Comparing the 2002 Ford Windstar to the Honda Civic

There are many similarities and differences between a 2002 Ford Windstar minivan and a Honda Civic. Some differences include the engine size, the weight of the vehicle, and the amount of room in each vehicle. The similarities are that they both can get you to your destination, you can transport things inside or outside the vehicle and they both have four wheels. To start off I will explain the features of the Ford Windstar. The engine is a 3.8 L Vet-cylinder, which can get up to 200 hp at 4900 rpm.

The weight of the vehicle is 4126 pounds. The Windstar can hold up to seven people. The Honda Civic is very different than the Windstar.

The engine in the Civic is a 1.8 L Inline 4-cylinder, which can get up to 140 hp at 6300 rpm. The Civic’s weight is lighter than the Windstar at 2640 pounds. Unlike the Windstar, the Civic only has room to hold five people. These two vehicles don’t just have differences but they also have some similarities, Both these vehicles can get you to where ever you need to go.

They also both have room to store things. or to transport things. There is a lot of room in the back where there are not seats to put things. Also they both have four wheels, Some vehicles will have six wheels which would put two extra on the back, but these two vehicles have the same amount. In the back of both vehicles is also a spare wheel for if one of the wheels goes flat or something happens to it.

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Comparing the 2002 Ford Windstar to the Honda Civic. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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