Guilford Lake State Park

One of the attractive sites most campers love in Ohio State when choosing RV parks is Guliford Lake State Park. The next time you find yourself near the Canton city of Ohio with or without your RV, Guilford Lake State Park is a place to be, as it is located at the beautiful county seat of Stark County.

Guilford lake State park has a total land area of 98 acres and the remaining part is about 396 acres of water body. The lake was obtained in 1927 by the government initially for the purpose of constructing a reservoir but it was converted into a park in 1932.

The beautiful landscape was previously a swampy area and this is an indication that the park is probably sited on a natural glazier lake, offering an amazing surface for all sort of camp activities. Another great thing is that the park offers a serene environment for family vacations with a tight security.

Unlike typical hotels, where people are known to stay on their own minding their own businesses, you can actually enjoy healthy and friendly conversation with your next camper.

You can also go fishing in the lake. If your passion is hunting, this Guilford Lake State Park houses wildlife and several species of birds. Guilford Lake experiences waterflow during both the fall and the spring season. Campers who are interested in different activities such as the hiking, picnicking, swimming, ice skating and fishing are sure to have a wonderful time at the Park.

Guilford Lake State Park is located in the Columbiana County of Hanover town.

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the northeast of Canton city, at the elegant county seat of Stark. It lies along the north of State Route 172, joining the U.S. Route 30 close to Lisbon. The 396 acres water body is located at one of the most wildest and rugged land in Ohio, the West Fork Branch of the Little Beaver Creek that makes it an exciting destination for adventurers and campers. A view from the 200 ft ridge gives you a breathtaking view of the lower level of the park. Could offer amazing captures for nature photography and the background of your pictures to stand out.

You can easily access Guilford Lake State Park by a RV or car, via the main road. You can get to Guilford park by just navigating alongside your campervan to enjoy the pleasant view offers by the sloppy landmark; traveling a distance of about 28 miles through the northeast of Canton city. And the local roads within the park will lead you to your destination in the park. Off the road, hiking is another great way of enjoying the park’s wildlife features.

You can walk from one place to the other in the camp conveniently and the facilities are not far away from each other. Whether you are in your rig or another vehicle, the parking lot is adequate to house your vehicles, even if you are staying overnight. Maximum number of vehicles per site is two (NB: A motorhome counts as one vehicle). You can also move from one point of the lake to another with the boat or canoe; further adding to the fun.

It is advisable not to walk off road during the night, as it is in every other places, moving around in the night could be dangerous.

With a valid Ohio fishing license, you are permitted to access the fishing pier located at southern region of the lake. And you can also decide to do something fishing while you enjoy the boating. There are different types of fishes at the Guilford Lake. The most popular types include the perch, bluegill, crappie and channel catfish. Free fishing comes up in May (The date varies and it is a statewide activity). Ohio recognises anglers with noteworthy catches with awards; you should strive to make a great catch on your next fishing outing at the park. Picnicking

There are eight picnic areas with tables and grills, located at various points around the lake where you and your loved ones can have a memorable time together. The grills and tables are sited not far away from the beach, which means you can enjoy the beautiful view offered the lake while you have a wonderful picnic time with your partner or friends. To acquire a picnic spot with your loved ones, it is advisable to make a reservation ahead of the date.

During the winter period, park visitors can enjoy maximum fun by engaging in ice skating and ice fishing, under proper conditions. A large population of park visitors will love the indoor games provided at the camp office, or prefer to be at the fireplace or motorhome, as this is an out-season activity, professional ice skating and ice fishing athletes can take advantage of the the winter and low population outside the camping areas to focus on their training in the park.

A large number of the park visitors enjoy to swim in the lake but swimming is permitted only in designated areas, where the swimming activities can be monitored by the park safety officials. A 600 feet public swimming beach is located on the northwest side of the lake. The facilities installed to offer you a great swimming experience include a bathhouse with changing booths and showers. The swimming area also has volleyball courts and horseshoe pits to add more spice to the fun. You are however advice to exercise always caution while swimming at the beach. Pets are NOT permitted on swimming beaches.

If hunting is something you love doing, at Guilford RV lake park, hunting for the waterfowls is allowed. The forest at about 20 miles from the park also houses some other small animals and birds which you can hunt while you explore your shooting skills. However, hunting activities at the park are guided by the Ohio hunting laws. During some periods, blinds are provided on a first-come, first-served basis to the campers at the park office.RV Camping

RV Camp Sites. (First Come, First Serve)

The campsite comprises of about 40 serene spots to park your RV. Each spot has an electricity outlet. At the campsites there are play areas, showers, flush toilets, picnic tables and fire-rings located close to your RVs. Also provided are a fishing dock for campers, safe drinking water, and a dump station to keep the rigs clean. The playground is well equipped with all the necessary equipment to keep the fun going for both the kids and adults alike. There is also a basketball court at the playground.

You do not have to worry about payment to gain entry into the park and access the facilities if you are going for just a walk with your domestic pets. But it is always advisable to reserve a space prior to your trip to the park for any camping activities. The cost of reservations is usually a very low price for a weekend. You can as well take your dog(s) along with you but the maximum number of pets allowed is just two per family. Your dog(s) will definitely love the walk within the park, because the terrain is comfortable and offers more exciting features to both man and their pets. This opportunity is however, not without its rules and regulations which aim is to help in keeping the park clean and safe for everyone. One of such rules and regulations is that the leash of your pets must not exceed 6 fts and must not be allowed to roam into restricted areas tagged ‘non pet-friendly’.

Teegarden Shelter House can accommodate a maximum of 50 individuals. The structure is constructed to ADA standard (2010) that makes it accessible to people living with disabilities. You can enjoy your camping experience with your pets all year round. The amenities at the Teegarden shelter house include a fire ring inside the house, and two large barbeque grills posts outside the structure. While the general parking space is wide enough to park 30 vehicles. Teegarden shelter provides a partial shade and it is very close to the playground and also provides an elegant view to the lake. The paved floor covers an area of 60’ x 40’ and has 10 picnic tables. The restrooms are just a few yards away from the building, likewise the hot showers. The camp house is situated at just about 400 yards from the playground and the beach.

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Guilford Lake State Park
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