Examples of Utopian and Dystopian Society in Animal Farm by George Orwell

The world is currently a very diverse place. There are no dystopian societies on Earth as of right now. Sadly, there are no utopian societies either. Many modern examples of literature show what it would be like to live in a dystopian or utopian society. The classic book Animal Farm by George Orwell shows examples of animals living in dystopian and Utopian societies. The book starts off with the animals living in a dystopian society. The animals have no choice, and are forced to work as slaves by an evil farmer: Mr.

Jones. The animals are treated as slaves and also food. They are forced to work, to work the land and produce food. Then, once they have lost their usefulness, they are killed. If they are good for food, then the animal may be eaten or sold for food. The animals are enslaved to the tyrannical farmer Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones and his farmhands will not hesitate to flog the animals if they are the least bit hesitant.

Eventually, an old hog named Old Major has a dream of an animal-ruled England, then dies two days later. This begins to spur the farm animals to plan a rebellion, For two months, nothing happens. Then, one day, Mr. Jones’ farmhands neglect to feed the animals all day. Mr. Jones (an alcoholic) goes and gets drunk. Thus, the animals are not fed for the entire day. The animals rebel, and take the farm. Mr. Jones runs away to go stay in a hotel.

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The farm begins to be shown in a utopian light. The animals rule themselves, and they prosper. They all get more food. They don’t have to work on Sundays. There is an assembly on Sunday morning, and the animals have the rest of the day off. The animals have an extremely relaxing day afterward.

They can sunbath, or frolic, or graze, just do whatever they want to. The animals revolutionize their harvest system. They harvest twice as much as Mr. Jones ever did. The animals settle into this way of life. Then an idealistic pig begins to rise, by the name of Snowball. Another, more skeptical pig begins to rise as a potential leader, Napoleon. Whenever Snowball took a side in an argument, it was guaranteed that Napoleon would oppose him. Snowball eventually took on the idea to build a windmill. He began a rally to build support for this plan. When support for him began to show, Napoleon signaled nine canines (who he had raised from puppies) to chase Snowball away. From that point, the story again represent a dystopian society.

Napoleon elects himself leader of Animal Farm. Slowly, he begins to neglect other species of animals, making things better for the pigs. The other animals slowly, but surely begin to be segregated and favored. The Seven Commandments began to change. Their farm began to change back to the way it was before, only this time, it was Napoleon, not Mr. Jones. The story ends with animals learning how to walk on two legs, the thing that the animals were opposing from the start. Then Napoleon attends a feast and he becomes indistinguishable from man. He renames Animal Farm, the Manor Farm again. The book Animal Farm exemplifies dystopian and utopian examples. Utopian and dystopian societies have been portrayed in many literatures. Animal Farm was one of the first. Books will continue to be represented.

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Examples of Utopian and Dystopian Society in Animal Farm by George Orwell. (2022, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/examples-of-utopian-and-dystopian-society-in-animal-farm-by-george-orwell/

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