How Over-consumption Impacts Society and the Environment

The advances of technological progress have a significant impact on people’s lives. These aim to increase rates of life satisfaction as well as make multiple daily operations faster and more efficient. Nevertheless, not all the sides of the ptebedchnologically-rich lifestyle target coping with such issues as poverty, security of the planet as well as prosperity for all its citizens. In this regard, several essential elements should be taken into account to achieve both – economic growth and a safe and secure planet.

Currently, numerous problems need to be addressed to ensure the sustainable development of humankind. For instance, concerning a new sustainable development agenda, seventeen goals are set (“Sustainable Development Goals”). Nonetheless, only one of the most critical goals — which is responsible consumption and production – will be distinguished as an example.

In terms of modern society, people tend to use cutting-edge technology and buy a lot of goods to maintain their value and distinguish themselves from others. Due to such the outlook, producing more and more products for consumers has become the top purpose of the American economy (“The Story Of Stuff”).

Somehow, it is considered as m valuable than addressing the quality of healthcare and education, establishing a safe environment for the citizens, and many other social features which determine the prosperity of the country. In other words, the nation has become one of the consumers who would rather shop to find satisfaction in life. As follows, the behavior of the stakeholders — such as governments, huge corporations, groups of people, and each person separately — leads to the problem of natural resource run-out.

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It is reported that one-third of all planet resources have been already consumed (“The Story Of Stuff”). Regarding the fact of the growing population, it is a vital issue. For that, it is essential to learn how to use less but live a proper life at the same time.

Such a materialistic approach may cause a crisis in the economy of the country; however, the society itself is also affected. According to World Health Organization, air pollution from industry, in terms of which various goods are produced, is severe (“Ambient (Outdoor) Air Quality And Health”). For example, when trash gets burnt, dioxin – an extremely toxic chemical compound — is produced. It drastically affects women who breastfeed their newborns. When human breast milk – perhaps the most essential and sacred substance in the world-contains toxins and toxic chemicals, it should be an alarm signal for people to start protecting themselves. Moreover, in such manufactories, women of reproductive age regularly are exposed to toxins since they do not have other options but to work there in those conditions (“The Story Of Stuff”). As follows, goods production increases asthma and cancer rates significantly (“Ambient (Outdoor) Air Quality And Health”). As follows, notion noonly resourceses get wasted, but also people and communities do as well.

Since the problem of overconsumption of water, food, energy, and human resources is an actual problem, it should be addressed. For this reason, the question which refers to how many natural resources of the planet is determined by a particular person is a key one. The number of nutrients, fiber, energy, and physical space that one individual needs to live a proper life may be calculated in terms of the Ecological Footprint. In this regard, the amount of natural material consumed by the person, groups of people, or an activity, for example, manufacturing a particular product, is divided by the size of the area — whether it is land or sea — from which it was gathered (“Ecological Footprint Quiz”). It should be mentioned that it incorporates only biologically productive land and water areas, for example, such as forests and fishing ponds. Therefore, due to the Ecological Footprint, the impact of particular groups of people as well as specific individuals separately, and their activity on natural resources may be viewed.

Still, to control it, a systematic approach is needed. It is essential to raise the consumer awareness of moa re sustainable lifestyle and shift the focus from self-wellbeing to humankind’s prosperity in general. It is crucial to get government corporations, and every single person who lives on the planet involved (“Sustainable Development Goals”).

Therefore, responsible consumption and production are only possible concerning collective awareness. Every person affects the planet by consuming its resources. However, the incorrect use of those may become a significant problem for the humankind in future. In this regard, proper consumption and production of goods maintain a legitimate position in the sustainable development goals along with the other sixteen ones. In terms of s modern society, it should be understood that economic growth will not be possible if the primary provider of food, water, and energy resources – which is the planet itself – is not well-protected. Therefore, sustainable consumption is a critical element in promoting the quality of people’s lives and the planet’s conditions and should be a prominent aim of environmental policies and economic strategies.


  1. “Ambient (Outdoor Air Quality And Health.” World Health Organization, 2016,
  2. “Ecological Footprint Quiz | Earth Day Network.” Earth Day Network,
  3. “Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations.” United Nations Sustainable Development, 2015, development goals/.
  4. “The Story Of Stuff”. Story Of Stuff Project, 2009.

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How Over-consumption Impacts Society and the Environment. (2022, Jun 19). Retrieved from

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