Artist On Bruce Nauman

Topics: Artists

The made abstract art that seemed useless in many scenarios. One example of that is his work “Stairway 2000,” which was just regular stair going up and down a hill. His art closely resembles that of Marcel Duchamp in which he makes art that is useless and wouldn’t really have no benefit in using. But unlike Marcel Duchamp, Bruce Nauman was proud of his work and saw it as art and worth something to him. In Nauman’s, “Setting a Good Corner 2000,” when he was finished you can see in his facial expression that he was happy with his work.

With him implementing the wooden beams it seems to me that he likes the effort he puts into his art.

With the beginning of the introduction of Nauman when looking at the video of the mice he would look at different parts of the screen because if you were to look one place the entire time you might miss something exciting.

That makes me feel like I should be patient and view everything and not to focus on one topic. Kerry James Marshall is an artist who expresses his emotions into his artwork. He usually goes through old paintings to make modern art understandable to the average viewer. Ever since he was small, he looked at his past teachers’ scrapbooks and used those to improve his skills. In his is artwork “Home,” it shows just an ordinary household, but in the inside, there are so many people with different problems that do not show on the outside.

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The film “Laid to Rest 1998,” was a little confusing at first, but after watching again, I saw that blacks were killing themselves inside their own safe place. I like the way Kerry James Marshall uses his artwork to discuss problems that are occurring even today. It’s amazing to see Kerry James Marshall use past paintings or African art and sculptures to give inspiration to some of his artworks and put modern themes into them. I like the point he makes when he explains his comics and how making his own comics to show diversity. To me, that point he is trying to say is everyone should be equal, and his emotions show in all the work he does.

Maya Lin is an artist that lets nature and architecture inspire her. I like the idea that she did with the Fry Foundation. Lin took the ideas of the different states of matter such as water, liquid, gas and solid. I like the idea of making a fountain and a mist area and the ice-skating rink. With the ice-skating rink, I like the idea that she did with the night sky into the pool of water so that she can make the area appealing. What I also thought was interesting was the way she designed a playground using recycled rubber. I like that idea because it can inspire other playgrounds to use this recycle rubber and not have so much wasted rubber tires sitting in piles waiting for it to erode. I like the natural ideas that Maya Lin uses in her artworks.

Louise Bourgeois is an artist to me who grew up in a time of women role was to be a homemaker and left the inventing of art and creativity to the men. She creates her work through her emotions and hopes she is able to reach the audience. If you do not understand what she means in her art, then she has not accomplished her goal and has disappointed her audience. Her sculptures represent unity and help. What I understood is that if people cannot help one another what is the purpose of life if no one is there for one another. Her black hand’s sculpture represents the same meaning of unity and equality of all humankind. That is what I gather from her explanation of her artwork.

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Artist On Bruce Nauman. (2021, Dec 18). Retrieved from

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