techniques did not keep up with technological developments.

The officers came from upper society families:

  • Some had never even seen Battle before.

Civic pride:

  • Towns competed to offer up the most recruits.
  • Hugely successful.

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IGCSE History: World War I – Recruiting. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/igcse-history-world-war-i-recruiting/

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