Holden's Loss of Innocence in A Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

As time has gone on everyone at some point loses their innocence. For some, it is sooner than for others. Some parents may try to shield their child, while other parents embrace and help their child through it. In the novel “Catcher in the Rye” By J. D. Salinger, one of the main themes is loss of innocence. The main character Holden Caulfield is a young teenage boy trying to handle the experience of losing his innocence. There are several ways that Salinger shows how Holden loses his innocence such as his use of vulgar language, calling a prostitute, and the use of alcohol and smoking throughout the book.

Whether we like it or not a majority of teenagers‘ curse at one point or another and Holden is no exception. Throughout the novel Holden cursed over 282 times. Many of the words that he used are not surprising for a kid his age to use.

Many teenagers find cursing a cool thing to do that proves just how grown up they are and that they are moving towards the point of life when they depart from the days of childhood innocence.

  In chapter 25 of the novel, Holden goes to his little sisters (Phoebe) school to leave a note for lunch to have her meet him. He wants to meet at the art museum to give her the money she gave him back. While walking through the hallway Holden sees ”fuck you” written on the hallway. This causes him to become even more depressed.

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Holden sees this as kids starting to lose their innocence at an even younger age. Even though it bothers him that the younger kids are subjected to the vulgar language it shows him as a hypocrite. He does not like the thought of his sister becoming a young lady but, it’s okay for him to curse all of the time.

The cursing throughout the novel shows how he loses his innocence as it is bringing forth the fact that Holden is growing up and getting closer to adulthood and he chooses to do this through cursing often, Not only does Holden start to lose his innocence through the use of vulgar language, he also started to become interested in sex like many teenagers do. But for Holden it was notjust some walk in the park. He had some chances to get intimate with different females, but he did not actually go through with It ever. Sunny the prostitute is a prime example of this in chapter 13. Holden is depressed and rather flustered and ends up running into Sunny‘s pimp who is the elevator operator. He talks with him and then the next thing you know Holden has a prostitute coming up to his hotel room. Once Sunny gets there all she wants to do is have sex and get her 5 dollars from Holden.

While Sunny is okay with it, Holden is rather uncomfortable with the situation and just wants to talk with her. Sunny feels no empathy for Holden and after some while Sunny gets irritated with Holden and takes her five bucks and leaves. While this is going on it shows that Holden thinks that he wants to have sex and thinks he’s ready but he really isn’t. It also brings forth the fact that Holden is making moves towards losing his innocence earlier on in the novel. The third thing that shows loss of innocence is Holden’s excessive use of smoking and alcohol, From just the first few chapters it already brings up Holden smoking cigarettes regularly. As the novel goes on the use of the two substances keeps growing. Holden also starts going to different night clubs and drinks.

At the end of chapter 18 and through chapter 20, Holden invites an old friend named Carl Louse out for some drinks at the local bar and nightclub called “Wicker”. Before his friend shows up Holden starts drinking and keeps progressing throughout the time that he Is there. Once his friend gets there he started to ask questions about sex and becomes very brazen, thus eventually annoying his friend to the point that he leaves. After Carl leaves Holden proceeds to drink heavily enough to the point that he is intoxicated and makes some poor choices that causes the girl Holden used to be very close with to abhor him. Holden believes that doing things that actual adults do is how growing up is.

In all actuality it ostracizes Holden from the other boys his age, In summary I feel that the author had his finger on the pulse of what it means to try and transition from youth to “adulthood” too soon, as many teens still do today. I also feel that Holden reflects most boys that I know today. They swear, smoke, drink and take drugs to be cool and show they are all grown up, when in fact it is just the opposite. The author also takes us on ajourney with the cost of being a “Holden” type person. The loss of friends and he way people View who we are. Parents should read this book today and take note of changes in the kids’ lives. This could help some parents in dealing with their kid‘s loss of innocence.

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Holden's Loss of Innocence in A Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. (2023, Apr 08). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/holden-s-loss-of-innocence-in-a-catcher-in-the-rye-by-j-d-salinger/

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