IGCSE Coordinated Science: Radiation

Topics: Physics

IGCSE Coordinated Science: Radiation


Recognize radiation as the method of heat transfer that does not require a medium to travel through.
Radiation, unlike conduction and convection, does not require a medium to travel through. It can travel through anything, including empty space (vacuum). A good example is the radiation from the Sun. Earth receives heat from the Sun through radiation. The heat is transferred through space (which we know is a huge vacuum) by radiation!

Describe experiments to show the properties of good and bad emitters and good and bad absorbers of infrared radiation.

Dark or black surfaces tend to be good emitters and absorbers of heat.
White or light-colored surfaces tend to be poor emitters and absorbers of heat.
Reflective surfaces will reflect the radiation and heat.
An easy experiment can be set up to see if a material is a good or poor emitter/absorber.

Place different materials of different colors under the sun or close to a source of heat radiation.

After a period of time, measure their temperature. The dark surfaces should be warmer because they are better absorbers of infrared radiation.
Identify infrared radiation as the part of the electromagnetic spectrum often involved in heat transfer by radiation.
Radiation is a type of thermal energy transfer due to electromagnetic waves.
All hot objects emit radiation.
The most prevalent form of heat transfer by radiation is infrared. An example of an electromagnetic wave is an infrared wave, which is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum.
It does not matter if you do not know what electromagnetic waves and spectrum mean! You will learn about them later.

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Basically, they are invisible waves that transfer energy.

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IGCSE Coordinated Science: Radiation. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/igcse-coordinated-science-radiation/

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