Children's Programming and Advertising

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This article tried to find out the impact of TV programs and advertisements to children. And identify how these affect to children both psychologically and physiologically, and then which kind of problems can occur, and then try to find the solutions for these problems. As you know the aim of the advertising is attract wide mass of people, and influence them for purchasing. Advertisers see children as a rich market. And they use a number of tricks to make ads more effective.

For instance, use children in advertisements, then use movie and cartoon characters’ products. Children are sensitive compared than others, and also they want to buy everything that they see on advertisements. That’s why children’s purchasing probability higher than others. Advertisements on TV try to promote the brand to children, and create brand awareness. Already, children can keep in memory two or three of brand names.


There are jobs that have continuity and will always exist even after years.

Advertising is the top priority of these professions. Advertising is an industry that is already built on interests and talents. Advertising is convinced people to buy goods or services without any enforcement. In today’s world, advertisements are everywhere. There are existing in every aspects of our life. And it shows us, advertising has become more important. Advertising is a way of announcement in order to encourage the audience to make a decision on the purchase of a product or service. We can see advertisements everywhere, including: roadside billboards, websites, store windows, inside bills, subway car walls, YouTube videos and etc.

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Advertising is one part of our daily life.

And it is wrong to conclude that advertisements are useful or harmful. It is in our hand to use it for good or bad. Advertisers are aware that young people, teenagers and children are emotional. And they attracting them with charming and mouth watering adverts. Children or teenagers, they will buy based on what their friends buy, they will buy what will make them more popular. Advertisements usually engage children with colorful pictures, and joyful plot, by this way they attract them to the advertised products. Also, subliminal messages are transmitted to children through cartoons and television programs.

Conflicts: Children are so focused on television and advertising and want to get everything they see, this can lead to a conflict between parents and children. This is considering one of the main problems. Because, children want to use, or buy advertised products. Purchase demand by children lead to parent’s denials.

Another problem is: misleading. Parents know that television commercials don’t show the true picture of the product and don’t tell the truth. It means that, advertisers use a lot of tricks for evoke interest and desire for products among children. And especially, children between the ages of 7 and 13 want to buy what they see in advertising because, they have their own pocket money. For example, promotions like: “buy corns and win different prizes”, it is hard for children to understand that such kind of lottery do not guarantee a win.

Approximately, 80% of advertising targeted to children based on 4 product categories. And one of them is food. None of the advertising targeting to children is fruits and vegetables. Junk food advertisements are heavily influence to children and increase the obesity. Another harmful effects of advertising is that, ads effects children not only psychological, but also physiological. When a small viewer watches commercials, he sits motionless or lies and ads completely seized his attention. Such inactivity leads to a slowdown in organism and the accumulation of fats in the child’s body. Instead of running, jumping and thus spending calories, the child on the contrary accumulate them. Children especially in age group of “0-3” will be too late, to talk with environment, when they stand in the front of TV.

It is noted that preschoolers and schoolchildren who are actively watching TV shows are prone to disobedience, the manifestations, of aggressive behaviors, temper, rudeness, conflict. They prefer to prove their innocence by fight. If the cartoon characters beat each other, if someone is killed in the cartoon, then it is not surprising that, children can then hit their younger brother or sister, they are aggressive towards adults, parents and some on the contrary become afraid of the people around them, become scared. They believe that children began to express their thoughts worse, since communication they are now replaced by watching TV.

Before years, family members gathered in the evenings and discussed what happened in a day and during such conversations children learned to verbally express their thoughts But, now the children come home from school and spend time at the TV screen. American pediatricians argue that for children under two years of age, the danger can be purely physical. Therefore, with such young children you need to talk, play, and communicate, rather than plugging them in with the TV. Children’s eyes from birth are designed to look at human faces.

When children watch much TV they will suffer from eye weakness and backache (back curvature). Also, TV affects children’s psychology. They become aggressive and quickly frustrated. To prevent this kind of problems, parents need to take a variety of measures. They should spend more time with their children and ensure their development.

This article is mainly useful for parents. The importance of this article to parents will be: parents can learn what to do so that their children do not watch TV for a long time. After reading this research paper parents should be more attentive with their children and keep them under control. And parents will once again witness of how advertising affects to their children.


In a nutshell, we take into consideration that, TV programs with advertising content influence children more. TV should not be the “head of family” and it is not a substitute mother or father. Sometimes we face, parents for various reasons can not take the time to play with their child. And, in these situations, baby is left alone at home and TV plays a role of nanny. From this opinion we consider that, some parents for doing their work, they give the child opportunity to watch TV more hours. Especially in children who are encouraged to watch TV in order to have a comfortable meal or to sit calmly, the habit of watching TV will continue in the following years. But it is not right decision.

Parents can entertain the child with something else, for example, drawing, painting, sculpting different figures from plasticine and etc. From this study we understand that, how advertisements get interest of children and what they use. And we learn from that, they use mainly toys, candies, foods and cartoon’s products. And, of course it should be remembered that no modern gadget can replace lively family communication, walks in the fresh air and frank conversations from the heart. This study find out that, parents must get used to child to watch educational films, cartoons that teach child to think and furthermore parents can watch films and cartoons with them, for explaining what is right and what is wrong.

Children’s personalities are very complex and should not be left alone in front of the TV. Because TV can affect children directly. Every child can interpret the violence on TV differently according to his / her age and personality traits. However, watching images of constant violence can become a normal reaction for the child. It is important for parents to talk with their children about violence which is their children see on the television. It can be useful, to discuss with children, why violence is happen, what are the reasons of this? It is particularly necessary to avoid exposing very young children to scary images. Parents thought that scary or terrible images could cause unnecessary distress.

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Children's Programming and Advertising. (2019, Dec 16). Retrieved from

Children's Programming and Advertising
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