Dangers of Drugs Towards Our Health

The following sample essay on “Dangers of Drugs Towards Our Health”: how drugs affect our health and well-being.

What comes on your mind after I say the word Drugs? Yes of course, drugs could be a term employed in Indonesia for narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances. On this occasion, I will inform you about the affect of drugs . To start with, I will explain the affect of drugs towards our health. Then, I will explain the affect of drugs towards our mental.

After that I will inform you the affect of drugs towards social environment.

First let me tell you about the affect of drugs towards our health. The first reason why drugs should be banned, because it can affect our health. For example drugs become fatal when used too much. When used in excess, then the drug could result in death. Many lives have been ruined by drug abuse. Therefore I believe that the use of drugs illegally should be banned.

Now I would like to move on to the affect of drugs towards our mental. There is no doubt that drug is dangerous and has ruined many lives. It has been found that drug addicts cannot live without drugs even for a while. Once they are addicted, they will come to the traffickers themselves to buy drugs, for example cigarettes, because cigarettes contain nicotine and tar, nicotine is what makes a person addicted to smoking. Drug abuse is an extremely serious issue in our country. Therefore seminar about the affect of drugs should be held.

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Lastly, I’m going to tell you the affect of drugs towards social environment. Education is disrupted and the future will be ruined. There are a number of example for this problem. For example usually students who use drugs would get expelled from their school, and their future would be ruined, because when looking for a job, usually the HRD tend to choose someone who doesn’t use drugs as it had been labeled negative. So, drugs victim must get rehabilitation.

In conclusion, drugs is bad for our health, mental and can ruin our future. So, what can we do for avoid drugs ? Prevention is better than cure. because once you try it, you will be stuck and then became addicted. We have so many examples around us, what happens to the user. They all lost their future. You will eventually be turned into criminals or take your life. I think we do not want such things to happen to ourselves and we should filter with whom we get along with.

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Dangers of Drugs Towards Our Health. (2019, Nov 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/dangers-of-drugs-towards-our-healthassalamu-alaikum-best-essay/

Dangers of Drugs Towards Our Health
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