Ideas and opinions on the role of men in education.

For years, society has defined what is the appropriate occupation for each gender. Education has always been a field that is dominated by women. Even though the profession has grown to be more diverse there are many men whom still are disfavored in this profession. The childcare industry is still predominately controlled by women today. Unfortunately, there is a lot of concerns that take place on male educators who work with children, the biggest one being safety. However, having more males work in the educational system would help positively impact a wider variety of students, both male and female.


Intuitively, if asked society would characterize a preschool instructor as a female teacher, with a mild-mannered voice, with a sustaining aura. In examination men are not seen with these qualities. The stereotypical job that men hold are: mechanic, construction, automotive, and aircraft just to name a few. These are the positions that are more difficult and requires more masculinity. Typically, stereotypes that are gender based have had an impact on our educational system, our community, and the learning expectations for our children.

It is important to have diversity that reflects various backgrounds that are visible in our society today. A research study completed by J.W. White, states that students that are not in the majority are less likely to class participation. The reason behind this is minority students have an insecurity that their ideas or beliefs would be unaccepted compared to the majority. With that being said, the importance of male educators, their compensation, the positive role they play in young lives, and safety is a significant part of our educational system.

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The importance of male educators

Despite the many arguments that we’ve heard regarding male teachers in the classroom, the need for male images are overwhelmingly high, especially in minority communities. The benefits by far out way the controversy. Male educators have the unique opportunity to serve as positive role models, which is very much needed in a child’s development process.

Furthermore, what we have learned is that male educators provide a presence that also contributes to a child’s mental awareness of men as authority figures. Anne Watson states that “Schools are failing boys by not preparing them to achieve to the same extent as girls on high-stakes tests.”

In addition, having a male figure can provide necessary lifelong lessons. As well as being positive role models, male educators are eliminating the stigma that men are not nurturing, gentle, and sensitive.

The article, Male educators in parental representations, among stereotypes and change: care professionals, nature or nurture, analyzes the experiences of educational contexts with the presence of male educators or teachers, the parents and grandparents expressed very positive opinions, without noting differences in the behavioral styles of men or women and highlighting a generally enthusiastic attitude of the children.

Gender roles

In today’s society, gender role reversal is very prominent. There are tremendous benefits to having a male teacher in not only the classroom, but education as a whole. In addition to being positive role models, a male educator can bring certain attributes to the classroom that a female educator cannot. They can provide insight to a male’s perspective, which in return will offer a more diverse learning environment. According to the article Experiences of Male Counselor Educators: A Study of Relationship Boundaries, the study showed the “impact of being male upon their professional relationships.” The study then goes on to show that “their attitudes concerning the influence of gender on their relational behavior, as well as their relationship practices with students and colleagues.” This informs just how much of an impact a male has on an environment, and the benefits that come with it.

The salary wages

Although, many women have become the head of their household, men are still considered to be the breadwinners of their families. Another issue for male educators is the concern for teacher compensation. Teacher salary is an issue that affects all genders. Studies have also proven that low wages within the educational system continues to have a tremendous impact on student performance. The article Relative teacher salaries and the decision to teach, states that there has been “long‐standing problems of educational funding in many U.S. states and heightened concerns over low teacher pay because of potential links to student performance.” Teachers are paid based on the performance of their students. The salary that teachers receive has been a complaint from educators for many of years.

However, the occupational role of men has expanded in our educational system today. It is likely to find male educators in positions such as: principles, counselors, teachers, and even nurses. Regardless of the position that men hold in a female perceived occupation, there are disadvantages and advantages that still occur. In the article Men in pink collars, the idea that men are “aggressive, dominant, and competitive” is a stereotype threat that still rings true today. In contrast, men in female dominated positions hold better wages and promotional opportunities. The article goes on to say, “In a process that has been dubbed the ‘glass escalator’ men in female dominated workplaces tend to rise quickly to the top…have higher wages, receive better work opportunities and are promoted more quickly than their female colleagues.” This means that even with a tremendous negative stereotype against male educators, they still perform at exceptional rates.


In conclusion, society upholds men to be the breadwinner of the family still. This means that they are the bringing in the primary income to their household. However, due to the low wages many men can turn away from an educator position. Unfortunately, the educational system will always be dominated by women. I personally see and understand the positive attributes that a male figure plays in education. Thankfully, every day the profession is becoming more diverse and excepting of individuals differences. Although there are disadvantages to being a male in this industry, there are just as many advantages. Personally, I find that having more males working in the education system would help positively impact a wider variety of students.


  1. Kalokerinos, E. K., Kjelsaas, K., Bennetts, S., & Hippel, C. V. (2017). Men in pink collars: Stereotype threat and disengagement among male teachers and child protection workers. European Journal of Social Psychology,47(5), 553-565. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2246
  2. Opie, T. R., Livingston, B., Greenberg, D. N., & Murphy, W. M. (2018). Building gender inclusivity: Disentangling the influence of classroom demography on classroom participation. Higher Education,1-22. doi:
  3. Ray, D. C., Huffman, D. D., Christian, D. D., & Wilson, B. J. (2016). Experiences of male counselor educators: A study of relationship boundaries. The Professional Counselor, 6(2), 107-120. doi:
  4. Rickman, D. S., Wang, H., & Winters, J. V. (2016). Relative Teacher Salaries And The Decision To Teach. Contemporary Economic Policy,35(3), 542-550. doi:10.1111/coep.12195
  5. Watson, A. (2017). “Male Delivery”: A critical investigation of what boys have to say about the influence of male teachers on literacy engagement and achievement. Educational Review,69(1), 102-117. doi:10.1080/00131911.2016.

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Ideas and opinions on the role of men in education.
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