Frankenstein's Love Of Science

Topics: Books

The following sample essay on “Frankenstein’s Love Of Science”: discussion on theme of nature, beauty and science.

This shows, and he uses a good metaphor to describe his feelings towards the above mentioned scientists – they were his gods and he was their disciple. This inspires Victor to go on to become a great doctor and physicist, studying at a university in Ingolstadt. It is here that Victor’s passions for learning the secrets of nature are revealed. These authors were not regarded as serious scientists in Victor’s world, and were shunned by his father, who dismissed them as “sad trash”, yet Frankenstein’s determination overruled this and he continued to learn more and more each day.

If it weren’t for these books, which were only read because of a flash of lightning, Victor would never have had a passion for science and would not have created the being in this novel, which means that the entire purpose of the novel can be traced back to a single bolt of lightning – a marvel of nature to young Frankenstein’s eyes.

This part of the book shows Victor’s enthusiasm for what is still merely a harmless game, “I had gazed upon the fortifications and impediments that seemed to keep human beings from entering the citadel of nature, and rashly and ignorantly I had repined. ” It is preparing the reader for what is to come, but the sheer volume of Victor’s interest is unstoppable and quite disturbing for a child of his age.

The novel is set at a time when science was of ever-growing importance, and this scared many people.

Theories were appearing which people did not understand, which went against everything they had assumed to happen in the world. People were finding out that all is not as it seems, and as more and more of the scientific world unfolded to society, the more and more people wanted to find. Some were obsessed with science, striving to find out new things, which only set people unnerved. They thought science would take the place of nature, but this novel goes to show that this is not true – instead, they can only work together, and as the importance of science grows, so does the importance of nature, especially in this novel. “Frankenstein” proves that science and nature can both work together in society, and shows how important they are in today’s communities.

At the time it was written, just after the French Revolution, people were also obsessed with romanticism and Gothicism. This novel incorporates both of these, by dealing with the social issues of poverty, unemployment and violence. It appealed to reader’s in Mary Shelley’s society, as well as our own today, and opened eyes to the dangers of society and the wonders of nature. The story of Frankenstein is about a man who creates something that meddles with the course of nature, and nature comes back to mess with him, which just goes to show the power of nature.

It presents nature as both beautiful and destructive at the same time. It shows that there is more to this world than meets the eye, and that all things are not either good or bad, it simply depends on how you use them. It reflects on Mary Shelley’s social background, suggesting that she wanted to try and change the world, or at least warn them of the consequences of certain actions, which are even more important now than ever. The book is very successful in both horrifying the reader, but also in discerning the dangers of interfering with the most powerful force in the world – nature.

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Frankenstein's Love Of Science. (2017, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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