How Maya Angelou's Poem "Equality" Uses Metaphors of Sight and Sound

Maya Angelou begins her poem by expressing her translations of the sector through the eyes of the uninformed, this effective poem begins with a rhyme scheme of ABCB with the first verse of the stanza is “you declare you notice me dimly” this verse has a sturdy and clean use of sound devises as it makes use of alliteration this verse the speaker emphasizes a powerful meaning in this verse, that African/Americans are seen dully however not understood completely to the truth that the society is ignorant.

The “you” in this poem is the brutal society we live by every day.

Within the 2nd verse, the speaker discusses the concept of being seen “through a glass which will not shine” this metaphor brings to my mind a photo of a spyglass which one individual can see something specific this suggests that society overlooks this subject and that it isn’t taken is severe because it ought to be moreover that the society is aware of this however tends to preserve quiet.

This stanza interrupts the rhyme scheme of the poem; however, it is figuratively used to interrupt the rhythm of persecution that African/Americans face. Angelou utilizes the verse of “equality, and I will be free” six times through this poem which infers to the conflict of equality and freedom they face day by day. The speaker likens equity with freedom, they live in the same location, with the same people, but they may be judged on their race which they aren’t able to trade.

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This stanza also implies the theme of racism and discrimination.

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How Maya Angelou's Poem "Equality" Uses Metaphors of Sight and Sound. (2022, Sep 27). Retrieved from

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